merge: move the bulk of simplemerge into core
- keep existing simplemerge command in contrib
- clean up test interface
--- a/contrib/simplemerge Sun Feb 03 21:47:07 2008 -0200
+++ b/contrib/simplemerge Sun Feb 03 19:29:05 2008 -0600
@@ -1,503 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Canonical Ltd
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# mbp: "you know that thing where cvs gives you conflict markers?"
-# s: "i hate that."
from mercurial import demandimport
-from mercurial import util, mdiff, fancyopts
+import os, sys
from mercurial.i18n import _
-class CantReprocessAndShowBase(Exception):
- pass
-def warn(message):
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stderr.write(message)
- sys.stderr.flush()
-def intersect(ra, rb):
- """Given two ranges return the range where they intersect or None.
- >>> intersect((0, 10), (0, 6))
- (0, 6)
- >>> intersect((0, 10), (5, 15))
- (5, 10)
- >>> intersect((0, 10), (10, 15))
- >>> intersect((0, 9), (10, 15))
- >>> intersect((0, 9), (7, 15))
- (7, 9)
- """
- assert ra[0] <= ra[1]
- assert rb[0] <= rb[1]
- sa = max(ra[0], rb[0])
- sb = min(ra[1], rb[1])
- if sa < sb:
- return sa, sb
- else:
- return None
-def compare_range(a, astart, aend, b, bstart, bend):
- """Compare a[astart:aend] == b[bstart:bend], without slicing.
- """
- if (aend-astart) != (bend-bstart):
- return False
- for ia, ib in zip(xrange(astart, aend), xrange(bstart, bend)):
- if a[ia] != b[ib]:
- return False
- else:
- return True
-class Merge3Text(object):
- """3-way merge of texts.
- Given strings BASE, OTHER, THIS, tries to produce a combined text
- incorporating the changes from both BASE->OTHER and BASE->THIS."""
- def __init__(self, basetext, atext, btext, base=None, a=None, b=None):
- self.basetext = basetext
- self.atext = atext
- self.btext = btext
- if base is None:
- base = mdiff.splitnewlines(basetext)
- if a is None:
- a = mdiff.splitnewlines(atext)
- if b is None:
- b = mdiff.splitnewlines(btext)
- self.base = base
- self.a = a
- self.b = b
- def merge_lines(self,
- name_a=None,
- name_b=None,
- name_base=None,
- start_marker='<<<<<<<',
- mid_marker='=======',
- end_marker='>>>>>>>',
- base_marker=None,
- reprocess=False):
- """Return merge in cvs-like form.
- """
- self.conflicts = False
- newline = '\n'
- if len(self.a) > 0:
- if self.a[0].endswith('\r\n'):
- newline = '\r\n'
- elif self.a[0].endswith('\r'):
- newline = '\r'
- if base_marker and reprocess:
- raise CantReprocessAndShowBase()
- if name_a:
- start_marker = start_marker + ' ' + name_a
- if name_b:
- end_marker = end_marker + ' ' + name_b
- if name_base and base_marker:
- base_marker = base_marker + ' ' + name_base
- merge_regions = self.merge_regions()
- if reprocess is True:
- merge_regions = self.reprocess_merge_regions(merge_regions)
- for t in merge_regions:
- what = t[0]
- if what == 'unchanged':
- for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
- yield self.base[i]
- elif what == 'a' or what == 'same':
- for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
- yield self.a[i]
- elif what == 'b':
- for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
- yield self.b[i]
- elif what == 'conflict':
- self.conflicts = True
- yield start_marker + newline
- for i in range(t[3], t[4]):
- yield self.a[i]
- if base_marker is not None:
- yield base_marker + newline
- for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
- yield self.base[i]
- yield mid_marker + newline
- for i in range(t[5], t[6]):
- yield self.b[i]
- yield end_marker + newline
- else:
- raise ValueError(what)
- def merge_annotated(self):
- """Return merge with conflicts, showing origin of lines.
- Most useful for debugging merge.
