precheck: fix false warning about content-divergence creation
Before this patch, if we try to `hg prune` (without any successors) an
already obsoleted cset which has at least one successor, it would false
warn about new content-divergence. As we know, pruning cset without any
successors can not create any divergence.
Differential Revision:
$ hg init a
$ cd a
$ touch a; hg commit -qAm_
$ hg bookmark $(for i in $($TESTDIR/ 0 20); do echo b$i; done)
$ hg clone . ../b -q
$ cd ../b
Checking that when lookup multiple bookmarks in one go, if one of them
fails (thus causing the sshpeer to be stopped), the errors from the
further lookups don't result in tracebacks.
$ hg pull -r b0 -r nosuchbookmark $(for i in $($TESTDIR/ 1 20); do echo -r b$i; done) ssh://user@dummy/$(pwd)/../a
pulling from ssh://user@dummy/$TESTTMP/b/../a
abort: unknown revision 'nosuchbookmark'