view tests/ @ 44412:edc8504bc26b

exchange: turn on option that makes concurrent pushes work better The motivation is simply to make hg work better out of the box. This is a slight backwards compatibility break, because client extensions could have assumed that the list of heads the client sees during discovery will be the list of heads during the entirety of the push. It seems unlikely to matter, and not worth mentioning. There's a fair amount of diff in tests, but this is just due to sending a few more bytes on the wire, except for test-acl.t. The extra "invalid branch cache" lines in test-acl.t don't seem to indicate a problem: the branchcache now get computed during the bundle application (because of the check:updated-heads bundle part), but doesn't get rolled back when transactions rollback, thus causing a message in the next operation computing the branch cache. Before this change, I assume the branchcache was only computed on transaction commit, so not computed at all when the transactions roll back, thus no messages. Differential Revision:
author Valentin Gatien-Baron <>
date Tue, 25 Feb 2020 20:27:39 -0500
parents 37458d8b0c1e
children c102b704edb5
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import

import hashlib
import os
import random
import shutil
import stat
import struct
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest

import silenttestrunner

from mercurial.node import nullid
from mercurial import (
    ui as uimod,

# Load the local remotefilelog, not the system one
sys.path[0:0] = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')]
from hgext.remotefilelog import (

class histpacktests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tempdirs = []

    def tearDown(self):
        for d in self.tempdirs:

    def makeTempDir(self):
        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        return pycompat.fsencode(tempdir)

    def getHash(self, content):
        return hashlib.sha1(content).digest()

    def getFakeHash(self):
        return b''.join(
            pycompat.bytechr(random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(20)

    def createPack(self, revisions=None):
        """Creates and returns a historypack containing the specified revisions.

        `revisions` is a list of tuples, where each tuple contains a filanem,
        node, p1node, p2node, and linknode.
        if revisions is None:
            revisions = [

        packdir = pycompat.fsencode(self.makeTempDir())
        packer = historypack.mutablehistorypack(uimod.ui(), packdir, version=2)

        for filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom in revisions:
            packer.add(filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom)

        path = packer.close()
        return historypack.historypack(path)

    def testAddSingle(self):
        """Test putting a single entry into a pack and reading it out.
        filename = b"foo"
        node = self.getFakeHash()
        p1 = self.getFakeHash()
        p2 = self.getFakeHash()
        linknode = self.getFakeHash()

        revisions = [(filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, None)]
        pack = self.createPack(revisions)

        actual = pack.getancestors(filename, node)[node]
        self.assertEqual(p1, actual[0])
        self.assertEqual(p2, actual[1])
        self.assertEqual(linknode, actual[2])

    def testAddMultiple(self):
        """Test putting multiple unrelated revisions into a pack and reading
        them out.
        revisions = []
        for i in range(10):
            filename = b"foo-%d" % i
            node = self.getFakeHash()
            p1 = self.getFakeHash()
            p2 = self.getFakeHash()
            linknode = self.getFakeHash()
            revisions.append((filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, None))

        pack = self.createPack(revisions)

        for filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom in revisions:
            actual = pack.getancestors(filename, node)[node]
            self.assertEqual(p1, actual[0])
            self.assertEqual(p2, actual[1])
            self.assertEqual(linknode, actual[2])
            self.assertEqual(copyfrom, actual[3])

    def testAddAncestorChain(self):
        """Test putting multiple revisions in into a pack and read the ancestor
        revisions = []
        filename = b"foo"
        lastnode = nullid
        for i in range(10):
            node = self.getFakeHash()
            revisions.append((filename, node, lastnode, nullid, nullid, None))
            lastnode = node

        # revisions must be added in topological order, newest first
        revisions = list(reversed(revisions))
        pack = self.createPack(revisions)

        # Test that the chain has all the entries
        ancestors = pack.getancestors(revisions[0][0], revisions[0][1])
        for filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom in revisions:
            ap1, ap2, alinknode, acopyfrom = ancestors[node]
            self.assertEqual(ap1, p1)
            self.assertEqual(ap2, p2)
            self.assertEqual(alinknode, linknode)
            self.assertEqual(acopyfrom, copyfrom)

    def testPackMany(self):
        """Pack many related and unrelated ancestors.
        # Build a random pack file
        allentries = {}
        ancestorcounts = {}
        revisions = []
        for i in range(100):
            filename = b"filename-%d" % i
            entries = []
            p2 = nullid
            linknode = nullid
            for j in range(random.randint(1, 100)):
                node = self.getFakeHash()
                p1 = nullid
                if len(entries) > 0:
                    p1 = entries[random.randint(0, len(entries) - 1)]
                revisions.append((filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, None))
                allentries[(filename, node)] = (p1, p2, linknode)
                if p1 == nullid:
                    ancestorcounts[(filename, node)] = 1
                    newcount = ancestorcounts[(filename, p1)] + 1
                    ancestorcounts[(filename, node)] = newcount

