ci: split the jobs on more stage
We start to have a lot of job, grouping them help to clarifying the pipeline.
We don't actually create dependency between each stage, so everything still run
concurrently. However we are about to introduce some wheel-building job that
will be reused by some tests. So some dependencies are coming.
set -e
set -u
# Find the python3 setup that would run pytype
PYTYPE=`which pytype`
PYTHON3=${PYTHON:-`head -n1 ${PYTYPE} | sed -s 's/#!//'`}
# Existing stubs that pytype processes live here
TYPESHED=$(${PYTHON3} -c "import pytype; print(pytype.__path__[0])")/typeshed/stubs
echo "Patching typeshed at $HG_STUBS"
rm -rf ${HG_STUBS}
mkdir -p ${HG_STUBS}
cat > ${HG_STUBS}/METADATA.toml <<EOF
version = "0.1"
mkdir -p ${HG_STUBS}/mercurial/cext ${HG_STUBS}/mercurial/thirdparty/attr
touch ${HG_STUBS}/mercurial/__init__.pyi
touch ${HG_STUBS}/mercurial/cext/__init__.pyi
touch ${HG_STUBS}/mercurial/thirdparty/__init__.pyi
ln -sf $(hg root)/mercurial/cext/*.{pyi,typed} \
ln -sf $(hg root)/mercurial/thirdparty/attr/*.{pyi,typed} \