view tests/ @ 51626:865efc020c33 default tip

dirstate: remove the python-side whitelist of allowed matchers This whitelist is too permissive because it allows matchers that contain disallowed ones deep inside, for example through `intersectionmatcher`. It is also too restrictive because it doesn't pass through some of the matchers we support, such as `patternmatcher`. It's also unnecessary because unsupported matchers raise `FallbackError` and we fall back anyway. Making this change makes more of the tests use rust code path, and therefore subtly change behavior. For example, rust status in largefiles repos seems to have strange behavior.
author Arseniy Alekseyev <>
date Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:10:35 +0100
parents 642e31cb55f0
line wrap: on
line source

import base64
import hashlib

from mercurial.hgweb import common
from mercurial import node

def parse_keqv_list(req, l):
    """Parse list of key=value strings where keys are not duplicated."""
    parsed = {}
    for elt in l:
        k, v = elt.split(b'=', 1)
        if v[0:1] == b'"' and v[-1:] == b'"':
            v = v[1:-1]
        parsed[k] = v
    return parsed

class digestauthserver:
    def __init__(self):
        self._user_hashes = {}

    def gethashers(self):
        def _md5sum(x):
            m = hashlib.md5()
            return node.hex(m.digest())

        h = _md5sum

        kd = lambda s, d, h=h: h(b"%s:%s" % (s, d))
        return h, kd

    def adduser(self, user, password, realm):
        h, kd = self.gethashers()
        a1 = h(b'%s:%s:%s' % (user, realm, password))
        self._user_hashes[(user, realm)] = a1

    def makechallenge(self, realm):
        # We aren't testing the protocol here, just that the bytes make the
        # proper round trip.  So hardcoded seems fine.
        nonce = b'064af982c5b571cea6450d8eda91c20d'
        return b'realm="%s", nonce="%s", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth"' % (

    def checkauth(self, req, header):
        log = req.rawenv[b'wsgi.errors']

        h, kd = self.gethashers()
        resp = parse_keqv_list(req, header.split(b', '))

        if resp.get(b'algorithm', b'MD5').upper() != b'MD5':
            log.write(b'Unsupported algorithm: %s' % resp.get(b'algorithm'))
            raise common.ErrorResponse(
                common.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, b"unknown algorithm"
        user = resp[b'username']
        realm = resp[b'realm']
        nonce = resp[b'nonce']

        ha1 = self._user_hashes.get((user, realm))
        if not ha1:
            log.write(b'No hash found for user/realm "%s/%s"' % (user, realm))
            raise common.ErrorResponse(common.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, b"bad user")

        qop = resp.get(b'qop', b'auth')
        if qop != b'auth':
            log.write(b"Unsupported qop: %s" % qop)
            raise common.ErrorResponse(common.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, b"bad qop")

        cnonce, ncvalue = resp.get(b'cnonce'), resp.get(b'nc')
        if not cnonce or not ncvalue:
            log.write(b'No cnonce (%s) or ncvalue (%s)' % (cnonce, ncvalue))
            raise common.ErrorResponse(common.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, b"no cnonce")

        a2 = b'%s:%s' % (req.method, resp[b'uri'])
        noncebit = b"%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (nonce, ncvalue, cnonce, qop, h(a2))

        respdig = kd(ha1, noncebit)
        if respdig != resp[b'response']:
                b'User/realm "%s/%s" gave %s, but expected %s'
                % (user, realm, resp[b'response'], respdig)
            return False

        return True

digest = digestauthserver()

def perform_authentication(hgweb, req, op):
    auth = req.headers.get(b'Authorization')

    if req.headers.get(b'X-HgTest-AuthType') == b'Digest':
        if not auth:
            challenge = digest.makechallenge(b'mercurial')
            raise common.ErrorResponse(
                [(b'WWW-Authenticate', b'Digest %s' % challenge)],

        if not digest.checkauth(req, auth[7:]):
            raise common.ErrorResponse(common.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, b'no')


    if not auth:
        raise common.ErrorResponse(
            [(b'WWW-Authenticate', b'Basic Realm="mercurial"')],

    if base64.b64decode(auth.split()[1]).split(b':', 1) != [b'user', b'pass']:
        raise common.ErrorResponse(common.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, b'no')

def extsetup(ui):
    common.permhooks.insert(0, perform_authentication)
    digest.adduser(b'user', b'pass', b'mercurial')