revset: added baseset class (still empty) to improve revset performance
This class is going to be used to cache the set that is created from this list
in many cases while evaluating a revset.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="">
<?include guids.wxi ?>
<?include defines.wxi ?>
<?define hg_po_langs =
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
<Directory Id="i18ndir" Name="i18n" FileSource="$(var.SourceDir)">
<Component Id="i18nFolder" Guid="$(var.i18nFolder.guid)" Win64='$(var.IsX64)'>
<File Name="hggettext" KeyPath="yes" />
<?foreach LANG in $(var.hg_po_langs) ?>
<File Id="hg.$(var.LANG).po"