- """
- for t in self.merge_regions():
- what = t[0]
- if what == 'unchanged':
- for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
- yield 'u | ' + self.base[i]
- elif what == 'a' or what == 'same':
- for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
- yield what[0] + ' | ' + self.a[i]
- elif what == 'b':
- for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
- yield 'b | ' + self.b[i]
- elif what == 'conflict':
- yield '<<<<\n'
- for i in range(t[3], t[4]):
- yield 'A | ' + self.a[i]
- yield '----\n'
- for i in range(t[5], t[6]):
- yield 'B | ' + self.b[i]
- yield '>>>>\n'
- else:
- raise ValueError(what)
- def merge_groups(self):
- """Yield sequence of line groups. Each one is a tuple:
- 'unchanged', lines
- Lines unchanged from base
- 'a', lines
- Lines taken from a
- 'same', lines
- Lines taken from a (and equal to b)
- 'b', lines
- Lines taken from b
- 'conflict', base_lines, a_lines, b_lines
- Lines from base were changed to either a or b and conflict.
- """
- for t in self.merge_regions():
- what = t[0]
- if what == 'unchanged':
- yield what, self.base[t[1]:t[2]]
- elif what == 'a' or what == 'same':
- yield what, self.a[t[1]:t[2]]
- elif what == 'b':
- yield what, self.b[t[1]:t[2]]
- elif what == 'conflict':
- yield (what,
- self.base[t[1]:t[2]],
- self.a[t[3]:t[4]],
- self.b[t[5]:t[6]])
- else:
- raise ValueError(what)
- def merge_regions(self):
- """Return sequences of matching and conflicting regions.
- This returns tuples, where the first value says what kind we
- have:
- 'unchanged', start, end
- Take a region of base[start:end]
- 'same', astart, aend
- b and a are different from base but give the same result
- 'a', start, end
- Non-clashing insertion from a[start:end]
- Method is as follows:
- The two sequences align only on regions which match the base
- and both descendents. These are found by doing a two-way diff
- of each one against the base, and then finding the
- intersections between those regions. These "sync regions"
- are by definition unchanged in both and easily dealt with.
- The regions in between can be in any of three cases:
- conflicted, or changed on only one side.
- """
- # section a[0:ia] has been disposed of, etc
- iz = ia = ib = 0
- for zmatch, zend, amatch, aend, bmatch, bend in self.find_sync_regions():
- #print 'match base [%d:%d]' % (zmatch, zend)
- matchlen = zend - zmatch
- assert matchlen >= 0
- assert matchlen == (aend - amatch)
- assert matchlen == (bend - bmatch)
- len_a = amatch - ia
- len_b = bmatch - ib
- len_base = zmatch - iz
- assert len_a >= 0
- assert len_b >= 0
- assert len_base >= 0
- #print 'unmatched a=%d, b=%d' % (len_a, len_b)
- if len_a or len_b:
- # try to avoid actually slicing the lists
- equal_a = compare_range(self.a, ia, amatch,
- self.base, iz, zmatch)
- equal_b = compare_range(self.b, ib, bmatch,
- self.base, iz, zmatch)
- same = compare_range(self.a, ia, amatch,
- self.b, ib, bmatch)
- if same:
- yield 'same', ia, amatch
- elif equal_a and not equal_b:
- yield 'b', ib, bmatch
- elif equal_b and not equal_a:
- yield 'a', ia, amatch
- elif not equal_a and not equal_b:
- yield 'conflict', iz, zmatch, ia, amatch, ib, bmatch
- else:
- raise AssertionError("can't handle a=b=base but unmatched")
- ia = amatch
- ib = bmatch
- iz = zmatch
- # if the same part of the base was deleted on both sides
- # that's OK, we can just skip it.
- if matchlen > 0:
- assert ia == amatch
- assert ib == bmatch
- assert iz == zmatch
- yield 'unchanged', zmatch, zend
- iz = zend
- ia = aend
- ib = bend
- def reprocess_merge_regions(self, merge_regions):
- """Where there are conflict regions, remove the agreed lines.
- Lines where both A and B have made the same changes are
- eliminated.
