git: skeleton of a new extension to _directly_ operate on git repos
This is based in part of work I did years ago in hgit, but it's mostly
new code since I'm using pygit2 instead of dulwich and the hg storage
interfaces have improved. Some cleanup of old hgit code by Pulkit,
which I greatly appreciate.
test-git-interop.t does not cover a whole lot of cases, but it
passes. It includes status, diff, making a new commit, and `hg annotate`
working on the git repository.
This is _not_ (yet) production quality code: this is an
experiment. Known technical debt lurking in this implementation:
* Writing bookmarks just totally ignores transactions.
* The way progress is threaded down into the gitstore is awful.
* Ideally we'd find a way to incrementally reindex DAGs. I'm not sure
how to do that efficiently, so we might need a "known only fast-forwards"
mode on the DAG indexer for use on `hg commit` and friends.
* We don't even _try_ to do anything reasonable for `hg pull` or `hg push`.
* Mercurial need an interface for the changelog type.
Tests currently require git 2.24 as far as I'm aware: `git status` has
some changed output that I didn't try and handle in a compatible way.
This patch has produced some interesting cleanups, most recently on
the manifest type. I expect continuing down this road will produce
other meritorious cleanups throughout our code.
Differential Revision:
# -- remotefilelog utilities
# Copyright 2014 Facebook, Inc.
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import errno
import os
import stat
import struct
import tempfile
from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial.pycompat import open
from mercurial import (
from mercurial.utils import (
from . import constants
if not pycompat.iswindows:
import grp
def isenabled(repo):
"""returns whether the repository is remotefilelog enabled or not"""
return constants.SHALLOWREPO_REQUIREMENT in repo.requirements
def getcachekey(reponame, file, id):
pathhash = node.hex(hashutil.sha1(file).digest())
return os.path.join(reponame, pathhash[:2], pathhash[2:], id)
def getlocalkey(file, id):
pathhash = node.hex(hashutil.sha1(file).digest())
return os.path.join(pathhash, id)
def getcachepath(ui, allowempty=False):
cachepath = ui.config(b"remotefilelog", b"cachepath")
if not cachepath:
if allowempty:
return None
raise error.Abort(
_(b"could not find config option remotefilelog.cachepath")
return util.expandpath(cachepath)
def getcachepackpath(repo, category):
cachepath = getcachepath(repo.ui)
if category != constants.FILEPACK_CATEGORY:
return os.path.join(cachepath,, b'packs', category)
return os.path.join(cachepath,, b'packs')
def getlocalpackpath(base, category):
return os.path.join(base, b'packs', category)
def createrevlogtext(text, copyfrom=None, copyrev=None):
"""returns a string that matches the revlog contents in a
traditional revlog
meta = {}
if copyfrom or text.startswith(b'\1\n'):
if copyfrom:
meta[b'copy'] = copyfrom
meta[b'copyrev'] = copyrev
text = storageutil.packmeta(meta, text)
return text
def parsemeta(text):
"""parse mercurial filelog metadata"""
meta, size = storageutil.parsemeta(text)
if text.startswith(b'\1\n'):
s = text.index(b'\1\n', 2)
text = text[s + 2 :]
return meta or {}, text
def sumdicts(*dicts):
"""Adds all the values of *dicts together into one dictionary. This assumes
the values in *dicts are all summable.
e.g. [{'a': 4', 'b': 2}, {'b': 3, 'c': 1}] -> {'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 1}
result = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for dict in dicts:
for k, v in pycompat.iteritems(dict):
result[k] += v
return result
def prefixkeys(dict, prefix):
"""Returns ``dict`` with ``prefix`` prepended to all its keys."""
result = {}
for k, v in pycompat.iteritems(dict):
result[prefix + k] = v
return result
def reportpackmetrics(ui, prefix, *stores):
dicts = [s.getmetrics() for s in stores]
dict = prefixkeys(sumdicts(*dicts), prefix + b'_')
ui.log(prefix + b"_packsizes", b"\n", **pycompat.strkwargs(dict))
def _parsepackmeta(metabuf):
"""parse datapack meta, bytes (<metadata-list>) -> dict
The dict contains raw content - both keys and values are strings.
Upper-level business may want to convert some of them to other types like
integers, on their own.
raise ValueError if the data is corrupted
metadict = {}
offset = 0
buflen = len(metabuf)
while buflen - offset >= 3:
key = metabuf[offset : offset + 1]
offset += 1
metalen = struct.unpack_from(b'!H', metabuf, offset)[0]
offset += 2
if offset + metalen > buflen:
raise ValueError(b'corrupted metadata: incomplete buffer')
value = metabuf[offset : offset + metalen]
metadict[key] = value
offset += metalen
if offset != buflen:
raise ValueError(b'corrupted metadata: redundant data')
return metadict
def _buildpackmeta(metadict):
"""reverse of _parsepackmeta, dict -> bytes (<metadata-list>)
The dict contains raw content - both keys and values are strings.
