test-eol-update: record new results as correct
0852da25a31b changed the result of this test. The 'hg update 0'
command, which causes a merge of modified a.txt, now leaves a.txt in the
EOLN format specified by .hgeol as it was committed in revision 0.
Previously, it used the .hgeol contents from the working directory before the
from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()
from mercurial import ui
from mercurial import url
from mercurial.error import Abort
class myui(ui.ui):
def interactive(self):
return False
origui = myui()
def writeauth(items):
ui = origui.copy()
for name, value in items.iteritems():
ui.setconfig('auth', name, value)
return ui
def dumpdict(dict):
return '{' + ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (k, dict[k])
for k in sorted(dict.iterkeys())]) + '}'
def test(auth):
print 'CFG:', dumpdict(auth)
prefixes = set()
for k in auth:
prefixes.add(k.split('.', 1)[0])
for p in prefixes:
auth.update({p + '.username': p, p + '.password': p})
ui = writeauth(auth)
def _test(uri):
print 'URI:', uri
pm = url.passwordmgr(ui)
print ' ', pm.find_user_password('test', uri)
except Abort, e:
print 'abort'
print '\n*** Test in-uri schemes\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org'})
test({'x.prefix': 'https://example.org'})
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org', 'x.schemes': 'https'})
test({'x.prefix': 'https://example.org', 'x.schemes': 'http'})
print '\n*** Test separately configured schemes\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'example.org', 'x.schemes': 'http'})
test({'x.prefix': 'example.org', 'x.schemes': 'https'})
test({'x.prefix': 'example.org', 'x.schemes': 'http https'})
print '\n*** Test prefix matching\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
'y.prefix': 'http://example.org/bar'})
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
'y.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo/bar'})
test({'x.prefix': '*', 'y.prefix': 'https://example.org/bar'})