test-parse-date: test 12-hours time formats (
test-command-template: Don't diff files with same content
Solaris diff will report "No differences encountered" on stdout
dirstate.write: don't ignore stat data if mtime is in the future (
This change narrows the race guard that was introduced by
("dirstate: ignore stat data for files that were updated too recently")
to not discard the _map entry's stat data if the mtime is in the future.
Without this change, status locks files having odd mtimes in the future
into the 'unset' state, causing needless file compares later (admittedly
harmless), but also inflicting highly irritating sticky effects on
tools/plugins that directly read .hg/dirstate (e.g. TortoiseHg).
mq: don't mention qtop in module doc string
(qtop was removed in