protocol: send application/mercurial-0.2 responses to capable clients
With this commit, the HTTP transport now parses the X-HgProto-<N>
header to determine what media type and compression engine to use for
responses. So far, we only compress responses that are already being
compressed with zlib today (stream response types to specific
commands). We can expand things to cover additional response types
The practical side-effect of this commit is that non-zlib compression
engines will be used if both ends support them. This means if both
ends have zstd support, zstd - not zlib - will be used to compress
When cloning the mozilla-unified repository between a local HTTP
server and client, the benefits of non-zlib compression are quite
engine server CPU (s) client CPU (s) bundle size
zlib (l=6) 174.1 283.2 1,148,547,026
zstd (l=1) 99.2 267.3 1,127,513,841
zstd (l=3) 103.1 266.9 1,018,861,363
zstd (l=7) 128.3 269.7 919,190,278
zstd (l=10) 162.0 - 894,547,179
none 95.3 277.2 4,097,566,064
The default zstd compression level is 3. So if you deploy zstd
capable Mercurial to your clients and servers and CPU time on
your server is dominated by "getbundle" requests (clients cloning
and pulling) - and my experience at Mozilla tells me this is often
the case - this commit could drastically reduce your server-side
CPU usage *and* save on bandwidth costs!
Another benefit of this change is that server operators can install
*any* compression engine. While it isn't enabled by default, the
"none" compression engine can now be used to disable wire protocol
compression completely. Previously, commands like "getbundle" always
zlib compressed output, adding considerable overhead to generating
responses. If you are on a high speed network and your server is under
high load, it might be advantageous to trade bandwidth for CPU.
Although, zstd at level 1 doesn't use that much CPU, so I'm not
convinced that disabling compression wholesale is worthwhile. And, my
data seems to indicate a slow down on the client without compression.
I suspect this is due to a lack of buffering resulting in an increase
in socket read() calls and/or the fact we're transferring an extra 3 GB
of data (parsing HTTP chunked transfer and processing extra TCP packets
can add up). This is definitely worth investigating and optimizing. But
since the "none" compressor isn't enabled by default, I'm inclined to
punt on this issue.
This commit introduces tons of tests. Some of these should arguably
have been implemented on previous commits. But it was difficult to
test without the server functionality in place.
exewrapper.c - wrapper for calling a python script on Windows
Copyright 2012 Adrian Buehlmann <> and others
This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "hgpythonlib.h"
#ifdef __GNUC__
int strcat_s(char *d, size_t n, const char *s)
return !strncat(d, s, n);
int strcpy_s(char *d, size_t n, const char *s)
return !strncpy(d, s, n);
static char pyscript[MAX_PATH + 10];
static char pyhome[MAX_PATH + 10];
static char envpyhome[MAX_PATH + 10];
static char pydllfile[MAX_PATH + 10];
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *p;
int ret;
int i;
int n;
char **pyargv;
WIN32_FIND_DATA fdata;
HANDLE hfind;
const char *err;
HMODULE pydll;
void (__cdecl *Py_SetPythonHome)(char *home);
int (__cdecl *Py_Main)(int argc, char *argv[]);
if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, pyscript, sizeof(pyscript)) == 0)
err = "GetModuleFileName failed";
goto bail;
p = strrchr(pyscript, '.');
if (p == NULL) {
err = "malformed module filename";
goto bail;
*p = 0; /* cut trailing ".exe" */
strcpy_s(pyhome, sizeof(pyhome), pyscript);
hfind = FindFirstFile(pyscript, &fdata);
if (hfind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
/* pyscript exists, close handle */
} else {
/* file pyscript isn't there, take <pyscript> */
strcat_s(pyscript, sizeof(pyscript), "");
pydll = NULL;
We first check, that environment variable PYTHONHOME is *not* set.
This just mimicks the behavior of the regular python.exe, which uses
PYTHONHOME to find its installation directory (if it has been set).
Note: Users of HackableMercurial are expected to *not* set PYTHONHOME!
if (GetEnvironmentVariable("PYTHONHOME", envpyhome,
sizeof(envpyhome)) == 0)
Environment var PYTHONHOME is *not* set. Let's see if we are
running inside a HackableMercurial.
p = strrchr(pyhome, '\\');
if (p == NULL) {
err = "can't find backslash in module filename";
goto bail;
*p = 0; /* cut at directory */
/* check for private Python of HackableMercurial */
strcat_s(pyhome, sizeof(pyhome), "\\hg-python");
hfind = FindFirstFile(pyhome, &fdata);
if (hfind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
/* path pyhome exists, let's use it */
strcpy_s(pydllfile, sizeof(pydllfile), pyhome);
strcat_s(pydllfile, sizeof(pydllfile),
"\\" HGPYTHONLIB ".dll");
pydll = LoadLibrary(pydllfile);
if (pydll == NULL) {
err = "failed to load private Python DLL "
goto bail;
Py_SetPythonHome = (void*)GetProcAddress(pydll,
if (Py_SetPythonHome == NULL) {
err = "failed to get Py_SetPythonHome";
goto bail;
if (pydll == NULL) {
pydll = LoadLibrary(HGPYTHONLIB ".dll");
if (pydll == NULL) {
err = "failed to load Python DLL " HGPYTHONLIB ".dll";
goto bail;
Py_Main = (void*)GetProcAddress(pydll, "Py_Main");
if (Py_Main == NULL) {
err = "failed to get Py_Main";
goto bail;
Only add the pyscript to the args, if it's not already there. It may
already be there, if the script spawned a child process of itself, in
the same way as it got called, that is, with the pyscript already in
place. So we optionally accept the pyscript as the first argument
(argv[1]), letting our exe taking the role of the python interpreter.
if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], pyscript) == 0) {
pyscript is already in the args, so there is no need to copy
the args and we can directly call the python interpreter with
the original args.
return Py_Main(argc, argv);
Start assembling the args for the Python interpreter call. We put the
name of our exe (argv[0]) in the position where the python.exe
canonically is, and insert the pyscript next.
pyargv = malloc((argc + 5) * sizeof(char*));
if (pyargv == NULL) {
err = "not enough memory";
goto bail;
n = 0;
pyargv[n++] = argv[0];
pyargv[n++] = pyscript;
/* copy remaining args from the command line */
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
pyargv[n++] = argv[i];
/* argv[argc] is guaranteed to be NULL, so we forward that guarantee */
pyargv[n] = NULL;
ret = Py_Main(n, pyargv); /* The Python interpreter call */
return ret;
fprintf(stderr, "abort: %s\n", err);
return 255;