author Augie Fackler <>
Fri, 06 Mar 2015 21:29:47 -0500
changeset 24226 b992769dd1be
parent 23223 a4af6fd99fb0
child 25205 ff2ec757aacb
permissions -rw-r--r--
manifest: use custom C implementation of lazymanifest This version is actually lazy, unlike the pure-python version. The latter could stand to be optimized if anyone actually wants to use it seriously. I put no work into it. Before any of my related changes on mozilla-central: perfmanifest tip ! wall 0.268805 comb 0.260000 user 0.260000 sys 0.000000 (best of 37) perftags ! result: 162 ! wall 0.007099 comb 0.000000 user 0.000000 sys 0.000000 (best of 401) perfstatus ! wall 0.415680 comb 0.420000 user 0.260000 sys 0.160000 (best of 24) hgperf export tip ! wall 0.142118 comb 0.140000 user 0.140000 sys 0.000000 (best of 67) after all of my changes on mozilla-central: ./hg: perfmanifest tip ! wall 0.232640 comb 0.230000 user 0.220000 sys 0.010000 (best of 43) perftags ! result: 162 ! wall 0.007057 comb 0.010000 user 0.000000 sys 0.010000 (best of 395) perfstatus ! wall 0.415503 comb 0.420000 user 0.280000 sys 0.140000 (best of 24) hgperf export tip ! wall 0.025096 comb 0.030000 user 0.030000 sys 0.000000 (best of 102) so it's no real change in performance on perf{manifest,tags,status}, but is a huge win on 'hgperf export tip'. There's a little performance work that could still be done here: fastdelta() could be done significantly more intelligently by using the internal state of the lazymanifest type in C, but that seems like good future work.

# - mail sending bits for mercurial
# Copyright 2006 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from i18n import _
import util, encoding, sslutil
import os, smtplib, socket, quopri, time, sys
import email
# On python2.4 you have to import these by name or they fail to
# load. This was not a problem on Python 2.7.
import email.Header
import email.MIMEText

_oldheaderinit = email.Header.Header.__init__
def _unifiedheaderinit(self, *args, **kw):
    Python 2.7 introduces a backwards incompatible change
    (Python issue1974, r70772) in email.Generator.Generator code:
    pre-2.7 code passed "continuation_ws='\t'" to the Header
    constructor, and 2.7 removed this parameter.

    Default argument is continuation_ws=' ', which means that the
    behaviour is different in <2.7 and 2.7

    We consider the 2.7 behaviour to be preferable, but need
    to have an unified behaviour for versions 2.4 to 2.7
    # override continuation_ws
    kw['continuation_ws'] = ' '
    _oldheaderinit(self, *args, **kw)

email.Header.Header.__dict__['__init__'] = _unifiedheaderinit

class STARTTLS(smtplib.SMTP):
    '''Derived class to verify the peer certificate for STARTTLS.

    This class allows to pass any keyword arguments to SSL socket creation.
    def __init__(self, sslkwargs, **kwargs):
        smtplib.SMTP.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self._sslkwargs = sslkwargs

    def starttls(self, keyfile=None, certfile=None):
        if not self.has_extn("starttls"):
            msg = "STARTTLS extension not supported by server"
            raise smtplib.SMTPException(msg)
        (resp, reply) = self.docmd("STARTTLS")
        if resp == 220:
            self.sock = sslutil.ssl_wrap_socket(self.sock, keyfile, certfile,
            if not util.safehasattr(self.sock, "read"):
                # using httplib.FakeSocket with Python 2.5.x or earlier
       = self.sock.recv
            self.file = smtplib.SSLFakeFile(self.sock)
            self.helo_resp = None
            self.ehlo_resp = None
            self.esmtp_features = {}
            self.does_esmtp = 0
        return (resp, reply)

if util.safehasattr(smtplib.SMTP, '_get_socket'):
    class SMTPS(smtplib.SMTP):
        '''Derived class to verify the peer certificate for SMTPS.