        # Must add file entries in reverse topological order
        revisions = list(reversed(revisions))
        pack = self.createPack(revisions)

        # Verify the pack contents
        for (filename, node) in allentries:
            ancestors = pack.getancestors(filename, node)
            self.assertEqual(ancestorcounts[(filename, node)], len(ancestors))
            for anode, (ap1, ap2, alinknode, copyfrom) in ancestors.items():
                ep1, ep2, elinknode = allentries[(filename, anode)]
                self.assertEqual(ap1, ep1)
                self.assertEqual(ap2, ep2)
                self.assertEqual(alinknode, elinknode)
                self.assertEqual(copyfrom, None)

    def testGetNodeInfo(self):
        revisions = []
        filename = b"foo"
        lastnode = nullid
        for i in range(10):
            node = self.getFakeHash()
            revisions.append((filename, node, lastnode, nullid, nullid, None))
            lastnode = node

        pack = self.createPack(revisions)

        # Test that getnodeinfo returns the expected results
        for filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom in revisions:
            ap1, ap2, alinknode, acopyfrom = pack.getnodeinfo(filename, node)
            self.assertEqual(ap1, p1)
            self.assertEqual(ap2, p2)
            self.assertEqual(alinknode, linknode)
            self.assertEqual(acopyfrom, copyfrom)

    def testGetMissing(self):
        """Test the getmissing() api.
        revisions = []
        filename = b"foo"
        for i in range(10):
            node = self.getFakeHash()
            p1 = self.getFakeHash()
            p2 = self.getFakeHash()
            linknode = self.getFakeHash()
            revisions.append((filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, None))

        pack = self.createPack(revisions)

        missing = pack.getmissing([(filename, revisions[0][1])])

        missing = pack.getmissing(
            [(filename, revisions[0][1]), (filename, revisions[1][1])]

        fakenode = self.getFakeHash()
        missing = pack.getmissing(
            [(filename, revisions[0][1]), (filename, fakenode)]
        self.assertEqual(missing, [(filename, fakenode)])

        # Test getmissing on a non-existant filename
        missing = pack.getmissing([(b"bar", fakenode)])
        self.assertEqual(missing, [(b"bar", fakenode)])

    def testAddThrows(self):
        pack = self.createPack()

            pack.add(b'filename', nullid, nullid, nullid, nullid, None)
            self.assertTrue(False, "historypack.add should throw")
        except RuntimeError:

    def testBadVersionThrows(self):
        pack = self.createPack()
        path = pack.path + b'.histpack'
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            raw =
        raw = struct.pack('!B', 255) + raw[1:]
        os.chmod(path, os.stat(path).st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE)
        with open(path, 'wb+') as f:

            self.assertTrue(False, "bad version number should have thrown")
        except RuntimeError:

    def testLargePack(self):
        """Test creating and reading from a large pack with over X entries.
        This causes it to use a 2^16 fanout table instead."""
        total = basepack.SMALLFANOUTCUTOFF + 1
        revisions = []
        for i in pycompat.xrange(total):
            filename = b"foo-%d" % i
            node = self.getFakeHash()
            p1 = self.getFakeHash()
            p2 = self.getFakeHash()
            linknode = self.getFakeHash()
            revisions.append((filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, None))

        pack = self.createPack(revisions)
        self.assertEqual(pack.params.fanoutprefix, basepack.LARGEFANOUTPREFIX)

        for filename, node, p1, p2, linknode, copyfrom in revisions:
            actual = pack.getancestors(filename, node)[node]
            self.assertEqual(p1, actual[0])
            self.assertEqual(p2, actual[1])
            self.assertEqual(linknode, actual[2])
            self.assertEqual(copyfrom, actual[3])

# histpack store:
# - repack two packs into one

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if pycompat.iswindows:
        sys.exit(80)  # Skip on Windows