view contrib/ @ 43044:f9d35f01b8b3

setup: build extensions in parallel by default The build_ext distutils command in Python 3.5+ has a "parallel" option that controls whether to build extensions in parallel. It is disabled by default (None) and can be set to an integer value for number of cores or True to indicate use all available CPU cores. This commit changes our build_ext command override to set "parallel" to True unless a value has been provided by the caller. On my machine, this makes `python build_ext` 1-4s faster. It is worth noting that at this time, each individual source file constituting the extension is still built serially. For Mercurial, this means that we can't build faster than the slowest-to-build extension, which is the zstd extension by a long shot. This means that is still not very efficient at utilizing multiple cores. But we're better than before. Differential Revision: # no-check-commit because of foo_bar naming
author Gregory Szorc <>
date Mon, 30 Sep 2019 17:26:41 -0700
parents 3790610c2793
children 2372284d9457
line wrap: on
line source

# Copyright 2012 Facebook
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
"""Find tests that newly pass under Python 3.

The approach is simple: we maintain a whitelist of Python 3 passing
tests in the repository, and periodically run all the /other/ tests
and look for new passes. Any newly passing tests get automatically
added to the whitelist.

You probably want to run it like this:

  $ cd tests
  $ python3 ../contrib/ \
  >   --working-tests=../contrib/python3-whitelist
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import argparse
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys

_hgenv = dict(os.environ)
    'HGPLAIN': '1',

_HG_FIRST_CHANGE = '9117c6561b0bd7792fa13b50d28239d51b78e51f'

def _runhg(*args):
    return subprocess.check_output(args, env=_hgenv)

def _is_hg_repo(path):
    return _runhg('hg', 'log', '-R', path,
                  '-r0', '--template={node}').strip() == _HG_FIRST_CHANGE

def _py3default():
    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
        return sys.executable
    return 'python3'

def main(argv=()):
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                   help='List of tests that already work in Python 3.')
                   help='If set, commit newly fixed tests to the given repo')
    p.add_argument('-j', default=os.sysconf(r'SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN'), type=int,
                   help='Number of parallel tests to run.')
    p.add_argument('--python3', default=_py3default(),
                   help='python3 interpreter to use for test run')
                   help='Username to specify when committing to a repo.')
    opts = p.parse_args(argv)
    if opts.commit_to_repo:
        if not _is_hg_repo(opts.commit_to_repo):
            print('abort: specified repository is not the hg repository')
    if not opts.working_tests or not os.path.isfile(opts.working_tests):
        print('abort: --working-tests must exist and be a file (got %r)' %
    elif opts.commit_to_repo:
        root = _runhg('hg', 'root').strip()
        if not opts.working_tests.startswith(root):
            print('abort: if --commit-to-repo is given, '
                  '--working-tests must be from that repo')
        subprocess.check_call([opts.python3, '-c',
                               'import sys ; '
                               'assert ((3, 5) <= sys.version_info < (3, 6) '
                               'or sys.version_info >= (3, 6, 2))'])
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        print('warning: Python 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 have '
              'a bug which breaks Mercurial')
        print('(see for details)')

    rt = subprocess.Popen([opts.python3, '', '-j', str(opts.j),
                           '--blacklist', opts.working_tests, '--json'])
    with open('report.json') as f:
        data =
    report = json.loads(data.split('=', 1)[1])
    newpass = set()
    for test, result in report.items():
        if result['result'] != 'success':
        # A new passing test! Huzzah!
    if newpass:
        # We already validated the repo, so we can just dive right in
        # and commit.
        if opts.commit_to_repo:
            print(len(newpass), 'new passing tests on Python 3!')
            with open(opts.working_tests) as f:
                oldpass = {l for l in if l}
            with open(opts.working_tests, 'w') as f:
                for p in sorted(oldpass | newpass):
                    f.write('%s\n' % p)
            _runhg('hg', 'commit', '-R', opts.commit_to_repo,
                   '--user', opts.commit_user,
                   '--message', 'python3: expand list of passing tests')
            print('Newly passing tests:', '\n'.join(sorted(newpass)))

if __name__ == '__main__':