view tests/ @ 23700:a4958cdb2202

context: cache self._status correctly at workingctx.status Before this patch, "workingctx.status" always replaces "self._status" by the recent result, even though: - status isn't calculated against the parent of the working directory, or - specified "match" isn't "always" one (status is only visible partially) If "workingctx" object is shared between some procedures indirectly referring "ctx._status", this incorrect caching may cause unexpected result: for example, "ctx._status" is used via "manifest()", "files()" and so on. To cache "self._status" correctly at "workingctx.status", this patch overwrites "self._status" in "workingctx._buildstatus" only when: - status is calculated against the parent of the working directory, and - specified "match" is "always" one This patch can be applied (and effective) only on default branch, because procedure around "basectx.status" is much different between stable and default: for example, overwriting "self._status" itself is executed not in "workingctx._buildstatus" but in "workingctx._poststatus", on stable branch.
author FUJIWARA Katsunori <>
date Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:55:43 +0900
parents 4eaea93b3e5b
children 33e5431684c0
line wrap: on
line source

import os
from mercurial import hg, ui, context, encoding

u = ui.ui()

repo = hg.repository(u, 'test1', create=1)

# create 'foo' with fixed time stamp
f = open('foo', 'wb')
os.utime('foo', (1000, 1000))

# add+commit 'foo'
repo.commit(text='commit1', date="0 0")

print " =", repo[None]['foo'].date()

# test memctx with non-ASCII commit message

def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
    return context.memfilectx(repo, "foo", "")

ctx = context.memctx(repo, ['tip', None],
                     ["foo"], filectxfn)
for enc in "ASCII", "Latin-1", "UTF-8":
    encoding.encoding = enc
    print "%-8s: %s" % (enc, repo["tip"].description())

# test performing a status

def getfilectx(repo, memctx, f):
    fctx = memctx.parents()[0][f]
    data, flags =, fctx.flags()
    if f == 'foo':
        data += 'bar\n'
    return context.memfilectx(repo, f, data, 'l' in flags, 'x' in flags)

ctxa = repo.changectx(0)
ctxb = context.memctx(repo, [ctxa.node(), None], "test diff", ["foo"],
                      getfilectx, ctxa.user(),

print ctxb.status(ctxa)

# test performing a diff on a memctx

for d in ctxb.diff(ctxa, git=True):
    print d

# test safeness and correctness of "cxt.status()"
print '= checking context.status():'

# ancestor "wcctx ~ 2"
actx2 = repo['.']

repo.wwrite('bar-m', 'bar-m\n', '')
repo.wwrite('bar-r', 'bar-r\n', '')
repo[None].add(['bar-m', 'bar-r'])
repo.commit(text='add bar-m, bar-r', date="0 0")

# ancestor "wcctx ~ 1"
actx1 = repo['.']

repo.wwrite('bar-m', 'bar-m bar-m\n', '')
repo.wwrite('bar-a', 'bar-a\n', '')

# status at this point:
#   M bar-m
#   A bar-a
#   R bar-r
#   C foo

from mercurial import scmutil

print '== checking workingctx.status:'

wctx = repo[None]
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))

print actx1.status(other=wctx,
                   match=scmutil.matchfiles(repo, ['bar-m', 'foo']))
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))
print actx2.status(other=wctx,
                   match=scmutil.matchfiles(repo, ['bar-m', 'foo']))
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))