view mercurial/ @ 26755:bb0b955d050d

streamclone: support for producing and consuming stream clone bundles Up to this point, stream clones only existed as a dynamically generated data format produced and consumed during streaming clones. In order to support this efficient cloning format with the clone bundles feature, we need a more formal, on disk representation of the streaming clone data. This patch introduces a new "bundle" type for streaming clones. Unlike existing bundles, it does not contain changegroup data. It does, however, share the same concepts like the 4 byte header which identifies the type of data that follows and the 2 byte abbreviation for compression types (of which only "UN" is currently supported). The new bundle format is essentially the existing stream clone version 1 data format with some headers at the beginning. Content negotiation at stream clone request time checked for repository format/requirements compatibility before initiating a stream clone. We can't do active content negotiation when using clone bundles. So, we put this set of requirements inside the payload so consumers have a built-in mechanism for checking compatibility before reading and applying lots of data. Of course, we will also advertise this requirements set in clone bundles. But that's for another patch. We currently don't have a mechanism to produce and consume this new bundle format. This will be implemented in upcoming patches. It's worth noting that if a legacy client attempts to `hg unbundle` a stream clone bundle (with the "HGS1" header), it will abort with: "unknown bundle version S1," which seems appropriate.
author Gregory Szorc <>
date Sat, 17 Oct 2015 11:14:52 -0700
parents 72bccc1f26b1
children 1aee2ab0f902
line wrap: on
line source

# progress bars related code
# Copyright (C) 2010 Augie Fackler <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import threading
import time

from .i18n import _
from . import encoding

def spacejoin(*args):
    return ' '.join(s for s in args if s)

def shouldprint(ui):
    return not (ui.quiet or ui.plain()) and (
        ui._isatty(sys.stderr) or ui.configbool('progress', 'assume-tty'))

def fmtremaining(seconds):
    """format a number of remaining seconds in humain readable way

    This will properly display seconds, minutes, hours, days if needed"""
    if seconds < 60:
        # i18n: format XX seconds as "XXs"
        return _("%02ds") % (seconds)
    minutes = seconds // 60
    if minutes < 60:
        seconds -= minutes * 60
        # i18n: format X minutes and YY seconds as "XmYYs"
        return _("%dm%02ds") % (minutes, seconds)
    # we're going to ignore seconds in this case
    minutes += 1
    hours = minutes // 60
    minutes -= hours * 60
    if hours < 30:
        # i18n: format X hours and YY minutes as "XhYYm"
        return _("%dh%02dm") % (hours, minutes)
    # we're going to ignore minutes in this case
    hours += 1
    days = hours // 24
    hours -= days * 24
    if days < 15:
        # i18n: format X days and YY hours as "XdYYh"
        return _("%dd%02dh") % (days, hours)
    # we're going to ignore hours in this case
    days += 1
    weeks = days // 7
    days -= weeks * 7
    if weeks < 55:
        # i18n: format X weeks and YY days as "XwYYd"
        return _("%dw%02dd") % (weeks, days)
    # we're going to ignore days and treat a year as 52 weeks
    weeks += 1
    years = weeks // 52
    weeks -= years * 52
    # i18n: format X years and YY weeks as "XyYYw"
    return _("%dy%02dw") % (years, weeks)

class progbar(object):
    def __init__(self, ui):
        self.ui = ui
        self._refreshlock = threading.Lock()

    def resetstate(self):
        self.topics = []
        self.topicstates = {}
        self.starttimes = {}
        self.startvals = {}
        self.printed = False
        self.lastprint = time.time() + float(self.ui.config(
            'progress', 'delay', default=3))
        self.curtopic = None
        self.lasttopic = None
        self.indetcount = 0
        self.refresh = float(self.ui.config(
            'progress', 'refresh', default=0.1))
        self.changedelay = max(3 * self.refresh,
                                   'progress', 'changedelay', default=1)))
        self.order = self.ui.configlist(
            'progress', 'format',
            default=['topic', 'bar', 'number', 'estimate'])

