bundlespec: make the `stream` case less special
The handling of the stream case seems fragile (does not account for newer parts
and options that will arise) and has special code dedicated to it.
To simplify and strengthen things, we make it use the same mechanism as the other
options. So we make it less special by making it a special value in the common case.
#require test-repo
$ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"
$ cd "`dirname "$TESTDIR"`"
look for python scripts that do not use /usr/bin/env
$ testrepohg files 'set:grep(r"^#!.*?python") and not grep(r"^#!/usr/bi{1}n/env python") - **/*.t'
In tests, enforce $PYTHON and *not* /usr/bin/env python or similar:
$ testrepohg files 'set:grep(r"#!.*?python") and **/*.t' \
> -X tests/test-check-execute.t \
> -X tests/test-check-format.t \
> -X tests/test-check-module-imports.t \
> -X tests/test-check-pyflakes.t \
> -X tests/test-check-shbang.t
The above exclusions are because they're looking for files that
contain Python but don't end in .py - please avoid adding more.
look for shell scripts that do not use /bin/sh
$ testrepohg files 'set:grep(r"^#!.*/bi{1}n/sh") and not grep(r"^#!/bi{1}n/sh")'