view tests/ @ 37048:fc5e261915b9

wireproto: require POST for all HTTPv2 requests Wire protocol version 1 transfers argument data via request headers by default. This has historically caused problems because servers institute limits on the length of individual HTTP headers as well as the total size of all request headers. Mercurial servers can advertise the maximum length of an individual header. But there's no guarantee any intermediate HTTP agents will accept headers up to that length. In the existing wire protocol, server operators typically also key off the HTTP request method to implement authentication. For example, GET requests translate to read-only requests and can be allowed. But read-write commands must use POST and require authentication. This has typically worked because the only wire protocol commands that use POST modify the repo (e.g. the "unbundle" command). There is an experimental feature to enable clients to transmit argument data via POST request bodies. This is technically a better and more robust solution. But we can't enable it by default because of servers assuming POST means write access. In version 2 of the wire protocol, the permissions of a request are encoded in the URL. And with it being a new protocol in a new URL space, we're not constrained by backwards compatibility requirements. This commit adopts the technically superior mechanism of using HTTP request bodies to send argument data by requiring POST for all commands. Strictly speaking, it may be possible to send request bodies on GET requests. But my experience is that not all HTTP stacks support this. POST pretty much always works. Using POST for read-only operations does sacrifice some RESTful design purity. But this API cares about practicality, not about being in Roy T. Fielding's REST ivory tower. There's a chance we may relax this restriction in the future. But for now, I want to see how far we can get with a POST only API. Differential Revision:
author Gregory Szorc <>
date Tue, 13 Mar 2018 11:57:43 -0700
parents df448de7cf3b
children b4e42a9bd12e
line wrap: on
line source

"""This unit test primarily tests parsers.parse_index2().

It also checks certain aspects of the parsers module as a whole.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import struct
import subprocess
import sys

from mercurial.node import (
from mercurial import (

parsers = policy.importmod(r'parsers')

# original python implementation
def gettype(q):
    return int(q & 0xFFFF)

def offset_type(offset, type):
    return long(long(offset) << 16 | type)

indexformatng = ">Qiiiiii20s12x"

def py_parseindex(data, inline) :
    s = 64
    cache = None
    index = []
    nodemap = {nullid: nullrev}
    n = off = 0

    l = len(data) - s
    append = index.append
    if inline:
        cache = (0, data)
        while off <= l:
            e = struct.unpack(indexformatng, data[off:off + s])
            nodemap[e[7]] = n
            n += 1
            if e[1] < 0:
            off += e[1] + s
        while off <= l:
            e = struct.unpack(indexformatng, data[off:off + s])
            nodemap[e[7]] = n
            n += 1
            off += s

    e = list(index[0])
    type = gettype(e[0])
    e[0] = offset_type(0, type)
    index[0] = tuple(e)

    # add the magic null revision at -1
    index.append((0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, nullid))

    return index, cache

data_inlined = '\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x8c' \
    '\x00\x00\x04\x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x15\x15\xff\xff\xff' \
    '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xebG\x97\xb7\x1fB\x04\xcf\x13V\x81\tw\x1b' \
    'w\xdduR\xda\xc6\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' \
    'x\x9c\x9d\x93?O\xc30\x10\xc5\xf7|\x8a\xdb\x9a\xa8m\x06\xd8*\x95' \
    '\x81B\xa1\xa2\xa2R\xcb\x86Pd\x9a\x0b5$vd_\x04\xfd\xf6\x9c\xff@' \
    '\x11!\x0b\xd9\xec\xf7\xbbw\xe7gG6\xad6\x04\xdaN\xc0\x92\xa0$)' \
    '\xb1\x82\xa2\xd1%\x16\xa4\x8b7\xa9\xca\xd4-\xb2Y\x02\xfc\xc9' \
    '\xcaS\xf9\xaeX\xed\xb6\xd77Q\x02\x83\xd4\x19\xf5--Y\xea\xe1W' \
    '\xab\xed\x10\xceR\x0f_\xdf\xdf\r\xe1,\xf5\xf0\xcb\xf5 \xceR\x0f' \
    '_\xdc\x0e\x0e\xc3R\x0f_\xae\x96\x9b!\x9e\xa5\x1e\xbf\xdb,\x06' \
    '\xc7q\x9a/\x88\x82\xc3B\xea\xb5\xb4TJ\x93\xb6\x82\x0e\xe16\xe6' \
    'KQ\xdb\xaf\xecG\xa3\xd1 \x01\xd3\x0b_^\xe8\xaa\xa0\xae\xad\xd1' \
    '&\xbef\x1bz\x08\xb0|\xc9Xz\x06\xf6Z\x91\x90J\xaa\x17\x90\xaa' \
    '\xd2\xa6\x11$5C\xcf\xba#\xa0\x03\x02*2\x92-\xfc\xb1\x94\xdf\xe2' \
    '\xae\xb8\'m\x8ey0^\x85\xd3\x82\xb4\xf0`:\x9c\x00\x8a\xfd\x01' \
    '\xb0\xc6\x86\x8b\xdd\xae\x80\xf3\xa9\x9fd\x16\n\x00R%\x1a\x06' \
    '\xe9\xd8b\x98\x1d\xf4\xf3+\x9bf\x01\xd8p\x1b\xf3.\xed\x9f^g\xc3' \
    '^\xd9W81T\xdb\xd5\x04sx|\xf2\xeb\xd6`%?x\xed"\x831\xbf\xf3\xdc' \
    'b\xeb%gaY\xe1\xad\x9f\xb9f\'1w\xa9\xa5a\x83s\x82J\xb98\xbc4\x8b' \
    '\x83\x00\x9f$z\xb8#\xa5\xb1\xdf\x98\xd9\xec\x1b\x89O\xe3Ts\x9a4' \
    '\x17m\x8b\xfc\x8f\xa5\x95\x9a\xfc\xfa\xed,\xe5|\xa1\xfe\x15\xb9' \

