template: add tests for more complex cases
We add new tests for improving the coverage of existing obs-markers related
template (predecessors) and the new one we are introducing (successorssets).
Boris Feld <boris.feld@octobus.net> [Fri, 30 Jun 2017 15:27:19 +0200] rev 33274
obsolete: closest divergent support
Add a closest argument to successorssets changing the definition of latest
With "closest=false" (current behavior), latest successors are "leafs" on the
obsmarker graph. They don't have any successor and are known locally.
With "closest=true", latest successors are the closest locally-known
changesets that are visible in the repository or repoview. Closest successors
can be then obsolete, orphan.
This will be used in a later patch to show the closest successor of
changesets with the successorssets template.