view contrib/ @ 28189:fac3a24be50e

rebase: choose default destination the same way as 'hg merge' (BC) This changeset finally make 'hg rebase' choose its default destination using the same logic as 'hg merge'. The previous default was "tipmost changeset on the current branch", the new default is "the other head if there is only one". This change has multiple consequences: - Multiple tests which were not rebasing anything (rebasing from tipmost head) are now rebasing on the other "lower" branch. This is the expected new behavior. - A test is now explicitly aborting when there is too many heads on the branch. This is the expected behavior. - We gained a better detection of the "nothing to rebase" case while performing 'hg pull --rebase' so the message have been updated. Making clearer than an update was performed and why. This is beneficial side-effect. - Rebasing from an active bookmark will behave the same as 'hg merge' from a bookmark.
author Pierre-Yves David <>
date Sun, 14 Feb 2016 13:25:59 +0000
parents c4bec3c45ec9
children 6d7da0901a28
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Measure the performance of a list of revsets against multiple revisions
# defined by parameter. Checkout one by one and run perfrevset with every
# revset in the list to benchmark its performance.
# You should run this from the root of your mercurial repository.
# call with --help for details

import sys
import os
import re
import math
from subprocess import check_call, Popen, CalledProcessError, STDOUT, PIPE
# cannot use argparse, python 2.7 only
from optparse import OptionParser

DEFAULTVARIANTS = ['plain', 'min', 'max', 'first', 'last',
                   'reverse', 'reverse+first', 'reverse+last',
                   'sort', 'sort+first', 'sort+last']

def check_output(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs.setdefault('stderr', PIPE)
    kwargs.setdefault('stdout', PIPE)
    proc = Popen(*args, **kwargs)
    output, error = proc.communicate()
    if proc.returncode != 0:
        raise CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, ' '.join(args[0]))
    return output

def update(rev):
    """update the repo to a revision"""
        check_call(['hg', 'update', '--quiet', '--check', str(rev)])
        check_output(['make', 'local'],
                     stderr=None)  # suppress output except for error/warning
    except CalledProcessError as exc:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'update to revision %s failed, aborting' % rev

def hg(cmd, repo=None):
    """run a mercurial command

    <cmd> is the list of command + argument,
    <repo> is an optional repository path to run this command in."""
    fullcmd = ['./hg']
    if repo is not None:
        fullcmd += ['-R', repo]
    fullcmd += ['--config',
                'extensions.perf=' + os.path.join(contribdir, '')]
    fullcmd += cmd
    return check_output(fullcmd, stderr=STDOUT)

def perf(revset, target=None, contexts=False):
    """run benchmark for this very revset"""
        args = ['perfrevset', revset]
        if contexts:
        output = hg(args, repo=target)
        return parseoutput(output)
    except CalledProcessError as exc:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'abort: cannot run revset benchmark: %s' % exc.cmd
        if getattr(exc, 'output', None) is None: # no output before 2.7
            print >> sys.stderr, '(no output)'
            print >> sys.stderr, exc.output
        return None

outputre = re.compile(r'! wall (\d+.\d+) comb (\d+.\d+) user (\d+.\d+) '
                      'sys (\d+.\d+) \(best of (\d+)\)')

def parseoutput(output):
    """parse a textual output into a dict

    We cannot just use json because we want to compare with old
    versions of Mercurial that may not support json output.
    match =
    if not match:
        print >> sys.stderr, 'abort: invalid output:'
        print >> sys.stderr, output
    return {'comb': float(,
            'count': int(,
            'sys': float(,
            'user': float(,
            'wall': float(,

def printrevision(rev):
    """print data about a revision"""
    sys.stdout.write("Revision ")
    check_call(['hg', 'log', '--rev', str(rev), '--template',
                '{if(tags, " ({tags})")} '
                '{rev}:{node|short}: {desc|firstline}\n'])

def idxwidth(nbidx):
    """return the max width of number used for index

    This is similar to log10(nbidx), but we use custom code here
    because we start with zero and we'd rather not deal with all the
    extra rounding business that log10 would imply.
    nbidx -= 1 # starts at 0
    idxwidth = 0
    while nbidx:
        idxwidth += 1
        nbidx //= 10
    if not idxwidth:
        idxwidth = 1
    return idxwidth

def getfactor(main, other, field, sensitivity=0.05):
    """return the relative factor between values for 'field' in main and other

