view contrib/install-windows-dependencies.ps1 @ 49000:dd6b67d5c256 stable

rust: fix unsound `OwningDirstateMap` As per the previous patch, `OwningDirstateMap` is unsound. Self-referential structs are difficult to implement correctly in Rust since the compiler is free to move structs around as much as it wants to. They are also very rarely needed in practice, so the state-of-the-art on how they should be done within the Rust rules is still a bit new. The crate `ouroboros` is an attempt at providing a safe way (in the Rust sense) of declaring self-referential structs. It is getting a lot attention and was improved very quickly when soundness issues were found in the past: rather than relying on our own (limited) review circle, we might as well use the de-facto common crate to fix this problem. This will give us a much better chance of finding issues should any new ones be discovered as well as the benefit of fewer `unsafe` APIs of our own. I was starting to think about how I would present a safe API to the old struct but soon realized that the callback-based approach was already done in `ouroboros`, along with a lot more care towards refusing incorrect structs. In short: we don't return a mutable reference to the `DirstateMap` anymore, we expect users of its API to pass a `FnOnce` that takes the map as an argument. This allows our `OwningDirstateMap` to control the input and output lifetimes of the code that modifies it to prevent such issues. Changing to `ouroboros` meant changing every API with it, but it is relatively low churn in the end. It correctly identified the example buggy modification of `copy_map_insert` outlined in the previous patch as violating the borrow rules. Differential Revision:
author Raphaël Gomès <>
date Tue, 05 Apr 2022 10:55:28 +0200
parents fc1ba19ec4a0
children dd381b973efc
line wrap: on
line source

# install-dependencies.ps1 - Install Windows dependencies for building Mercurial
# Copyright 2019 Gregory Szorc <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

# This script can be used to bootstrap a Mercurial build environment on
# Windows.
# The script makes a lot of assumptions about how things should work.
# For example, the install location of Python is hardcoded to c:\hgdev\*.
# The script should be executed from a PowerShell with elevated privileges
# if you don't want to see a UAC prompt for various installers.
# The script is tested on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 (in EC2).

$VS_BUILD_TOOLS_SHA256 = "911E292B8E6E5F46CBC17003BDCD2D27A70E616E8D5E6E69D5D489A605CAA139"

$PYTHON37_x86_URL = ""
$PYTHON37_x86_SHA256 = "769bb7c74ad1df6d7d74071cc16a984ff6182e4016e11b8949b93db487977220"
$PYTHON37_X64_URL = ""
$PYTHON37_x64_SHA256 = "e69ed52afb5a722e5c56f6c21d594e85c17cb29f12f18bb69751cf1714e0f987"

$PYTHON38_x86_URL = ""
$PYTHON38_x86_SHA256 = "ad07633a1f0cd795f3bf9da33729f662281df196b4567fa795829f3bb38a30ac"
$PYTHON38_x64_URL = ""
$PYTHON38_x64_SHA256 = "7628244cb53408b50639d2c1287c659f4e29d3dfdb9084b11aed5870c0c6a48a"

$PYTHON39_x86_URL = ""
$PYTHON39_x86_SHA256 = "6646a5683adf14d35e8c53aab946895bc0f0b825f7acac3a62cc85ee7d0dc71a"
$PYTHON39_X64_URL = ""
$PYTHON39_x64_SHA256 = "137d59e5c0b01a8f1bdcba08344402ae658c81c6bf03b6602bd8b4e951ad0714"

$PYTHON310_x86_URL = ""
$PYTHON310_x86_SHA256 = "ea896eeefb1db9e12fb89ec77a6e28c9fe52b4a162a34c85d9688be2ec2392e8"
$PYTHON310_X64_URL = ""
$PYTHON310_x64_SHA256 = "cb580eb7dc55f9198e650f016645023e8b2224cf7d033857d12880b46c5c94ef"