- """
- for region in merge_regions:
- if region[0] != "conflict":
- yield region
- continue
- type, iz, zmatch, ia, amatch, ib, bmatch = region
- a_region = self.a[ia:amatch]
- b_region = self.b[ib:bmatch]
- matches = mdiff.get_matching_blocks(''.join(a_region),
- ''.join(b_region))
- next_a = ia
- next_b = ib
- for region_ia, region_ib, region_len in matches[:-1]:
- region_ia += ia
- region_ib += ib
- reg = self.mismatch_region(next_a, region_ia, next_b,
- region_ib)
- if reg is not None:
- yield reg
- yield 'same', region_ia, region_len+region_ia
- next_a = region_ia + region_len
- next_b = region_ib + region_len
- reg = self.mismatch_region(next_a, amatch, next_b, bmatch)
- if reg is not None:
- yield reg
- def mismatch_region(next_a, region_ia, next_b, region_ib):
- if next_a < region_ia or next_b < region_ib:
- return 'conflict', None, None, next_a, region_ia, next_b, region_ib
- mismatch_region = staticmethod(mismatch_region)
- def find_sync_regions(self):
- """Return a list of sync regions, where both descendents match the base.
- Generates a list of (base1, base2, a1, a2, b1, b2). There is
- always a zero-length sync region at the end of all the files.
- """
- ia = ib = 0
- amatches = mdiff.get_matching_blocks(self.basetext, self.atext)
- bmatches = mdiff.get_matching_blocks(self.basetext, self.btext)
- len_a = len(amatches)
- len_b = len(bmatches)
- sl = []
- while ia < len_a and ib < len_b:
- abase, amatch, alen = amatches[ia]
- bbase, bmatch, blen = bmatches[ib]
- # there is an unconflicted block at i; how long does it
- # extend? until whichever one ends earlier.
- i = intersect((abase, abase+alen), (bbase, bbase+blen))
- if i:
- intbase = i[0]
- intend = i[1]
- intlen = intend - intbase
- # found a match of base[i[0], i[1]]; this may be less than
- # the region that matches in either one
- assert intlen <= alen
- assert intlen <= blen
- assert abase <= intbase
- assert bbase <= intbase
- asub = amatch + (intbase - abase)
- bsub = bmatch + (intbase - bbase)
- aend = asub + intlen
- bend = bsub + intlen
- assert self.base[intbase:intend] == self.a[asub:aend], \
- (self.base[intbase:intend], self.a[asub:aend])
- assert self.base[intbase:intend] == self.b[bsub:bend]
- sl.append((intbase, intend,
- asub, aend,
- bsub, bend))
- # advance whichever one ends first in the base text
- if (abase + alen) < (bbase + blen):
- ia += 1
- else:
- ib += 1
- intbase = len(self.base)
- abase = len(self.a)
- bbase = len(self.b)
- sl.append((intbase, intbase, abase, abase, bbase, bbase))
- return sl
- def find_unconflicted(self):
- """Return a list of ranges in base that are not conflicted."""
- am = mdiff.get_matching_blocks(self.basetext, self.atext)
- bm = mdiff.get_matching_blocks(self.basetext, self.btext)
- unc = []
- while am and bm:
- # there is an unconflicted block at i; how long does it
- # extend? until whichever one ends earlier.
- a1 = am[0][0]
- a2 = a1 + am[0][2]
- b1 = bm[0][0]
- b2 = b1 + bm[0][2]
- i = intersect((a1, a2), (b1, b2))
- if i:
- unc.append(i)
- if a2 < b2:
- del am[0]
- else:
- del bm[0]
- return unc
-# bzr compatible interface, for the tests
-class Merge3(Merge3Text):
- """3-way merge of texts.
- Given BASE, OTHER, THIS, tries to produce a combined text
- incorporating the changes from both BASE->OTHER and BASE->THIS.
- All three will typically be sequences of lines."""
- def __init__(self, base, a, b):
- basetext = '\n'.join([i.strip('\n') for i in base] + [''])
- atext = '\n'.join([i.strip('\n') for i in a] + [''])
- btext = '\n'.join([i.strip('\n') for i in b] + [''])
- if util.binary(basetext) or util.binary(atext) or util.binary(btext):
- raise util.Abort(_("don't know how to merge binary files"))
- Merge3Text.__init__(self, basetext, atext, btext, base, a, b)
-def simplemerge(local, base, other, **opts):
- def readfile(filename):
- f = open(filename, "rb")
- text =
- f.close()
- if util.binary(text):
- msg = _("%s looks like a binary file.") % filename
- if not opts.get('text'):
- raise util.Abort(msg)
- elif not opts.get('quiet'):
- warn(_('warning: %s\n') % msg)
- return text
- name_a = local
- name_b = other
- labels = opts.get('label', [])
- if labels:
- name_a = labels.pop(0)
- if labels:
- name_b = labels.pop(0)
- if labels:
- raise util.Abort(_("can only specify two labels."))
