Mercurial > hg
view tests/sslcerts/pub-not-yet.pem @ 30766:d7bf7d2bd5ab
hgweb: support Content Security Policy
Content-Security-Policy (CSP) is a web security feature that allows
servers to declare what loaded content is allowed to do. For example,
a policy can prevent loading of images, JavaScript, CSS, etc unless
the source of that content is whitelisted (by hostname, URI scheme,
hashes of content, etc). It's a nifty security feature that provides
extra mitigation against some attacks, notably XSS.
Mitigation against these attacks is important for Mercurial because
hgweb renders repository data, which is commonly untrusted. While we
make attempts to escape things, etc, there's the possibility that
malicious data could be injected into the site content. If this happens
today, the full power of the web browser is available to that
malicious content. A restrictive CSP policy (defined by the server
operator and sent in an HTTP header which is outside the control of
malicious content), could restrict browser capabilities and mitigate
security problems posed by malicious data.
CSP works by emitting an HTTP header declaring the policy that browsers
should apply. Ideally, this header would be emitted by a layer above
Mercurial (likely the HTTP server doing the WSGI "proxying"). This
works for some CSP policies, but not all.
For example, policies to allow inline JavaScript may require setting
a "nonce" attribute on <script>. This attribute value must be unique
and non-guessable. And, the value must be present in the HTTP header
and the HTML body. This means that coordinating the value between
Mercurial and another HTTP server could be difficult: it is much
easier to generate and emit the nonce in a central location.
This commit introduces support for emitting a
Content-Security-Policy header from hgweb. A config option defines
the header value. If present, the header is emitted. A special
"%nonce%" syntax in the value triggers generation of a nonce and
inclusion in <script> elements in templates. The inclusion of a
nonce does not occur unless "%nonce%" is present. This makes this
commit completely backwards compatible and the feature opt-in.
The nonce is a type 4 UUID, which is the flavor that is randomly
generated. It has 122 random bits, which should be plenty to satisfy
the guarantees of a nonce.
author | Gregory Szorc <> |
date | Tue, 10 Jan 2017 23:37:08 -0800 |
parents | 9d02bed8477b |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDNTCCAh2gAwIBAgIJAJvD5nejIHr2MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMDExEjAQBgNV BAMMCWxvY2FsaG9zdDEbMBkGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYMaGdAbG9jYWxob3N0MB4XDTMw MDEwMTA4MDAwOFoXDTMwMDEwMjA4MDAwOFowMTESMBAGA1UEAwwJbG9jYWxob3N0 MRswGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFgxoZ0Bsb2NhbGhvc3QwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDZSC3uNCsP674m0h9dmlV6nM4C59xfgIygdX3mpldmaXaO 4anHdPvCNA8H8g+g6lEb0KgJp6Qor5sipBfWo26JRrYKypyE1By5raOzkNO22ZFg L5/AdpBzRRjVAp7/Svw0VfVeh4hZ+4v7RQARGgjXOaG72nHnfboLs+jIE8i5tPR6 MtUt9yIWDIcOaq9ga7pxQGk0WsCLxyw80ZzKJ7UDGHTBn/2O8d036IaZpX0Zk5sa /QZmltaUmbx8b6YfWowVgDqaeSclsQEFOdXQhZ0YlqUafP7kZ8K+HHNhwRaYsN47 /sU2tYxVP0vwrLrlzKAJ4niURbVcHXD/qtBiNpKfAgMBAAGjUDBOMB0GA1UdDgQW BBT6fA08JcG+SWBN9Y+p575xcFfIVjAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBT6fA08JcG+SWBN9Y+p 575xcFfIVjAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQC0VDzAqPiL 6U8yqaQqXdS6iK49yDQe9qzxzNnAZnj4YCsa5+qYSf+jl49Rak+pGw3AmN9gl6xq aaP5xAlS8F0lnfZ5NcXmmp4Lt25qdu9J9qIPEAL4/ucirDr/cphCbDtzaWsrfi9j YjVzSqoSEdnV1x9GkkLVwQRmA+D/2+95pgx6UNchqMbXuEQkAv9kVOzSG62OOAzO z2Wct6b+DFbfFI0xcvKeJRGogjkd5QrF1XxU7e5u17DAN7/nhahv43ol3eC/fUiH ITZpEc+/WdVtUwZQtoEQuBLB1Mc8QvYUUksUv9+KVjZ4o2oqApup7k7oMSPYNPTf 2O99CXjOCl9k -----END CERTIFICATE-----