Upper-level business may want to serialize some of other types (like
integers) to strings before calling this function.
raise ProgrammingError when metadata key is illegal, or ValueError if
length limit is exceeded
metabuf = b''
for k, v in sorted(pycompat.iteritems((metadict or {}))):
if len(k) != 1:
raise error.ProgrammingError(b'packmeta: illegal key: %s' % k)
if len(v) > 0xFFFE:
raise ValueError(
b'metadata value is too long: 0x%x > 0xfffe' % len(v)
metabuf += k
metabuf += struct.pack(b'!H', len(v))
metabuf += v
# len(metabuf) is guaranteed representable in 4 bytes, because there are
# only 256 keys, and for each value, len(value) <= 0xfffe.
return metabuf
_metaitemtypes = {
constants.METAKEYFLAG: (int, pycompat.long),
constants.METAKEYSIZE: (int, pycompat.long),
def buildpackmeta(metadict):
"""like _buildpackmeta, but typechecks metadict and normalize it.
This means, METAKEYSIZE and METAKEYSIZE should have integers as values,
and METAKEYFLAG will be dropped if its value is 0.
newmeta = {}
for k, v in pycompat.iteritems(metadict or {}):
expectedtype = _metaitemtypes.get(k, (bytes,))
if not isinstance(v, expectedtype):
raise error.ProgrammingError(b'packmeta: wrong type of key %s' % k)
# normalize int to binary buffer
if int in expectedtype:
# optimization: remove flag if it's 0 to save space
if k == constants.METAKEYFLAG and v == 0:
v = int2bin(v)
newmeta[k] = v
return _buildpackmeta(newmeta)
def parsepackmeta(metabuf):
"""like _parsepackmeta, but convert fields to desired types automatically.
This means, METAKEYFLAG and METAKEYSIZE fields will be converted to
metadict = _parsepackmeta(metabuf)
for k, v in pycompat.iteritems(metadict):
if k in _metaitemtypes and int in _metaitemtypes[k]:
metadict[k] = bin2int(v)
return metadict
def int2bin(n):
"""convert a non-negative integer to raw binary buffer"""
buf = bytearray()
while n > 0:
buf.insert(0, n & 0xFF)
n >>= 8
return bytes(buf)
def bin2int(buf):
"""the reverse of int2bin, convert a binary buffer to an integer"""
x = 0
for b in bytearray(buf):
x <<= 8
x |= b
return x
def parsesizeflags(raw):
"""given a remotefilelog blob, return (headersize, rawtextsize, flags)
see remotefilelogserver.createfileblob for the format.
raise RuntimeError if the content is illformed.
size = None
index = raw.index(b'\0')
header = raw[:index]
if header.startswith(b'v'):
# v1 and above, header starts with 'v'
if header.startswith(b'v1\n'):
for s in header.split(b'\n'):
if s.startswith(constants.METAKEYSIZE):
size = int(s[len(constants.METAKEYSIZE) :])
elif s.startswith(constants.METAKEYFLAG):
flags = int(s[len(constants.METAKEYFLAG) :])
raise RuntimeError(
b'unsupported remotefilelog header: %s' % header
# v0, str(int(size)) is the header
size = int(header)
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError("unexpected remotefilelog header: illegal format")
if size is None:
raise RuntimeError("unexpected remotefilelog header: no size found")
return index + 1, size, flags
def buildfileblobheader(size, flags, version=None):
"""return the header of a remotefilelog blob.
see remotefilelogserver.createfileblob for the format.
approximately the reverse of parsesizeflags.
version could be 0 or 1, or None (auto decide).