- localtext = readfile(local)
- basetext = readfile(base)
- othertext = readfile(other)
- orig = local
- local = os.path.realpath(local)
- if not opts.get('print'):
- opener = util.opener(os.path.dirname(local))
- out = opener(os.path.basename(local), "w", atomictemp=True)
- else:
- out = sys.stdout
- reprocess = not opts.get('no_minimal')
- m3 = Merge3Text(basetext, localtext, othertext)
- for line in m3.merge_lines(name_a=name_a, name_b=name_b,
- reprocess=reprocess):
- out.write(line)
- if not opts.get('print'):
- out.rename()
- if m3.conflicts:
- if not opts.get('quiet'):
- warn(_("warning: conflicts during merge.\n"))
- return 1
+from mercurial import simplemerge, fancyopts, util
options = [('L', 'label', [], _('labels to use on conflict markers')),
('a', 'text', None, _('treat all files as text')),
@@ -517,6 +25,9 @@
By default, LOCAL is overwritten with the results of this operation.
+class ParseError(Exception):
+ """Exception raised on errors in parsing the command line."""
def showhelp():
@@ -530,33 +41,24 @@
for first, second in out_opts:
sys.stdout.write(' %-*s %s\n' % (opts_len, first, second))
-class ParseError(Exception):
- """Exception raised on errors in parsing the command line."""
-def main(argv):
+ opts = {}
- opts = {}
- try:
- args = fancyopts.fancyopts(argv[1:], options, opts)
- except fancyopts.getopt.GetoptError, e:
- raise ParseError(e)
- if opts['help']:
- showhelp()
- return 0
- if len(args) != 3:
- raise ParseError(_('wrong number of arguments'))
- return simplemerge(*args, **opts)
- except ParseError, e:
- sys.stdout.write("%s: %s\n" % (sys.argv[0], e))
+ args = fancyopts.fancyopts(sys.argv[1:], options, opts)
+ except fancyopts.getopt.GetoptError, e:
+ raise ParseError(e)
+ if opts['help']:
- return 1
- except util.Abort, e:
- sys.stderr.write("abort: %s\n" % e)
- return 255
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- return 255
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- import os
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if len(args) != 3:
+ raise ParseError(_('wrong number of arguments'))
+ sys.exit(simplemerge.simplemerge(*args, **opts))
+except ParseError, e:
+ sys.stdout.write("%s: %s\n" % (sys.argv[0], e))
+ showhelp()
+ sys.exit(1)
+except util.Abort, e:
+ sys.stderr.write("abort: %s\n" % e)
+ sys.exit(255)
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ sys.exit(255)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mercurial/ Sun Feb 03 19:29:05 2008 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Canonical Ltd
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# mbp: "you know that thing where cvs gives you conflict markers?"
+# s: "i hate that."
+from i18n import _
+import util, mdiff, fancyopts, sys, os
+class CantReprocessAndShowBase(Exception):
+ pass
+def warn(message):
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.write(message)
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+def intersect(ra, rb):
+ """Given two ranges return the range where they intersect or None.
+ >>> intersect((0, 10), (0, 6))
+ (0, 6)
+ >>> intersect((0, 10), (5, 15))
+ (5, 10)
+ >>> intersect((0, 10), (10, 15))
+ >>> intersect((0, 9), (10, 15))
+ >>> intersect((0, 9), (7, 15))
+ (7, 9)
+ """
+ assert ra[0] <= ra[1]
+ assert rb[0] <= rb[1]
+ sa = max(ra[0], rb[0])
+ sb = min(ra[1], rb[1])
+ if sa < sb:
+ return sa, sb
+ else:
+ return None
+def compare_range(a, astart, aend, b, bstart, bend):
+ """Compare a[astart:aend] == b[bstart:bend], without slicing.
+ """
+ if (aend-astart) != (bend-bstart):
+ return False
+ for ia, ib in zip(xrange(astart, aend), xrange(bstart, bend)):
+ if a[ia] != b[ib]:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+class Merge3Text(object):
+ """3-way merge of texts.
+ Given strings BASE, OTHER, THIS, tries to produce a combined text
+ incorporating the changes from both BASE->OTHER and BASE->THIS."""