# PIP 19.2.3.
$PIP_URL = ""
$PIP_SHA256 = "57e3643ff19f018f8a00dfaa6b7e4620e3c1a7a2171fd218425366ec006b3bfe"

$INNO_SETUP_SHA256 = "27D49E9BC769E9D1B214C153011978DB90DC01C2ACD1DDCD9ED7B3FE3B96B538"

$MINGW_BIN_SHA256 = "2AB8EFD7C7D1FC8EAF8B2FA4DA4EEF8F3E47768284C021599BC7435839A046DF"

$MERCURIAL_WHEEL_FILENAME = "mercurial-5.8.1-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl"
$MERCURIAL_WHEEL_SHA256 = "cbf3efa68fd7ebf94691bd00d2c86bbd47ca73620c8faa4f18b6c394bf5f82b0"

$RUSTUP_INIT_SHA256 = "d17df34ba974b9b19cf5c75883a95475aa22ddc364591d75d174090d55711c72"

$PYOXIDIZER_SHA256 = "85c3bc21a18eb5e2db4dad87cca29accf725c7d59dd364a853ab5099c272024b"

# Writing progress slows down downloads substantially. So disable it.
$progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'

function Secure-Download($url, $path, $sha256) {
    if (Test-Path -Path $path) {
        Get-FileHash -Path $path -Algorithm SHA256 -OutVariable hash

        if ($hash.Hash -eq $sha256) {
            Write-Output "SHA256 of $path verified as $sha256"

        Write-Output "hash mismatch on $path; downloading again"

    Write-Output "downloading $url to $path"
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $path
    Get-FileHash -Path $path -Algorithm SHA256 -OutVariable hash

    if ($hash.Hash -ne $sha256) {
        Remove-Item -Path $path
        throw "hash mismatch when downloading $url; got $($hash.Hash), expected $sha256"

function Invoke-Process($path, $arguments) {
    echo "$path $arguments"

    $p = Start-Process -FilePath $path -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait -PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden

    if ($p.ExitCode -ne 0) {
        throw "process exited non-0: $($p.ExitCode)"

function Install-Python3($name, $installer, $dest, $pip) {
    Write-Output "installing $name"

    # We hit this when running the script as part of Simple Systems Manager in
    # EC2. The Python 3 installer doesn't seem to like per-user installs
    # when running as the SYSTEM user. So enable global installs if executed in
    # this mode.
    if ($env:USERPROFILE -eq "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile") {
        Write-Output "running with SYSTEM account; installing for all users"
        $allusers = "1"
    else {
        $allusers = "0"

    Invoke-Process $installer "/quiet TargetDir=${dest} InstallAllUsers=${allusers} AssociateFiles=0 CompileAll=0 PrependPath=0 Include_doc=0 Include_launcher=0 InstallLauncherAllUsers=0 Include_pip=0 Include_test=0"
    Invoke-Process ${dest}\python.exe $pip

function Install-Rust($prefix) {
    Write-Output "installing Rust"
    $Env:RUSTUP_HOME = "${prefix}\rustup"
    $Env:CARGO_HOME = "${prefix}\cargo"

    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\assets\rustup-init.exe" "-y --default-host x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\cargo\bin\rustup.exe" "target add i686-pc-windows-msvc"
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\cargo\bin\rustup.exe" "install 1.52.0"
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\cargo\bin\rustup.exe" "component add clippy"

function Install-Dependencies($prefix) {
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $prefix\assets)) {
        New-Item -Path $prefix\assets -ItemType Directory

    $pip = "${prefix}\assets\"

