verify: include "manifest" prefix in a few more places
We include the "manifest" prefix on most other errors, so it seems
consistent to add them to the remaining messages too. Also, having the
"manifest" prefix will be more consistent with having the directory
prefix there when we add support for treemanifests. With the
"manifest" at the beginning, let's remove the now-redundant
"manifest" in the message itself.
#!/usr/bin/make -f
# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
# export DH_VERBOSE=1
CPUS=$(shell cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -E ^processor | wc -l)
dh $@ --with python2
http_proxy='' dh_auto_test -- TESTFLAGS="-j$(CPUS)"
find debian/mercurial/usr/share -type d -empty -delete
python$(PYVERS) install --root $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial --install-layout=deb
# remove arch-independent python stuff
find $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial/usr/lib \
! -name '*.so' ! -type d -delete , \
-type d -empty -delete
python$(PYVERS) install --root $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common --install-layout=deb
make install-doc PREFIX=$(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common/usr
# remove arch-dependent python stuff
find $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common/usr/lib \
-name '*.so' ! -type d -delete , \
-type d -empty -delete
cp contrib/hg-ssh $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common/usr/bin
mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common/usr/share/mercurial
cp contrib/hgk $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common/usr/share/mercurial
mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common/etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/
cp contrib/debian/*.rc $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common/etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/
mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common/usr/share/bash-completion/completions
cp contrib/bash_completion $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/hg
rm $(CURDIR)/debian/mercurial-common/usr/bin/hg