    def show(self, now, topic, pos, item, unit, total):
        if not shouldprint(self.ui):
        termwidth = self.width()
        self.printed = True
        head = ''
        needprogress = False
        tail = ''
        for indicator in self.order:
            add = ''
            if indicator == 'topic':
                add = topic
            elif indicator == 'number':
                if total:
                    add = ('% ' + str(len(str(total))) +
                           's/%s') % (pos, total)
                    add = str(pos)
            elif indicator.startswith('item') and item:
                slice = 'end'
                if '-' in indicator:
                    wid = int(indicator.split('-')[1])
                elif '+' in indicator:
                    slice = 'beginning'
                    wid = int(indicator.split('+')[1])
                    wid = 20
                if slice == 'end':
                    add = encoding.trim(item, wid, leftside=True)
                    add = encoding.trim(item, wid)
                add += (wid - encoding.colwidth(add)) * ' '
            elif indicator == 'bar':
                add = ''
                needprogress = True
            elif indicator == 'unit' and unit:
                add = unit
            elif indicator == 'estimate':
                add = self.estimate(topic, pos, total, now)
            elif indicator == 'speed':
                add = self.speed(topic, pos, unit, now)
            if not needprogress:
                head = spacejoin(head, add)
                tail = spacejoin(tail, add)
        if needprogress:
            used = 0
            if head:
                used += encoding.colwidth(head) + 1
            if tail:
                used += encoding.colwidth(tail) + 1
            progwidth = termwidth - used - 3
            if total and pos <= total:
                amt = pos * progwidth // total
                bar = '=' * (amt - 1)
                if amt > 0:
                    bar += '>'
                bar += ' ' * (progwidth - amt)
                progwidth -= 3
                self.indetcount += 1
                # mod the count by twice the width so we can make the
                # cursor bounce between the right and left sides
                amt = self.indetcount % (2 * progwidth)
                amt -= progwidth
                bar = (' ' * int(progwidth - abs(amt)) + '<=>' +
                       ' ' * int(abs(amt)))
            prog = ''.join(('[', bar , ']'))
            out = spacejoin(head, prog, tail)
            out = spacejoin(head, tail)
        sys.stderr.write('\r' + encoding.trim(out, termwidth))
        self.lasttopic = topic

    def clear(self):
        if not shouldprint(self.ui):
        sys.stderr.write('\r%s\r' % (' ' * self.width()))
        if self.printed:
            # force immediate re-paint of progress bar
            self.lastprint = 0

    def complete(self):
        if not shouldprint(self.ui):
        if self.ui.configbool('progress', 'clear-complete', default=True):

    def width(self):
        tw = self.ui.termwidth()
        return min(int(self.ui.config('progress', 'width', default=tw)), tw)

    def estimate(self, topic, pos, total, now):
        if total is None:
            return ''
        initialpos = self.startvals[topic]
        target = total - initialpos
        delta = pos - initialpos
        if delta > 0:
            elapsed = now - self.starttimes[topic]
            # experimental config: progress.estimate
            if elapsed > float(
                self.ui.config('progress', 'estimate', default=2)):
                seconds = (elapsed * (target - delta)) // delta + 1
                return fmtremaining(seconds)
        return ''

    def speed(self, topic, pos, unit, now):
        initialpos = self.startvals[topic]
        delta = pos - initialpos
        elapsed = now - self.starttimes[topic]
        if elapsed > float(
            self.ui.config('progress', 'estimate', default=2)):
            return _('%d %s/sec') % (delta / elapsed, unit)
        return ''

    def _oktoprint(self, now):
        '''Check if conditions are met to print - e.g. changedelay elapsed'''
        if (self.lasttopic is None # first time we printed
            # not a topic change
            or self.curtopic == self.lasttopic
            # it's been long enough we should print anyway
            or now - self.lastprint >= self.changedelay):
            return True
            return False

    def progress(self, topic, pos, item='', unit='', total=None):
        now = time.time()
            if pos is None:
                self.starttimes.pop(topic, None)
                self.startvals.pop(topic, None)
                self.topicstates.pop(topic, None)
                # reset the progress bar if this is the outermost topic
                if self.topics and self.topics[0] == topic and self.printed:
                # truncate the list of topics assuming all topics within
                # this one are also closed
                if topic in self.topics:
                    self.topics = self.topics[:self.topics.index(topic)]
                    # reset the last topic to the one we just unwound to,
                    # so that higher-level topics will be stickier than
                    # lower-level topics
                    if self.topics:
                        self.lasttopic = self.topics[-1]
                        self.lasttopic = None
                if topic not in self.topics:
                    self.starttimes[topic] = now
                    self.startvals[topic] = pos
                self.topicstates[topic] = pos, item, unit, total
                self.curtopic = topic
                if now - self.lastprint >= self.refresh and self.topics:
                    if self._oktoprint(now):
                        self.lastprint = now
              , topic, *self.topicstates[topic])