    Secure-Download $PYTHON37_x86_URL ${prefix}\assets\python37-x86.exe $PYTHON37_x86_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON37_x64_URL ${prefix}\assets\python37-x64.exe $PYTHON37_x64_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON38_x86_URL ${prefix}\assets\python38-x86.exe $PYTHON38_x86_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON38_x64_URL ${prefix}\assets\python38-x64.exe $PYTHON38_x64_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON39_x86_URL ${prefix}\assets\python39-x86.exe $PYTHON39_x86_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON39_x64_URL ${prefix}\assets\python39-x64.exe $PYTHON39_x64_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON310_x86_URL ${prefix}\assets\python310-x86.exe $PYTHON310_x86_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON310_x64_URL ${prefix}\assets\python310-x64.exe $PYTHON310_x64_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PIP_URL ${pip} $PIP_SHA256
    Secure-Download $VS_BUILD_TOOLS_URL ${prefix}\assets\vs_buildtools.exe $VS_BUILD_TOOLS_SHA256
    Secure-Download $INNO_SETUP_URL ${prefix}\assets\InnoSetup.exe $INNO_SETUP_SHA256
    Secure-Download $MINGW_BIN_URL ${prefix}\assets\ $MINGW_BIN_SHA256
    Secure-Download $RUSTUP_INIT_URL ${prefix}\assets\rustup-init.exe $RUSTUP_INIT_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYOXIDIZER_URL ${prefix}\assets\PyOxidizer.msi $PYOXIDIZER_SHA256

    Install-Python3 "Python 3.7 32-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python37-x86.exe ${prefix}\python37-x86 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.7 64-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python37-x64.exe ${prefix}\python37-x64 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.8 32-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python38-x86.exe ${prefix}\python38-x86 ${pip}
#    Install-Python3 "Python 3.8 64-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python38-x64.exe ${prefix}\python38-x64 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.9 32-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python39-x86.exe ${prefix}\python39-x86 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.9 64-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python39-x64.exe ${prefix}\python39-x64 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.10 32-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python310-x86.exe ${prefix}\python310-x86 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.10 64-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python310-x64.exe ${prefix}\python310-x64 ${pip}

    Write-Output "installing Visual Studio 2017 Build Tools and SDKs"
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\assets\vs_buildtools.exe "--quiet --wait --norestart --nocache --channelUri --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.17763 --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.140"

    Write-Output "installing PyOxidizer"
    Invoke-Process msiexec.exe "/i ${prefix}\assets\PyOxidizer.msi /l* ${prefix}\assets\PyOxidizer.log /quiet"

    Install-Rust ${prefix}

    Write-Output "installing Inno Setup"
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\assets\InnoSetup.exe "/SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES"

    Write-Output "extracting MinGW base archive"
    Expand-Archive -Path ${prefix}\assets\ -DestinationPath "${prefix}\MinGW" -Force

    Write-Output "updating MinGW package catalogs"
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\MinGW\bin\mingw-get.exe "update"

    Write-Output "installing MinGW packages"
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\MinGW\bin\mingw-get.exe "install msys-base msys-coreutils msys-diffutils msys-unzip"

    # Construct a virtualenv useful for bootstrapping. It conveniently contains a
    # Mercurial install.
    Write-Output "creating bootstrap virtualenv with Mercurial"
    Invoke-Process "$prefix\python39-x64\python.exe" "-m venv ${prefix}\venv-bootstrap"
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\venv-bootstrap\Scripts\pip.exe" "install ${prefix}\assets\${MERCURIAL_WHEEL_FILENAME}"

function Clone-Mercurial-Repo($prefix, $repo_url, $dest) {
    Write-Output "cloning $repo_url to $dest"
    # TODO Figure out why CA verification isn't working in EC2 and remove
    # --insecure.
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\venv-bootstrap\Scripts\python.exe" "${prefix}\venv-bootstrap\Scripts\hg clone --insecure $repo_url $dest"

    # Mark repo as non-publishing by default for convenience.
    Add-Content -Path "$dest\.hg\hgrc" -Value "`n[phases]`npublish = false"

$prefix = "c:\hgdev"
Install-Dependencies $prefix
Clone-Mercurial-Repo $prefix "" $prefix\src