view contrib/packaging/inno/modpath.iss @ 49325:bf66f7a1e3f8

bundlespec: merge the contentopts and params dictionnary They are content using the same keys. Using differents object for access open the gates for confusion in the code using them (this is already the case). So we start fusing their usages to make the parameters more useful. More work will be needed to make them really useful, but the first step is here: not throwing the value away. However this is still not making the previously introduced test useful because currently, the default config value overwrite the one from the bundlespec. We will fix this in the coming changesets.
author Pierre-Yves David <>
date Tue, 17 May 2022 16:36:32 +0100
parents 109315c41d5e
line wrap: on
line source

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inno Setup Ver:	5.4.2
// Script Version:	1.4.2
// Author:			Jared Breland <>
// Homepage:
// License:			GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 3
// Script Function:
//	Allow modification of environmental path directly from Inno Setup installers
// Instructions:
//	Copy modpath.iss to the same directory as your setup script
//	Add this statement to your [Setup] section
//		ChangesEnvironment=true
//	Add this statement to your [Tasks] section
//	You can change the Description or Flags
//	You can change the Name, but it must match the ModPathName setting below
//		Name: modifypath; Description: &Add application directory to your environmental path; Flags: unchecked
//	Add the following to the end of your [Code] section
//	ModPathName defines the name of the task defined above
//	ModPathType defines whether the 'user' or 'system' path will be modified;
//		this will default to user if anything other than system is set
//	setArrayLength must specify the total number of dirs to be added
//	Result[0] contains first directory, Result[1] contains second, etc.
//		const
//			ModPathName = 'modifypath';
//			ModPathType = 'user';
//		function ModPathDir(): TArrayOfString;
//		begin
//			setArrayLength(Result, 1);
//			Result[0] := ExpandConstant('{app}');
//		end;
//		#include "modpath.iss"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

procedure ModPath();
	oldpath:	String;
	newpath:	String;
	updatepath:	Boolean;
	pathArr:	TArrayOfString;
	aExecFile:	String;
	aExecArr:	TArrayOfString;
	i, d:		Integer;
	pathdir:	TArrayOfString;
	regroot:	Integer;
	regpath:	String;

	// Get constants from main script and adjust behavior accordingly
	// ModPathType MUST be 'system' or 'user'; force 'user' if invalid
	if ModPathType = 'system' then begin
		regroot := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
		regpath := 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment';
	end else begin
		regroot := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
		regpath := 'Environment';

	// Get array of new directories and act on each individually
	pathdir := ModPathDir();
	for d := 0 to GetArrayLength(pathdir)-1 do begin
		updatepath := true;

		// Get current path, split into an array
		RegQueryStringValue(regroot, regpath, 'Path', oldpath);
		oldpath := oldpath + ';';
		i := 0;

		while (Pos(';', oldpath) > 0) do begin
			SetArrayLength(pathArr, i+1);
			pathArr[i] := Copy(oldpath, 0, Pos(';', oldpath)-1);
			oldpath := Copy(oldpath, Pos(';', oldpath)+1, Length(oldpath));
			i := i + 1;

			// Check if current directory matches app dir
			if pathdir[d] = pathArr[i-1] then begin
				// if uninstalling, remove dir from path
				if IsUninstaller() = true then begin
				// if installing, flag that dir already exists in path
				end else begin
					updatepath := false;

			// Add current directory to new path
			if i = 1 then begin
				newpath := pathArr[i-1];
			end else begin
				newpath := newpath + ';' + pathArr[i-1];

		// Append app dir to path if not already included
		if (IsUninstaller() = false) AND (updatepath = true) then
			newpath := newpath + ';' + pathdir[d];

		// Write new path
		RegWriteStringValue(regroot, regpath, 'Path', newpath);

// Split a string into an array using passed delimeter
procedure MPExplode(var Dest: TArrayOfString; Text: String; Separator: String);
	i: Integer;
	i := 0;
		SetArrayLength(Dest, i+1);
		if Pos(Separator,Text) > 0 then	begin
			Dest[i] := Copy(Text, 1, Pos(Separator, Text)-1);
			Text := Copy(Text, Pos(Separator,Text) + Length(Separator), Length(Text));
			i := i + 1;
		end else begin
			 Dest[i] := Text;
			 Text := '';
	until Length(Text)=0;

procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
	taskname:	String;
	taskname := ModPathName;
	if CurStep = ssPostInstall then
		if IsTaskSelected(taskname) then

procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep);
	aSelectedTasks:	TArrayOfString;
	i:				Integer;
	taskname:		String;
	regpath:		String;
	regstring:		String;
	appid:			String;
	// only run during actual uninstall
	if CurUninstallStep = usUninstall then begin
		// get list of selected tasks saved in registry at install time
		appid := '{#emit SetupSetting("AppId")}';
		if appid = '' then appid := '{#emit SetupSetting("AppName")}';
		regpath := ExpandConstant('Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\'+appid+'_is1');
		RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, regpath, 'Inno Setup: Selected Tasks', regstring);
		if regstring = '' then RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, regpath, 'Inno Setup: Selected Tasks', regstring);

		// check each task; if matches modpath taskname, trigger patch removal
		if regstring <> '' then begin
			taskname := ModPathName;
			MPExplode(aSelectedTasks, regstring, ',');
			if GetArrayLength(aSelectedTasks) > 0 then begin
				for i := 0 to GetArrayLength(aSelectedTasks)-1 do begin
					if comparetext(aSelectedTasks[i], taskname) = 0 then

function NeedRestart(): Boolean;
	Result := False;