procutil: compare fd number to see if stdio protection is needed (
When I wrote this function for commandserver at
69f86b937035, testing object
identity was suffice, and I was sloppy enough not to compare fileno() values.
However, it doesn't work in chg session because chgserver reopens stdio to
apply new buffering mode.
This patch partially fixes the issue 5992. Still we have another problem in
// Enforcing
"eqeqeq" : true, // true: Require triple equals (===) for comparison
"forin" : true, // true: Require filtering loops with obj.hasOwnProperty()
"freeze" : true, // true: prohibits overwriting prototypes of native objects such as Array, Date etc.
"nonbsp" : true, // true: Prohibit "non-breaking whitespace" characters.
"undef" : true, // true: Require all non-global variables to be declared (prevents global leaks)
// Environments
"browser" : true // Web Browser (window, document, etc)