    Return None if the factor is insignificant (less than <sensitivity>
    factor = 1
    if main is not None:
        factor = other[field] / main[field]
    low, high = 1 - sensitivity, 1 + sensitivity
    if (low < factor < high):
        return None
    return factor

def formatfactor(factor):
    """format a factor into a 4 char string


    if factor is None:
        return '    '
    elif factor < 2:
        return '%3i%%' % (factor * 100)
    elif factor < 10:
        return 'x%3.1f' % factor
    elif factor < 1000:
        return '%4s' % ('x%i' % factor)
        order = int(math.log(factor)) + 1
        while 1 < math.log(factor):
            factor //= 0
        return 'x%ix%i' % (factor, order)

def formattiming(value):
    """format a value to strictly 8 char, dropping some precision if needed"""
    if value < 10**7:
        return ('%.6f' % value)[:8]
        # value is HUGE very unlikely to happen (4+ month run)
        return '%i' % value

_marker = object()
def printresult(variants, idx, data, maxidx, verbose=False, reference=_marker):
    """print a line of result to stdout"""
    mask = '%%0%ii) %%s' % idxwidth(maxidx)

    out = []
    for var in variants:
        if data[var] is None:
            out.append('error   ')
            out.append(' ' * 4)
        if reference is not _marker:
            factor = None
            if reference is not None:
                factor = getfactor(reference[var], data[var], 'wall')
        if verbose:
            out.append('%6d'    % data[var]['count'])
    print mask % (idx, ' '.join(out))

def printheader(variants, maxidx, verbose=False, relative=False):
    header = [' ' * (idxwidth(maxidx) + 1)]
    for var in variants:
        if not var:
            var = 'iter'
        if 8 < len(var):
            var = var[:3] + '..' + var[-3:]
        header.append('%-8s' % var)
        if relative:
            header.append('    ')
        if verbose:
            header.append('%-8s' % 'comb')
            header.append('%-8s' % 'user')
            header.append('%-8s' % 'sys')
            header.append('%6s' % 'count')
    print ' '.join(header)

def getrevs(spec):
    """get the list of rev matched by a revset"""
        out = check_output(['hg', 'log', '--template={rev}\n', '--rev', spec])
    except CalledProcessError as exc:
        print >> sys.stderr, "abort, can't get revision from %s" % spec
    return [r for r in out.split() if r]

def applyvariants(revset, variant):
    if variant == 'plain':
        return revset
    for var in variant.split('+'):
        revset = '%s(%s)' % (var, revset)
    return revset

helptext="""This script will run multiple variants of provided revsets using
different revisions in your mercurial repository. After the benchmark are run
summary output is provided. Use it to demonstrate speed improvements or pin
point regressions. Revsets to run are specified in a file (or from stdin), one
revsets per line. Line starting with '#' will be ignored, allowing insertion of
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] <revs>",
parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
                  help="read revset from FILE (stdin if omitted)",
parser.add_option("-R", "--repo",
                  help="run benchmark on REPO", metavar="REPO")

parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
                  help="display all timing data (not just best total time)")

parser.add_option("", "--variants",
                  help="comma separated list of variant to test "
                       "(eg: plain,min,sorted) (plain = no modification)")
parser.add_option('', '--contexts',
                  help='obtain changectx from results instead of integer revs')

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if not args:

# the directory where both this script and the extension live.
contribdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

revsetsfile = sys.stdin
if options.file:
    revsetsfile = open(options.file)

revsets = [l.strip() for l in revsetsfile if not l.startswith('#')]
revsets = [l for l in revsets if l]

print "Revsets to benchmark"
print "----------------------------"

for idx, rset in enumerate(revsets):
    print "%i) %s" % (idx, rset)

print "----------------------------"

revs = []
for a in args:

variants = options.variants.split(',')

results = []
for r in revs:
    print "----------------------------"
    print "----------------------------"
    res = []
    printheader(variants, len(revsets), verbose=options.verbose)
    for idx, rset in enumerate(revsets):
        varres = {}
        for var in variants:
            varrset = applyvariants(rset, var)
            data = perf(varrset, target=options.repo, contexts=options.contexts)
            varres[var] = data
        printresult(variants, idx, varres, len(revsets),
    print "----------------------------"

print """

Result by revset

print 'Revision:'
for idx, rev in enumerate(revs):
    sys.stdout.write('%i) ' % idx)


for ridx, rset in enumerate(revsets):

    print "revset #%i: %s" % (ridx, rset)
    printheader(variants, len(results), verbose=options.verbose, relative=True)
    ref = None
    for idx, data in enumerate(results):
        printresult(variants, idx, data[ridx], len(results),
                    verbose=options.verbose, reference=ref)
        ref = data[ridx]