attr: vendor 22.1.0
The previous version was 5 years old, and pytype 2022.06.30 started complaining
about various uses (e.g. seeing `mercurial.thirdparty.attr._make._CountingAttr`
instead of `bytearray`). Hopefully this helps. Additionally, this has official
python 3.11 support.
The `attrs` package is left out, because it is simply a bunch of *.pyi stubs and
`from attr.X import *`, and that's not how they've been used up to this point.
We'd probably need to customize those anyway to
`from mercurial.thirdparty.attr import *`.
" $Id: CVSAnnotate.vim,v 1.5 2002/10/01 21:34:02 rhiestan Exp $
" Vim syntax file
" Language: CVS annotate output
" Maintainer: Bob Hiestand <>
" Last Change: $Date: 2002/10/01 21:34:02 $
" Remark: Used by the cvscommand plugin. Originally written by Mathieu
" Clabaut
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syn match cvsDate /\S\S\S \S\+ \d\+ \d\+:\d\+:\d\+ \d\+ [+-]\?\d\+/ contained
syn match cvsName /^\s*\S\+ / contained nextgroup=cvsVer
syn match cvsVer /\d\+ / contained nextgroup=cvsDate
syn region cvsHead start="^" end=":" contains=cvsVer,cvsName,cvsDate
if !exists("did_cvsannotate_syntax_inits")
let did_cvsannotate_syntax_inits = 1
hi link cvsText String
hi link cvsDate Comment
hi link cvsName Type
hi link cvsVer Statement
let b:current_syntax="CVSAnnotate"