context.status: remove incorrect swapping of added/removed in workingctx
The comment in workingctx.status() says that "calling 'super' subtly
reveresed the contexts", but that is simply not true, so we should not
be swapping added and removed fields.
import os, __builtin__
from mercurial import util
def lowerwrap(scope, funcname):
f = getattr(scope, funcname)
def wrap(fname, *args, **kwargs):
d, base = os.path.split(fname)
files = os.listdir(d or '.')
except OSError:
files = []
if base in files:
return f(fname, *args, **kwargs)
for fn in files:
if fn.lower() == base.lower():
return f(os.path.join(d, fn), *args, **kwargs)
return f(fname, *args, **kwargs)
scope.__dict__[funcname] = wrap
def normcase(path):
return path.lower()
os.path.normcase = normcase
for f in 'file open'.split():
lowerwrap(__builtin__, f)
for f in "chmod chown open lstat stat remove unlink".split():
lowerwrap(os, f)
for f in "exists lexists".split():
lowerwrap(os.path, f)
lowerwrap(util, 'posixfile')