author Matt Harbison <>
Fri, 29 May 2015 13:25:34 -0400
changeset 25558 daf9f7ee2a5c
parent 25095 3182965b3971
child 25660 328739ea70c3
permissions -rw-r--r--
convert: support incremental conversion with hg subrepos This was implied in issue3486, which specifically asked for subrepo support in lfconvert. Now that lfconvert uses the convert extension internally when going to normal files, the issue is half fixed. But now even non largefile repos benefit when other transformations are needed. Supporting a full subrepo tree conversion from a single command doesn't seem reasonable, given the number of options that can be provided, and the transformations that would need to occur when entering a subrepo (consider 'filemap' paths). Instead, this allows the user to incrementally convert each hg subrepo from bottom up like so: # so convert knows the dest type when it sees a non empty dest dir $ hg init converted $ hg convert orig/sub1 converted/sub1 $ hg convert orig/sub2 converted/sub2 $ hg convert orig converted This allows different options to be applied to different subrepos more readily. It assumes the shamap is in the default location in each converted subrepo for simplicity. It also allows for a subrepo to be cloned into place, in case _it_ doesn't need a conversion. I was able to convert away from using largefiles/bfiles in several subrepos with this mechanism.

# - configuration parsing for Mercurial
#  Copyright 2009 Matt Mackall <> and others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from i18n import _
import error, util
import os, errno

class config(object):
    def __init__(self, data=None, includepaths=[]):
        self._data = {}
        self._source = {}
        self._unset = []
        self._includepaths = includepaths
        if data:
            for k in data._data:
                self._data[k] = data[k].copy()
            self._source = data._source.copy()
    def copy(self):
        return config(self)
    def __contains__(self, section):
        return section in self._data
    def __getitem__(self, section):
        return self._data.get(section, {})
    def __iter__(self):
        for d in self.sections():
            yield d
    def update(self, src):
        for s, n in src._unset:
            if s in self and n in self._data[s]:
                del self._data[s][n]
                del self._source[(s, n)]
        for s in src:
            if s not in self:
                self._data[s] = util.sortdict()
    def get(self, section, item, default=None):
        return self._data.get(section, {}).get(item, default)

    def backup(self, section, item):
        """return a tuple allowing restore to reinstall a previous value

        The main reason we need it is because it handles the "no data" case.
            value = self._data[section][item]
            source = self.source(section, item)
            return (section, item, value, source)
        except KeyError:
            return (section, item)

    def source(self, section, item):
        return self._source.get((section, item), "")
    def sections(self):
        return sorted(self._data.keys())
    def items(self, section):
        return self._data.get(section, {}).items()
    def set(self, section, item, value, source=""):
        if section not in self:
            self._data[section] = util.sortdict()
        self._data[section][item] = value
        if source:
            self._source[(section, item)] = source

    def restore(self, data):
        """restore data returned by self.backup"""
        if len(data) == 4:
            # restore old data
            section, item, value, source = data
            self._data[section][item] = value
            self._source[(section, item)] = source
            # no data before, remove everything
            section, item = data
            if section in self._data:
                self._data[section].pop(item, None)
            self._source.pop((section, item), None)

    def parse(self, src, data, sections=None, remap=None, include=None):
        sectionre ='\[([^\[]+)\]')
        itemre ='([^=\s][^=]*?)\s*=\s*(.*\S|)')
        contre ='\s+(\S|\S.*\S)\s*$')
        emptyre ='(;|#|\s*$)')
        commentre ='(;|#)')
        unsetre ='%unset\s+(\S+)')
        includere ='%include\s+(\S|\S.*\S)\s*$')
        section = ""
        item = None
        line = 0
        cont = False

        for l in data.splitlines(True):
            line += 1
            if line == 1 and l.startswith('\xef\xbb\xbf'):
                # Someone set us up the BOM
                l = l[3:]
            if cont:
                if commentre.match(l):
                m = contre.match(l)
                if m:
                    if sections and section not in sections:
                    v = self.get(section, item) + "\n" +
                    self.set(section, item, v, "%s:%d" % (src, line))
                item = None
                cont = False
            m = includere.match(l)

            if m and include:
                expanded = util.expandpath(
                includepaths = [os.path.dirname(src)] + self._includepaths

                for base in includepaths:
                    inc = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(base, expanded))

                        include(inc, remap=remap, sections=sections)
                    except IOError, inst:
                        if inst.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                            raise error.ParseError(_("cannot include %s (%s)")
                                                   % (inc, inst.strerror),
                                                   "%s:%s" % (src, line))
            if emptyre.match(l):
            m = sectionre.match(l)
            if m:
                section =
                if remap:
                    section = remap.get(section, section)
                if section not in self:
                    self._data[section] = util.sortdict()
            m = itemre.match(l)
            if m:
                item =
                cont = True
                if sections and section not in sections:
                self.set(section, item,, "%s:%d" % (src, line))
            m = unsetre.match(l)
            if m:
                name =
                if sections and section not in sections:
                if self.get(section, name) is not None:
                    del self._data[section][name]
                self._unset.append((section, name))

            raise error.ParseError(l.rstrip(), ("%s:%s" % (src, line)))

    def read(self, path, fp=None, sections=None, remap=None):
        if not fp:
            fp = util.posixfile(path)
        self.parse(path,, sections, remap,