tests: use simple mock smtp server instead of deprecated asyncore smtpd
test-patchbomb-tls.t would fail with:
.../hg/tests/dummysmtpd.py:6: DeprecationWarning: The asyncore module is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12. The recommended replacement is asyncio
import asyncore
.../hg/tests/dummysmtpd.py:8: DeprecationWarning: The smtpd module is deprecated and unmaintained and will be removed in Python 3.12. Please see aiosmtpd (https://aiosmtpd.readthedocs.io/) for the recommended replacement.
import smtpd
The recommended migration path to the standalone asiosmtpd would be overkill.
The tests do not need a full smtp server - we can just use a very simple mock
hack to preserve the existing test coverage.
$ hg init a
$ cd a
$ touch a; hg commit -qAm_
$ hg bookmark $(for i in $($TESTDIR/seq.py 0 20); do echo b$i; done)
$ hg clone . ../b -q
$ cd ../b
Checking that when lookup multiple bookmarks in one go, if one of them
fails (thus causing the sshpeer to be stopped), the errors from the
further lookups don't result in tracebacks.
$ hg pull -r b0 -r nosuchbookmark $(for i in $($TESTDIR/seq.py 1 20); do echo -r b$i; done) ssh://user@dummy/$(pwd)/../a
pulling from ssh://user@dummy/$TESTTMP/b/../a
abort: unknown revision 'nosuchbookmark'