Added signature for changeset
Added tag 2.0.1 for changeset
alias: shortcut command matching show shadowing works properly (
An alias for 'log' was stored in the same command table as
'^log|history'. If the hash function happens to give the latter first,
the alias is effectively ignored when matching 'log'.
convert/svn: fix URL quoting issue with svn 1.7
As of svn 1.7, many svn calls expect "canonical" paths. In theory, we should
call svn.core.*canonicalize() on all paths before passing them to the API.
Instead, we assume the base url is canonical and copy the behaviour of svn URL
encoding function so we can extend it safely with new components.
bundlerepo: don't write branch cache to disk
Calling branchmap() or similar on a bundlerepo would write the bundle-augmented
branch cache to disk, requiring a subsequent expensive rebuild when the repo
is used without the bundle.
revset: balance %l or-expressions (