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largefiles: access to specific fields only if largefiles enabled (issue4547) Even if largefiles extension is enabled in a repository, "repo" object, which isn't "largefiles.reposetup()"-ed, is passed to overridden functions in the cases below unexpectedly, because extensions are enabled for each repositories strictly. (1) clone without -U: (2) pull with -U: (3) pull with --rebase: combination of "enabled@src", "disabled@dst" and "not-required@src" cause this situation. largefiles requirement @src @dst @src result -------- -------- --------------- -------------------- enabled disabled not-required aborted unexpectedly required requirement error (intentional) -------- -------- --------------- -------------------- enabled enabled * success -------- -------- --------------- -------------------- disabled enabled * success (only for "pull") -------- -------- --------------- -------------------- disabled disabled not-required success required requirement error (intentional) -------- -------- --------------- -------------------- (4) update/revert with a subrepo disabling largefiles In these cases, overridden functions cause accessing to largefiles specific fields of not "largefiles.reposetup()"-ed "repo" object, and execution is aborted. - (1), (2), (4) cause accessing to "_lfstatuswriters" in "getstatuswriter()" invoked via "updatelfiles()" - (3) causes accessing to "_lfcommithooks" in "overriderebase()" For safe accessing to these fields, this patch examines whether passed "repo" object is "largefiles.reposetup()"-ed or not before accessing to them. This patch chooses examining existence of newly introduced "_largefilesenabled" instead of "_lfcommithooks" and "_lfstatuswriters" directly, because the former is better name for the generic "largefiles is enabled in this repo" mark than the latter. In the future, all other overridden functions should avoid largefiles specific processing for efficiency, and "_largefilesenabled" is better also for such purpose. BTW, "lfstatus" can't be used for such purpose, because some code paths set it forcibly regardless of existence of it in specified "repo" object.
author FUJIWARA Katsunori <>
date Thu, 26 Feb 2015 06:03:39 +0900
parents 461342e1c8aa
children 642d245ff537
line wrap: on
line source

import ast
import os
import sys

# Import a minimal set of stdlib modules needed for list_stdlib_modules()
# to work when run from a virtualenv.  The modules were chosen empirically
# so that the return value matches the return value without virtualenv.
import BaseHTTPServer
import zlib

def dotted_name_of_path(path, trimpure=False):
    """Given a relative path to a source file, return its dotted module name.

    >>> dotted_name_of_path('mercurial/')
    >>> dotted_name_of_path('mercurial/pure/', trimpure=True)
    >>> dotted_name_of_path('')
    parts = path.split('/')
    parts[-1] = parts[-1].split('.', 1)[0] # remove .py and .so and
    if parts[-1].endswith('module'):
        parts[-1] = parts[-1][:-6]
    if trimpure:
        return '.'.join(p for p in parts if p != 'pure')
    return '.'.join(parts)

def list_stdlib_modules():
    """List the modules present in the stdlib.

    >>> mods = set(list_stdlib_modules())
    >>> 'BaseHTTPServer' in mods

    os.path isn't really a module, so it's missing:

    >>> 'os.path' in mods

    sys requires special treatment, because it's baked into the
    interpreter, but it should still appear:

    >>> 'sys' in mods

    >>> 'collections' in mods

    >>> 'cStringIO' in mods
    for m in sys.builtin_module_names:
        yield m
    # These modules only exist on windows, but we should always
    # consider them stdlib.
    for m in ['msvcrt', '_winreg']:
        yield m
    # These get missed too
    for m in 'ctypes', 'email':
        yield m
    yield 'builtins' # python3 only
    stdlib_prefixes = set([sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix])
    # We need to supplement the list of prefixes for the search to work
    # when run from within a virtualenv.
    for mod in (BaseHTTPServer, zlib):
            # Not all module objects have a __file__ attribute.
            filename = mod.__file__
        except AttributeError:
        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
        for prefix in stdlib_prefixes:
            if dirname.startswith(prefix):
                # Then this directory is redundant.
    for libpath in sys.path:
        # We want to walk everything in sys.path that starts with
        # something in stdlib_prefixes. check-code suppressed because
        # the ast module used by this script implies the availability
        # of any().
        if not any(libpath.startswith(p) for p in stdlib_prefixes): # no-py24
        if 'site-packages' in libpath:
        for top, dirs, files in os.walk(libpath):
            for name in files:
                if name == '':
                if not (name.endswith('.py') or name.endswith('.so')):
                full_path = os.path.join(top, name)
                if 'site-packages' in full_path:
                rel_path = full_path[len(libpath) + 1:]
                mod = dotted_name_of_path(rel_path)
                yield mod

stdlib_modules = set(list_stdlib_modules())

def imported_modules(source, ignore_nested=False):
    """Given the source of a file as a string, yield the names
    imported by that file.

      source: The python source to examine as a string.
      ignore_nested: If true, import statements that do not start in
                     column zero will be ignored.

