util.system: avoid buffering of subprocess output when it is piped
util.system() copies subprocess' output through pipe if output file is not
stdout. Because a file iterator has internal buffering, output won't be
flushed until enough data is available. Therefore, it could easily miss
important messages such as "waiting for lock".
import os
from mercurial import ui, commands, extensions
ignore = set(['highlight', 'win32text', 'factotum'])
if os.name != 'nt':
disabled = [ext for ext in extensions.disabled().keys() if ext not in ignore]
hgrc = open(os.environ["HGRCPATH"], 'w')
for ext in disabled:
hgrc.write(ext + '=\n')
u = ui.ui()
globalshort = set()
globallong = set()
for option in commands.globalopts:
option[0] and globalshort.add(option[0])
option[1] and globallong.add(option[1])
for cmd, entry in commands.table.iteritems():
seenshort = globalshort.copy()
seenlong = globallong.copy()
for option in entry[1]:
if (option[0] and option[0] in seenshort) or \
(option[1] and option[1] in seenlong):
print "command '" + cmd + "' has duplicate option " + str(option)