automation: execute powershell when connecting
For some reason, the ability to execute PS scripts appears to
come online after the ability to execute regular command scripts.
This is creating race conditions when connecting to instances
resulting in our wait_for_winrm() returning before PS is available
leading to an exception being thrown in other code.
Let's change the client connection code to execute a minimal
PS script so we can try to trap the exception in wait_for_winrm().
#!/usr/bin/env python
# like ls -l, but do not print date, user, or non-common mode bit, to avoid
# using globs in tests.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
import stat
import sys
def modestr(st):
mode = st.st_mode
result = ''
if mode & stat.S_IFDIR:
result += 'd'
result += '-'
for owner in ['USR', 'GRP', 'OTH']:
for action in ['R', 'W', 'X']:
if mode & getattr(stat, 'S_I%s%s' % (action, owner)):
result += action.lower()
result += '-'
return result
def sizestr(st):
if st.st_mode & stat.S_IFREG:
return '%7d' % st.st_size
# do not show size for non regular files
return ' ' * 7
os.chdir((sys.argv[1:] + ['.'])[0])
for name in sorted(os.listdir('.')):
st = os.stat(name)
print('%s %s %s' % (modestr(st), sizestr(st), name))