--- a/mercurial/encoding.py Fri Feb 17 13:53:41 2012 -0600
+++ b/mercurial/encoding.py Mon Feb 20 16:42:45 2012 -0600
@@ -190,3 +190,80 @@
return s.upper() # we don't know how to fold this except in ASCII
except LookupError, k:
raise error.Abort(k, hint="please check your locale settings")
+def toutf8b(s):
+ '''convert a local, possibly-binary string into UTF-8b
+ This is intended as a generic method to preserve data when working
+ with schemes like JSON and XML that have no provision for
+ arbitrary byte strings. As Mercurial often doesn't know
+ what encoding data is in, we use so-called UTF-8b.
+ If a string is already valid UTF-8 (or ASCII), it passes unmodified.
+ Otherwise, unsupported bytes are mapped to UTF-16 surrogate range,
+ uDC00-uDCFF.
+ Principles of operation:
+ - ASCII and UTF-8 data sucessfully round-trips and is understood
+ by Unicode-oriented clients
+ - filenames and file contents in arbitrary other encodings can have
+ be round-tripped or recovered by clueful clients
+ - local strings that have a cached known UTF-8 encoding (aka
+ localstr) get sent as UTF-8 so Unicode-oriented clients get the
+ Unicode data they want
+ - because we must preserve UTF-8 bytestring in places such as
+ filenames, metadata can't be roundtripped without help
+ (Note: "UTF-8b" often refers to decoding a mix of valid UTF-8 and
+ arbitrary bytes into an internal Unicode format that can be
+ re-encoded back into the original. Here we are exposing the
+ internal surrogate encoding as a UTF-8 string.)
+ '''
+ if isinstance(s, localstr):
+ return s._utf8
+ try:
+ if s.decode('utf-8'):
+ return s
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ # surrogate-encode any characters that don't round-trip
+ s2 = s.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').encode('utf-8')
+ r = ""
+ pos = 0
+ for c in s:
+ if s2[pos:pos + 1] == c:
+ r += c
+ pos += 1
+ else:
+ r += unichr(0xdc00 + ord(c)).encode('utf-8')
+ return r
+def fromutf8b(s):
+ '''Given a UTF-8b string, return a local, possibly-binary string.
+ return the original binary string. This
+ is a round-trip process for strings like filenames, but metadata
+ that's was passed through tolocal will remain in UTF-8.
+ >>> m = "\\xc3\\xa9\\x99abcd"
+ >>> n = toutf8b(m)
+ >>> n
+ '\\xc3\\xa9\\xed\\xb2\\x99abcd'
+ >>> fromutf8b(n) == m
+ True
+ '''
+ # fast path - look for uDxxx prefixes in s
+ if "\xed" not in s:
+ return s
+ u = s.decode("utf-8")
+ r = ""
+ for c in u:
+ if ord(c) & 0xff00 == 0xdc00:
+ r += chr(ord(c) & 0xff)
+ else:
+ r += c.encode("utf-8")
+ return r