        This class allows to pass any keyword arguments to SSL socket creation.
        def __init__(self, sslkwargs, keyfile=None, certfile=None, **kwargs):
            self.keyfile = keyfile
            self.certfile = certfile
            smtplib.SMTP.__init__(self, **kwargs)
            self.default_port = smtplib.SMTP_SSL_PORT
            self._sslkwargs = sslkwargs

        def _get_socket(self, host, port, timeout):
            if self.debuglevel > 0:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'connect:', (host, port)
            new_socket = socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout)
            new_socket = sslutil.ssl_wrap_socket(new_socket,
                                                 self.keyfile, self.certfile,
            self.file = smtplib.SSLFakeFile(new_socket)
            return new_socket
    def SMTPS(sslkwargs, keyfile=None, certfile=None, **kwargs):
        raise util.Abort(_('SMTPS requires Python 2.6 or later'))

def _smtp(ui):
    '''build an smtp connection and return a function to send mail'''
    local_hostname = ui.config('smtp', 'local_hostname')
    tls = ui.config('smtp', 'tls', 'none')
    # backward compatible: when tls = true, we use starttls.
    starttls = tls == 'starttls' or util.parsebool(tls)
    smtps = tls == 'smtps'
    if (starttls or smtps) and not util.safehasattr(socket, 'ssl'):
        raise util.Abort(_("can't use TLS: Python SSL support not installed"))
    mailhost = ui.config('smtp', 'host')
    if not mailhost:
        raise util.Abort(_(' not configured - cannot send mail'))
    verifycert = ui.config('smtp', 'verifycert', 'strict')
    if verifycert not in ['strict', 'loose']:
        if util.parsebool(verifycert) is not False:
            raise util.Abort(_('invalid smtp.verifycert configuration: %s')
                             % (verifycert))
        verifycert = False
    if (starttls or smtps) and verifycert:
        sslkwargs = sslutil.sslkwargs(ui, mailhost)
        sslkwargs = {}
    if smtps:
        ui.note(_('(using smtps)\n'))
        s = SMTPS(sslkwargs, local_hostname=local_hostname)
    elif starttls:
        s = STARTTLS(sslkwargs, local_hostname=local_hostname)
        s = smtplib.SMTP(local_hostname=local_hostname)
    if smtps:
        defaultport = 465
        defaultport = 25
    mailport = util.getport(ui.config('smtp', 'port', defaultport))
    ui.note(_('sending mail: smtp host %s, port %s\n') %
            (mailhost, mailport))
    s.connect(host=mailhost, port=mailport)
    if starttls:
        ui.note(_('(using starttls)\n'))
    if (starttls or smtps) and verifycert:
        ui.note(_('(verifying remote certificate)\n'))
        sslutil.validator(ui, mailhost)(s.sock, verifycert == 'strict')
    username = ui.config('smtp', 'username')
    password = ui.config('smtp', 'password')
    if username and not password:
        password = ui.getpass()
    if username and password:
        ui.note(_('(authenticating to mail server as %s)\n') %
            s.login(username, password)
        except smtplib.SMTPException, inst:
            raise util.Abort(inst)

    def send(sender, recipients, msg):
            return s.sendmail(sender, recipients, msg)
        except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused, inst:
            recipients = [r[1] for r in inst.recipients.values()]
            raise util.Abort('\n' + '\n'.join(recipients))
        except smtplib.SMTPException, inst:
            raise util.Abort(inst)

    return send

def _sendmail(ui, sender, recipients, msg):
    '''send mail using sendmail.'''
    program = ui.config('email', 'method')
    cmdline = '%s -f %s %s' % (program,,
                               ' '.join(map(, recipients)))
    ui.note(_('sending mail: %s\n') % cmdline)
    fp = util.popen(cmdline, 'w')
    ret = fp.close()
    if ret:
        raise util.Abort('%s %s' % (
            os.path.basename(program.split(None, 1)[0]),

def _mbox(mbox, sender, recipients, msg):
    '''write mails to mbox'''
    fp = open(mbox, 'ab+')
    # Should be time.asctime(), but Windows prints 2-characters day
    # of month instead of one. Make them print the same thing.
    date = time.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y', time.localtime())
    fp.write('From %s %s\n' % (sender, date))

def connect(ui, mbox=None):
    '''make a mail connection. return a function to send mail.
    call as sendmail(sender, list-of-recipients, msg).'''
    if mbox:
        open(mbox, 'wb').close()
        return lambda s, r, m: _mbox(mbox, s, r, m)
    if ui.config('email', 'method', 'smtp') == 'smtp':
        return _smtp(ui)
    return lambda s, r, m: _sendmail(ui, s, r, m)

