author Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc@gmail.com>
Tue, 31 Jul 2018 13:46:57 -0700
changeset 38762 fe3ca1e6f786
parent 36224 d0a3fa849cb8
permissions -rw-r--r--
ui: remove commands.status.terse=u from ui.tweakdefaults commands.status.terse=u can add significant overhead when operating on large repositories. Using the Firefox repository: HGRCPATH= hg --time status time: real 1.340 secs (user 0.960+0.000 sys 0.380+0.000) HGRCPATH= hg --time --config commands.status.terse=u status time: real 2.420 secs (user 2.070+0.000 sys 0.360+0.000) HGRCPATH= hg --time --config extensions.fsmonitor= status time: real 0.080 secs (user 0.050+0.010 sys 0.040+0.000) HGRCPATH= ~/src/hg/hg --time --config extensions.fsmonitor= --config commands.status.terse=u status time: real 2.470 secs (user 2.080+0.000 sys 0.390+0.000) The performance regression - especially when fsmonitor is being used - is too much to stomach for the 4.7 release. We've decided to remove commands.status.terse=u from ui.tweakdefaults until we can improve its performance, hopefully in the 4.8 cycle. This commit effectively backs out 6acf41bb8d40.

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