view tests/test-convert-bzr.t @ 37533:df4985497986

wireproto: implement capabilities for wire protocol v2 The capabilities mechanism for wire protocol version 2 represents a clean break from version 1. Instead of effectively exchanging a set of capabilities, we're exchanging a rich data structure. This data structure currently contains information about every available command, including its accepted arguments. It also contains information about supported compression formats. Exposing information about supported commands will allow clients to automatically generate bindings to the server. Clients will be able to do things like detect when they are attempting to run a command that isn't known to the server. Exposing the required permissions to run a command can be used by clients to determine if they have privileges to call a command before actually calling it. We could potentially even have clients send credentials preemptively without waiting for the server to deny the command request. Lots of potential here. The data returned by this command will likely evolve heavily. So we shouldn't bikeshed the implementation just yet. Differential Revision:
author Gregory Szorc <>
date Mon, 09 Apr 2018 11:52:31 -0700
parents 75be14993fda
children 7a88643bc0ef
line wrap: on
line source

#require bzr

  $ . "$TESTDIR/bzr-definitions"

create and rename on the same file in the same step

  $ mkdir test-createandrename
  $ cd test-createandrename
  $ bzr init -q source

test empty repo conversion (issue3233)

  $ hg convert source source-hg
  initializing destination source-hg repository
  scanning source...

back to the rename stuff

  $ cd source
  $ echo a > a
  $ echo c > c
  $ echo e > e
  $ bzr add -q a c e
  $ bzr commit -q -m 'Initial add: a, c, e'
  $ bzr mv a b
  a => b
  $ bzr mv c d
  c => d
  $ bzr mv e f
  e => f
  $ echo a2 >> a
  $ mkdir e
  $ bzr add -q a e
  $ bzr commit -q -m 'rename a into b, create a, rename c into d'
  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert source source-hg
  scanning source...
  1 Initial add: a, c, e
  0 rename a into b, create a, rename c into d
  $ glog -R source-hg
  o  1@source "rename a into b, create a, rename c into d" files: a b c d e f
  o  0@source "Initial add: a, c, e" files: a c e


  $ hg manifest -R source-hg -r tip

test --rev option

  $ hg convert -r 1 source source-1-hg
  initializing destination source-1-hg repository
  scanning source...
  0 Initial add: a, c, e
  $ glog -R source-1-hg
  o  0@source "Initial add: a, c, e" files: a c e

test with filemap

  $ cat > filemap <<EOF
  > exclude a
  > EOF
  $ hg convert --filemap filemap source source-filemap-hg
  initializing destination source-filemap-hg repository
  scanning source...
  1 Initial add: a, c, e
  0 rename a into b, create a, rename c into d
  $ hg -R source-filemap-hg manifest -r tip

convert from lightweight checkout

  $ bzr checkout --lightweight source source-light
  $ hg convert -s bzr source-light source-light-hg
  initializing destination source-light-hg repository
  warning: lightweight checkouts may cause conversion failures, try with a regular branch instead.
  $TESTTMP/test-createandrename/source-light does not look like a Bazaar repository
  abort: source-light: missing or unsupported repository

extract timestamps that look just like hg's {date|isodate}:
yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM zzzz (no seconds!)
compare timestamps

  $ cd source
  $ bzr log | \
  >   sed '/timestamp/!d;s/.\{15\}\([0-9: -]\{16\}\):.. \(.[0-9]\{4\}\)/\1 \2/' \
  >   > ../bzr-timestamps
  $ cd ..
  $ hg -R source-hg log --template "{date|isodate}\n" > hg-timestamps
  $ cmp bzr-timestamps hg-timestamps || diff -u bzr-timestamps hg-timestamps
  $ cd ..