      A list of module names imported by the given source.

    >>> sorted(imported_modules(
    ...         'import foo ; from baz import bar; import foo.qux'))
    ['', 'foo', 'foo.qux']
    >>> sorted(imported_modules(
    ... '''import foo
    ... def wat():
    ...     import bar
    ... ''', ignore_nested=True))
    for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(source)):
        if ignore_nested and getattr(node, 'col_offset', 0) > 0:
        if isinstance(node, ast.Import):
            for n in node.names:
        elif isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
            prefix = node.module + '.'
            for n in node.names:
                yield prefix +

def verify_stdlib_on_own_line(source):
    """Given some python source, verify that stdlib imports are done
    in separate statements from relative local module imports.

    Observing this limitation is important as it works around an
    annoying lib2to3 bug in relative import rewrites:

    >>> list(verify_stdlib_on_own_line('import sys, foo'))
    ['mixed imports\\n   stdlib:    sys\\n   relative:  foo']
    >>> list(verify_stdlib_on_own_line('import sys, os'))
    >>> list(verify_stdlib_on_own_line('import foo, bar'))
    for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(source)):
        if isinstance(node, ast.Import):
            from_stdlib = {False: [], True: []}
            for n in node.names:
                from_stdlib[ in stdlib_modules].append(
            if from_stdlib[True] and from_stdlib[False]:
                yield ('mixed imports\n   stdlib:    %s\n   relative:  %s' %
                       (', '.join(sorted(from_stdlib[True])),
                        ', '.join(sorted(from_stdlib[False]))))

class CircularImport(Exception):

def cyclekey(names):
    return tuple(sorted(set(names)))

def check_one_mod(mod, imports, path=None, ignore=None):
    if path is None:
        path = []
    if ignore is None:
        ignore = []
    path = path + [mod]
    for i in sorted(imports.get(mod, [])):
        if i not in stdlib_modules and not i.startswith('mercurial.'):
            i = mod.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.' + i
        if i in path:
            firstspot = path.index(i)
            cycle = path[firstspot:] + [i]
            if cyclekey(cycle) not in ignore:
                raise CircularImport(cycle)
        check_one_mod(i, imports, path=path, ignore=ignore)

def rotatecycle(cycle):
    """arrange a cycle so that the lexicographically first module listed first

    >>> rotatecycle(['foo', 'bar', 'foo'])
    ['bar', 'foo', 'bar']
    lowest = min(cycle)
    idx = cycle.index(lowest)
    return cycle[idx:] + cycle[1:idx] + [lowest]

def find_cycles(imports):
    """Find cycles in an already-loaded import graph.

    >>> imports = {'': ['bar', 'os.path', 'qux'],
    ...            '': ['baz', 'sys'],
    ...            'top.baz': ['foo'],
    ...            'top.qux': ['foo']}
    >>> print '\\n'.join(sorted(find_cycles(imports))) -> top.baz -> -> -> -> top.qux -> ->
    cycles = {}
    for mod in sorted(imports.iterkeys()):
            check_one_mod(mod, imports, ignore=cycles)
        except CircularImport, e:
            cycle = e.args[0]
            cycles[cyclekey(cycle)] = ' -> '.join(rotatecycle(cycle))
    return cycles.values()

def _cycle_sortkey(c):
    return len(c), c

def main(argv):
    if len(argv) < 2:
        print 'Usage: %s file [file] [file] ...'
        return 1
    used_imports = {}
    any_errors = False
    for source_path in argv[1:]:
        f = open(source_path)
        modname = dotted_name_of_path(source_path, trimpure=True)
        src =
        used_imports[modname] = sorted(
            imported_modules(src, ignore_nested=True))
        for error in verify_stdlib_on_own_line(src):
            any_errors = True
            print source_path, error
    cycles = find_cycles(used_imports)
    if cycles:
        firstmods = set()
        for c in sorted(cycles, key=_cycle_sortkey):
            first = c.split()[0]
            # As a rough cut, ignore any cycle that starts with the
            # same module as some other cycle. Otherwise we see lots
            # of cycles that are effectively duplicates.
            if first in firstmods:
            print 'Import cycle:', c
        any_errors = True
    return not any_errors

if __name__ == '__main__':