bookmark: introduce a 'applychanges' function to gather bookmark movement
We want to track bookmark movement within a transaction. For this we need a
more centralized way to update bookmarks.
For this purpose we introduce a new 'applychanges' method that apply a list of
changes encoded as '(name, node)'. We'll cover all bookmark updating code to
this new method in later changesets and add bookmark move in the transaction
when all will be migrated.
# Extract version number into 4 parts, some of which may be empty:
# version: the numeric part of the most recent tag. Will always look like 1.3.
# type: if an rc build, "rc", otherwise empty
# distance: the distance from the nearest tag, or empty if built from a tag
# node: the node|short hg was built from, or empty if built from a tag
gethgversion() {
make cleanbutpackages
make local || make local PURE=--pure
$HG version > /dev/null || { echo 'abort: hg version failed!'; exit 1 ; }
hgversion=`LANGUAGE=C $HG version | sed -ne 's/.*(version \(.*\))$/\1/p'`
if echo $hgversion | grep + > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
tmp=`echo $hgversion | cut -d+ -f 2`
hgversion=`echo $hgversion | cut -d+ -f 1`
distance=`echo $tmp | cut -d- -f 1`
node=`echo $tmp | cut -d- -f 2`
if echo $hgversion | grep -- '-' > /dev/null 2>&1; then
version=`echo $hgversion | cut -d- -f1`
type=`echo $hgversion | cut -d- -f2`