  $ mkdir test-merge
  $ cd test-merge
  $ cat > <<EOF
  > import sys
  > from bzrlib import workingtree
  > wt ='.')
  > message, stamp = sys.argv[1:]
  > wt.commit(message, timestamp=int(stamp))
  > EOF
  $ bzr init -q source
  $ cd source
  $ echo content > a
  $ echo content2 > b
  $ bzr add -q a b
  $ bzr commit -q -m 'Initial add'
  $ cd ..
  $ bzr branch -q source source-improve
  $ cd source
  $ echo more >> a
  $ $PYTHON ../ 'Editing a' 100
  $ cd ../source-improve
  $ echo content3 >> b
  $ $PYTHON ../ 'Editing b' 200
  $ cd ../source
  $ bzr merge -q ../source-improve
  $ bzr commit -q -m 'Merged improve branch'
  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert --datesort source source-hg
  initializing destination source-hg repository
  scanning source...
  3 Initial add
  2 Editing a
  1 Editing b
  0 Merged improve branch
  $ glog -R source-hg
  o    3@source "Merged improve branch" files:
  | o  2@source-improve "Editing b" files: b
  | |
  o |  1@source "Editing a" files: a
  o  0@source "Initial add" files: a b
  $ cd ..

#if symlink execbit

symlinks and executable files

  $ mkdir test-symlinks
  $ cd test-symlinks
  $ bzr init -q source
  $ cd source
  $ touch program
  $ chmod +x program
  $ ln -s program altname
  $ mkdir d
  $ echo a > d/a
  $ ln -s a syma
  $ bzr add -q altname program syma d/a
  $ bzr commit -q -m 'Initial setup'
  $ touch newprog
  $ chmod +x newprog
  $ rm altname
  $ ln -s newprog altname
  $ chmod -x program
  $ bzr add -q newprog
  $ bzr commit -q -m 'Symlink changed, x bits changed'
  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert source source-hg
  initializing destination source-hg repository
  scanning source...
  1 Initial setup
  0 Symlink changed, x bits changed
  $ manifest source-hg 0
  % manifest of 0
  644 @ altname
  644   d/a
  755 * program
  644 @ syma
  $ manifest source-hg tip
  % manifest of tip
  644 @ altname
  644   d/a
  755 * newprog
  644   program
  644 @ syma

test the symlinks can be recreated

  $ cd source-hg
  $ hg up
  5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg cat syma; echo
  $ cd ../..


Multiple branches

  $ bzr init-repo -q --no-trees repo
  $ bzr init -q repo/trunk
  $ bzr co repo/trunk repo-trunk
  $ cd repo-trunk
  $ echo a > a
  $ bzr add -q a
  $ bzr ci -qm adda
  $ bzr tag trunk-tag
  Created tag trunk-tag.
  $ bzr switch -b branch
  Tree is up to date at revision 1.
  Switched to branch: *repo/branch/ (glob)
  $ sleep 1
  $ echo b > b
  $ bzr add -q b
  $ bzr ci -qm addb
  $ bzr tag branch-tag
  Created tag branch-tag.
  $ bzr switch --force ../repo/trunk
  Updated to revision 1.
  Switched to branch: */repo/trunk/ (glob)
  $ sleep 1
  $ echo a >> a
  $ bzr ci -qm changea
  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert --datesort repo repo-bzr
  initializing destination repo-bzr repository
  scanning source...
  2 adda
  1 addb
  0 changea
  updating tags
  $ (cd repo-bzr; glog)
  o  3@default "update tags" files: .hgtags
  o  2@default "changea" files: a
  | o  1@branch "addb" files: b
  o  0@default "adda" files: a

Test tags (converted identifiers are not stable because bzr ones are
not and get incorporated in extra fields).

  $ hg -R repo-bzr tags
  tip                                3:* (glob)
  branch-tag                         1:* (glob)
  trunk-tag                          0:* (glob)

Nested repositories (issue3254)

  $ bzr init-repo -q --no-trees repo/inner
  $ bzr init -q repo/inner/trunk
  $ bzr co repo/inner/trunk inner-trunk
  $ cd inner-trunk
  $ echo b > b
  $ bzr add -q b
  $ bzr ci -qm addb
  $ cd ..
  $ hg convert --datesort repo noinner-bzr
  initializing destination noinner-bzr repository
  scanning source...
  2 adda
  1 addb
  0 changea
  updating tags