data_non_inlined = '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01D\x19' \
    '\x00\x07e\x12\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff' \
    '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xd1\xf4\xbb\xb0\xbe\xfc\x13\xbd\x8c\xd3\x9d' \
    '\x0f\xcd\xd9;\x8c\x07\x8cJ/\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' \
    '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01D\x19\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xdf\x00' \
    '\x00\x01q\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff' \
    '\xff\xff\xff\xc1\x12\xb9\x04\x96\xa4Z1t\x91\xdfsJ\x90\xf0\x9bh' \
    '\x07l&\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' \
    '\x00\x01D\xf8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xb8\x00\x00' \
    '\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\xff\xff\xff\xff\x02\n' \
    '\x0e\xc6&\xa1\x92\xae6\x0b\x02i\xfe-\xe5\xbao\x05\xd1\xe7\x00' \
    '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01F' \
    '\x13\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\xec\x00\x00\x03\x06\x00\x00\x00\x01' \
    '\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x02\xff\xff\xff\xff\x12\xcb\xeby1' \
    '\xb6\r\x98B\xcb\x07\xbd`\x8f\x92\xd9\xc4\x84\xbdK\x00\x00\x00' \

def parse_index2(data, inline):
    index, chunkcache = parsers.parse_index2(data, inline)
    return list(index), chunkcache

def importparsers(hexversion):
    """Import mercurial.parsers with the given sys.hexversion."""
    # The file parsers.c inspects sys.hexversion to determine the version
    # of the currently-running Python interpreter, so we monkey-patch
    # sys.hexversion to simulate using different versions.
    code = ("import sys; sys.hexversion=%s; "
            "import mercurial.cext.parsers" % hexversion)
    cmd = "python -c \"%s\"" % code
    # We need to do these tests inside a subprocess because parser.c's
    # version-checking code happens inside the module init function, and
    # when using reload() to reimport an extension module, "The init function
    # of extension modules is not called a second time"
    # (from
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    return p.communicate()  # returns stdout, stderr

def printhexfail(testnumber, hexversion, stdout, expected):
        hexstring = hex(hexversion)
    except TypeError:
        hexstring = None
    print("FAILED: version test #%s with Python %s and patched "
          "sys.hexversion %r (%r):\n Expected %s but got:\n-->'%s'\n" %
          (testnumber, sys.version_info, hexversion, hexstring, expected,

def testversionokay(testnumber, hexversion):
    stdout, stderr = importparsers(hexversion)
    if stdout:
        printhexfail(testnumber, hexversion, stdout, expected="no stdout")

def testversionfail(testnumber, hexversion):
    stdout, stderr = importparsers(hexversion)
    # We include versionerrortext to distinguish from other ImportErrors.
    errtext = "ImportError: %s" % parsers.versionerrortext
    if errtext not in stdout:
        printhexfail(testnumber, hexversion, stdout,
                     expected="stdout to contain %r" % errtext)

def makehex(major, minor, micro):
    return int("%x%02x%02x00" % (major, minor, micro), 16)

def runversiontests():
    """Check the version-detection logic when importing parsers."""
    info = sys.version_info
    major, minor, micro = info[0], info[1], info[2]
    # Test same major-minor versions.
    testversionokay(1, makehex(major, minor, micro))
    testversionokay(2, makehex(major, minor, micro + 1))
    # Test different major-minor versions.
    testversionfail(3, makehex(major + 1, minor, micro))
    testversionfail(4, makehex(major, minor + 1, micro))
    testversionfail(5, "'foo'")

def runtest() :
    # Only test the version-detection logic if it is present.
    except AttributeError:

    # Check that parse_index2() raises TypeError on bad arguments.
        parse_index2(0, True)
    except TypeError:
        print("Expected to get TypeError.")

   # Check parsers.parse_index2() on an index file against the original
   # Python implementation of parseindex, both with and without inlined data.

    py_res_1 = py_parseindex(data_inlined, True)
    c_res_1 = parse_index2(data_inlined, True)

    py_res_2 = py_parseindex(data_non_inlined, False)
    c_res_2 = parse_index2(data_non_inlined, False)

    if py_res_1 != c_res_1:
        print("Parse index result (with inlined data) differs!")

    if py_res_2 != c_res_2:
        print("Parse index result (no inlined data) differs!")

    ix = parsers.parse_index2(data_inlined, True)[0]
    for i, r in enumerate(ix):
        if r[7] == nullid:
            i = -1
            if ix[r[7]] != i:
                print('Reverse lookup inconsistent for %r'
                    % r[7].encode('hex'))
        except TypeError:
            # pure version doesn't support this

