author Paul Morelle <paul.morelle@octobus.net>
Tue, 10 Oct 2017 17:50:27 +0200
changeset 34824 e2ad93bcc084
parent 29153 90d84e1e427a
child 39269 d0e8933d6dad
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
revlog: introduce an experimental flag to slice chunks reads when too sparse Delta chains can become quite sparse if there is a lot of unrelated data between relevant pieces. Right now, revlog always reads all the necessary data for the delta chain in one single read. This can lead to a lot of unrelated data to be read (see issue5482 for more details). One can use the `experimental.maxdeltachainspan` option with a large value (or -1) to easily produce a very sparse delta chain. This change introduces the ability to slice the chunks retrieval into multiple reads, skipping large sections of unrelated data. Preliminary testing shows interesting results. For example the peak memory consumption to read a manifest on a large repository is reduced from 600MB to 250MB (200MB without maxdeltachainspan). However, the slicing itself and the multiple reads can have an negative impact on performance. This is why the new feature is hidden behind an experimental flag. Future changesets will add various parameters to control the slicing heuristics. We hope to experiment a wide variety of repositories during 4.4 and hopefully turn the feature on by default in 4.5. As a first try, the algorithm itself is prone to deep changes. However, we wish to define APIs and have a baseline to work on.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# posplit - split messages in paragraphs on .po/.pot files
# license: MIT/X11/Expat

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import polib
import re
import sys

def addentry(po, entry, cache):
    e = cache.get(entry.msgid)
    if e:
        cache[entry.msgid] = entry

def mkentry(orig, delta, msgid, msgstr):
    entry = polib.POEntry()
    entry.msgid = msgid or orig.msgid
    entry.msgstr = msgstr or orig.msgstr
    entry.occurrences = [(p, int(l) + delta) for (p, l) in orig.occurrences]
    return entry

if __name__ == "__main__":
    po = polib.pofile(sys.argv[1])

    cache = {}
    entries = po[:]
    po[:] = []
    findd = re.compile(r' *\.\. (\w+)::') # for finding directives
    for entry in entries:
        msgids = entry.msgid.split(u'\n\n')
        if entry.msgstr:
            msgstrs = entry.msgstr.split(u'\n\n')
            msgstrs = [u''] * len(msgids)

        if len(msgids) != len(msgstrs):
            # places the whole existing translation as a fuzzy
            # translation for each paragraph, to give the
            # translator a chance to recover part of the old
            # translation - erasing extra paragraphs is
            # probably better than retranslating all from start
            if 'fuzzy' not in entry.flags:
            msgstrs = [entry.msgstr] * len(msgids)

        delta = 0
        for msgid, msgstr in zip(msgids, msgstrs):
            if msgid and msgid != '::':
                newentry = mkentry(entry, delta, msgid, msgstr)
                mdirective = findd.match(msgid)
                if mdirective:
                    if not msgid[mdirective.end():].rstrip():
                        # only directive, nothing to translate here
                        delta += 2
                    directive = mdirective.group(1)
                    if directive in ('container', 'include'):
                        if msgid.rstrip('\n').count('\n') == 0:
                            # only rst syntax, nothing to translate
                            delta += 2
                            # lines following directly, unexpected
                            print('Warning: text follows line with directive' \
                                  ' %s' % directive)
                    comment = 'do not translate: .. %s::' % directive
                    if not newentry.comment:
                        newentry.comment = comment
                    elif comment not in newentry.comment:
                        newentry.comment += '\n' + comment
                addentry(po, newentry, cache)
            delta += 2 + msgid.count('\n')