# choose v0 if flags is empty, otherwise v1
if version is None:
version = int(bool(flags))
if version == 1:
header = b'v1\n%s%d\n%s%d' % (
elif version == 0:
if flags:
raise error.ProgrammingError(b'fileblob v0 does not support flag')
header = b'%d' % size
raise error.ProgrammingError(b'unknown fileblob version %d' % version)
return header
def ancestormap(raw):
offset, size, flags = parsesizeflags(raw)
start = offset + size
mapping = {}
while start < len(raw):
divider = raw.index(b'\0', start + 80)
currentnode = raw[start : (start + 20)]
p1 = raw[(start + 20) : (start + 40)]
p2 = raw[(start + 40) : (start + 60)]
linknode = raw[(start + 60) : (start + 80)]
copyfrom = raw[(start + 80) : divider]
mapping[currentnode] = (p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom)
start = divider + 1
return mapping
def readfile(path):
f = open(path, b'rb')
result =
# we should never have empty files
if not result:
raise IOError(b"empty file: %s" % path)
return result
def unlinkfile(filepath):
if pycompat.iswindows:
# On Windows, os.unlink cannnot delete readonly files
os.chmod(filepath, stat.S_IWUSR)
def renamefile(source, destination):
if pycompat.iswindows:
# On Windows, os.rename cannot rename readonly files
# and cannot overwrite destination if it exists
os.chmod(source, stat.S_IWUSR)
if os.path.isfile(destination):
os.chmod(destination, stat.S_IWUSR)
os.rename(source, destination)
def writefile(path, content, readonly=False):
dirname, filename = os.path.split(path)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
except OSError as ex:
if ex.errno != errno.EEXIST:
fd, temp = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=b'.%s-' % filename, dir=dirname)
f = util.posixfile(temp, b'wb')
if readonly:
mode = 0o444
# tempfiles are created with 0o600, so we need to manually set the
# mode.
oldumask = os.umask(0)
# there's no way to get the umask without modifying it, so set it
# back
mode = ~oldumask
renamefile(temp, path)
os.chmod(path, mode)
except Exception:
except OSError:
def sortnodes(nodes, parentfunc):
"""Topologically sorts the nodes, using the parentfunc to find
the parents of nodes."""
nodes = set(nodes)
childmap = {}
parentmap = {}
roots = []
# Build a child and parent map
for n in nodes:
parents = [p for p in parentfunc(n) if p in nodes]
parentmap[n] = set(parents)
for p in parents:
childmap.setdefault(p, set()).add(n)
if not parents:
# Process roots, adding children to the queue as they become roots
results = []
while roots:
n = roots.pop(0)
if n in childmap:
children = childmap[n]
for c in children:
childparents = parentmap[c]
if len(childparents) == 0:
# insert at the beginning, that way child nodes
# are likely to be output immediately after their
# parents. This gives better compression results.
roots.insert(0, c)
return results
def readexactly(stream, n):
'''read n bytes from and abort if less was available'''
s =
if len(s) < n:
raise error.Abort(
_(b"stream ended unexpectedly (got %d bytes, expected %d)")
% (len(s), n)
return s
def readunpack(stream, fmt):
data = readexactly(stream, struct.calcsize(fmt))
return struct.unpack(fmt, data)
def readpath(stream):
rawlen = readexactly(stream, constants.FILENAMESIZE)
pathlen = struct.unpack(constants.FILENAMESTRUCT, rawlen)[0]
return readexactly(stream, pathlen)
def readnodelist(stream):
rawlen = readexactly(stream, constants.NODECOUNTSIZE)
nodecount = struct.unpack(constants.NODECOUNTSTRUCT, rawlen)[0]
for i in pycompat.xrange(nodecount):
yield readexactly(stream, constants.NODESIZE)
def readpathlist(stream):
rawlen = readexactly(stream, constants.PATHCOUNTSIZE)
pathcount = struct.unpack(constants.PATHCOUNTSTRUCT, rawlen)[0]
for i in pycompat.xrange(pathcount):
yield readpath(stream)
def getgid(groupname):
gid = grp.getgrnam(pycompat.fsdecode(groupname)).gr_gid
return gid
except KeyError:
return None
def setstickygroupdir(path, gid, warn=None):
if gid is None:
os.chown(path, -1, gid)
os.chmod(path, 0o2775)
except (IOError, OSError) as ex:
if warn:
warn(_(b'unable to chown/chmod on %s: %s\n') % (path, ex))
def mkstickygroupdir(ui, path):
"""Creates the given directory (if it doesn't exist) and give it a
particular group with setgid enabled."""
gid = None
groupname = ui.config(b"remotefilelog", b"cachegroup")
if groupname:
gid = getgid(groupname)
if gid is None:
ui.warn(_(b'unable to resolve group name: %s\n') % groupname)
# we use a single stat syscall to test the existence and mode / group bit
st = None
st = os.stat(path)
except OSError:
if st:
# exists
if (st.st_mode & 0o2775) != 0o2775 or st.st_gid != gid:
# permission needs to be fixed
setstickygroupdir(path, gid, ui.warn)
oldumask = os.umask(0o002)
missingdirs = [path]
path = os.path.dirname(path)
while path and not os.path.exists(path):
path = os.path.dirname(path)
for path in reversed(missingdirs):
except OSError as ex:
if ex.errno != errno.EEXIST:
for path in missingdirs:
setstickygroupdir(path, gid, ui.warn)
def getusername(ui):
return stringutil.shortuser(ui.username())
except Exception:
return b'unknown'
def getreponame(ui):
reponame = ui.config(b'paths', b'default')
if reponame:
return os.path.basename(reponame)
return b"unknown"