def sendmail(ui, sender, recipients, msg, mbox=None):
    send = connect(ui, mbox=mbox)
    return send(sender, recipients, msg)

def validateconfig(ui):
    '''determine if we have enough config data to try sending email.'''
    method = ui.config('email', 'method', 'smtp')
    if method == 'smtp':
        if not ui.config('smtp', 'host'):
            raise util.Abort(_('smtp specified as email transport, '
                               'but no smtp host configured'))
        if not util.findexe(method):
            raise util.Abort(_('%r specified as email transport, '
                               'but not in PATH') % method)

def mimetextpatch(s, subtype='plain', display=False):
    '''Return MIME message suitable for a patch.
    Charset will be detected as utf-8 or (possibly fake) us-ascii.
    Transfer encodings will be used if necessary.'''

    cs = 'us-ascii'
    if not display:
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
                cs = 'utf-8'
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                # We'll go with us-ascii as a fallback.

    return mimetextqp(s, subtype, cs)

def mimetextqp(body, subtype, charset):
    '''Return MIME message.
    Quoted-printable transfer encoding will be used if necessary.
    enc = None
    for line in body.splitlines():
        if len(line) > 950:
            body = quopri.encodestring(body)
            enc = "quoted-printable"

    msg = email.MIMEText.MIMEText(body, subtype, charset)
    if enc:
        del msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding']
        msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = enc
    return msg

def _charsets(ui):
    '''Obtains charsets to send mail parts not containing patches.'''
    charsets = [cs.lower() for cs in ui.configlist('email', 'charsets')]
    fallbacks = [encoding.fallbackencoding.lower(),
                 encoding.encoding.lower(), 'utf-8']
    for cs in fallbacks: # find unique charsets while keeping order
        if cs not in charsets:
    return [cs for cs in charsets if not cs.endswith('ascii')]

def _encode(ui, s, charsets):
    '''Returns (converted) string, charset tuple.
    Finds out best charset by cycling through sendcharsets in descending
    order. Tries both encoding and fallbackencoding for input. Only as
    last resort send as is in fake ascii.
    Caveat: Do not use for mail parts containing patches!'''
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        sendcharsets = charsets or _charsets(ui)
        for ics in (encoding.encoding, encoding.fallbackencoding):
                u = s.decode(ics)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
            for ocs in sendcharsets:
                    return u.encode(ocs), ocs
                except UnicodeEncodeError:
                except LookupError:
                    ui.warn(_('ignoring invalid sendcharset: %s\n') % ocs)
    # if ascii, or all conversion attempts fail, send (broken) ascii
    return s, 'us-ascii'

def headencode(ui, s, charsets=None, display=False):
    '''Returns RFC-2047 compliant header from given string.'''
    if not display:
        # split into words?
        s, cs = _encode(ui, s, charsets)
        return str(email.Header.Header(s, cs))
    return s

def _addressencode(ui, name, addr, charsets=None):
    name = headencode(ui, name, charsets)
        acc, dom = addr.split('@')
        acc = acc.encode('ascii')
        dom = dom.decode(encoding.encoding).encode('idna')
        addr = '%s@%s' % (acc, dom)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        raise util.Abort(_('invalid email address: %s') % addr)
    except ValueError:
            # too strict?
            addr = addr.encode('ascii')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            raise util.Abort(_('invalid local address: %s') % addr)
    return email.Utils.formataddr((name, addr))

def addressencode(ui, address, charsets=None, display=False):
    '''Turns address into RFC-2047 compliant header.'''
    if display or not address:
        return address or ''
    name, addr = email.Utils.parseaddr(address)
    return _addressencode(ui, name, addr, charsets)

def addrlistencode(ui, addrs, charsets=None, display=False):
    '''Turns a list of addresses into a list of RFC-2047 compliant headers.
    A single element of input list may contain multiple addresses, but output
    always has one address per item'''
    if display:
        return [a.strip() for a in addrs if a.strip()]

    result = []
    for name, addr in email.Utils.getaddresses(addrs):
        if name or addr:
            result.append(_addressencode(ui, name, addr, charsets))
    return result

def mimeencode(ui, s, charsets=None, display=False):
    '''creates mime text object, encodes it if needed, and sets
    charset and transfer-encoding accordingly.'''
    cs = 'us-ascii'
    if not display:
        s, cs = _encode(ui, s, charsets)
    return mimetextqp(s, 'plain', cs)