darcs2hg.py: import darcs project into mercurial
For now, the tags are not taken into account (so you have to reenter
the tags by hand)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/contrib/darcs2hg.py Sat May 27 15:04:40 2006 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Encoding: iso-8859-1
+# vim: tw=80 ts=4 sw=4 noet
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Project : Basic Darcs to Mercurial conversion script
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Author : Sebastien Pierre <sebastien@xprima.com>
+# Creation : 24-May-2006
+# Last mod : 26-May-2006
+# History :
+# 26-May-2006 - Updated
+# 24-May-2006 - First implementation
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import os, sys
+import xml.dom.minidom as xml_dom
+HG_REPO = None
+USAGE = """\
+ Converts the given Darcs repository to a new Mercurial repository. The given
+ HGREPO must not exist, as it will be created and filled up (this will avoid
+ overwriting valuable data.
+""" % (os.path.basename(__file__))
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Utilities
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def cmd(text, path=None):
+ """Executes a command, in the given directory (if any), and returns the
+ command result as a string."""
+ cwd = None
+ if path:
+ path = os.path.abspath(path)
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(path)
+ print text
+ res = os.popen(text).read()
+ if path:
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ return res
+def writefile(path, data):
+ """Writes the given data into the given file."""
+ f = file(path, "w") ; f.write(data) ; f.close()
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Darcs interface
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def darcs_changes(darcsRepo):
+ """Gets the changes list from the given darcs repository. This returns the
+ chronological list of changes as (change name, change summary)."""
+ changes = cmd("darcs changes --reverse --xml-output", darcsRepo)
+ doc = xml_dom.parseString(changes)
+ res = []
+ for patch_node in doc.childNodes[0].childNodes:
+ name = filter(lambda n:n.nodeName == "name", patch_node.childNodes)
+ comm = filter(lambda n:n.nodeName == "comment", patch_node.childNodes)
+ if not name:continue
+ else: name = name[0].childNodes[0].data
+ if not comm: comm = ""
+ else: comm = comm[0].childNodes[0].data
+ res.append([name, comm])
+ return res
+def darcs_pull(hg_repo, darcs_repo, change):
+ cmd("darcs pull '%s' --all --patches='%s'" % (darcs_repo, change), hg_repo)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Mercurial interface
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def hg_commit( hg_repo, text ):
+ writefile("/tmp/msg", text)
+ cmd("hg add -X _darcs *", hg_repo)
+ cmd("hg commit -l /tmp/msg", hg_repo)
+ os.unlink("/tmp/msg")
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Main
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ # We parse the arguments
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ darcs_repo = os.path.abspath(args[0])
+ hg_repo = os.path.abspath(args[1])
+ else:
+ print USAGE
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ # Initializes the target repo
+ if not os.path.isdir(darcs_repo + "/_darcs"):
+ print "No darcs directory found at: " + darc_repo
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if not os.path.isdir(hg_repo):
+ os.mkdir(hg_repo)
+ else:
+ print "Given HG repository must not exist. It will be created"
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ cmd("hg init '%s'" % (hg_repo))
+ cmd("darcs initialize", hg_repo)
+ # Get the changes from the Darcs repository
+ for summary, description in darcs_changes(darcs_repo):
+ text = summary + "\n" + description
+ darcs_pull(hg_repo, darcs_repo, summary)
+ hg_commit(hg_repo, text)
+# EOF