+ def __init__(self, basetext, atext, btext, base=None, a=None, b=None):
+ self.basetext = basetext
+ self.atext = atext
+ self.btext = btext
+ if base is None:
+ base = mdiff.splitnewlines(basetext)
+ if a is None:
+ a = mdiff.splitnewlines(atext)
+ if b is None:
+ b = mdiff.splitnewlines(btext)
+ self.base = base
+ self.a = a
+ self.b = b
+ def merge_lines(self,
+ name_a=None,
+ name_b=None,
+ name_base=None,
+ start_marker='<<<<<<<',
+ mid_marker='=======',
+ end_marker='>>>>>>>',
+ base_marker=None,
+ reprocess=False):
+ """Return merge in cvs-like form.
+ """
+ self.conflicts = False
+ newline = '\n'
+ if len(self.a) > 0:
+ if self.a[0].endswith('\r\n'):
+ newline = '\r\n'
+ elif self.a[0].endswith('\r'):
+ newline = '\r'
+ if base_marker and reprocess:
+ raise CantReprocessAndShowBase()
+ if name_a:
+ start_marker = start_marker + ' ' + name_a
+ if name_b:
+ end_marker = end_marker + ' ' + name_b
+ if name_base and base_marker:
+ base_marker = base_marker + ' ' + name_base
+ merge_regions = self.merge_regions()
+ if reprocess is True:
+ merge_regions = self.reprocess_merge_regions(merge_regions)
+ for t in merge_regions:
+ what = t[0]
+ if what == 'unchanged':
+ for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
+ yield self.base[i]
+ elif what == 'a' or what == 'same':
+ for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
+ yield self.a[i]
+ elif what == 'b':
+ for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
+ yield self.b[i]
+ elif what == 'conflict':
+ self.conflicts = True
+ yield start_marker + newline
+ for i in range(t[3], t[4]):
+ yield self.a[i]
+ if base_marker is not None:
+ yield base_marker + newline
+ for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
+ yield self.base[i]
+ yield mid_marker + newline
+ for i in range(t[5], t[6]):
+ yield self.b[i]
+ yield end_marker + newline
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(what)
+ def merge_annotated(self):
+ """Return merge with conflicts, showing origin of lines.
+ Most useful for debugging merge.
+ """
+ for t in self.merge_regions():
+ what = t[0]
+ if what == 'unchanged':
+ for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
+ yield 'u | ' + self.base[i]
+ elif what == 'a' or what == 'same':
+ for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
+ yield what[0] + ' | ' + self.a[i]
+ elif what == 'b':
+ for i in range(t[1], t[2]):
+ yield 'b | ' + self.b[i]
+ elif what == 'conflict':
+ yield '<<<<\n'
+ for i in range(t[3], t[4]):
+ yield 'A | ' + self.a[i]
+ yield '----\n'
+ for i in range(t[5], t[6]):
+ yield 'B | ' + self.b[i]
+ yield '>>>>\n'
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(what)
+ def merge_groups(self):
+ """Yield sequence of line groups. Each one is a tuple:
+ 'unchanged', lines
+ Lines unchanged from base
+ 'a', lines
+ Lines taken from a
+ 'same', lines
+ Lines taken from a (and equal to b)
+ 'b', lines
+ Lines taken from b
+ 'conflict', base_lines, a_lines, b_lines
+ Lines from base were changed to either a or b and conflict.
+ """
+ for t in self.merge_regions():
+ what = t[0]
+ if what == 'unchanged':
+ yield what, self.base[t[1]:t[2]]
+ elif what == 'a' or what == 'same':
+ yield what, self.a[t[1]:t[2]]
+ elif what == 'b':
+ yield what, self.b[t[1]:t[2]]
+ elif what == 'conflict':
+ yield (what,
+ self.base[t[1]:t[2]],
+ self.a[t[3]:t[4]],
+ self.b[t[5]:t[6]])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(what)
+ def merge_regions(self):
+ """Return sequences of matching and conflicting regions.
+ This returns tuples, where the first value says what kind we
+ have:
+ 'unchanged', start, end
+ Take a region of base[start:end]
+ 'same', astart, aend
+ b and a are different from base but give the same result
+ 'a', start, end
+ Non-clashing insertion from a[start:end]
+ Method is as follows:
+ The two sequences align only on regions which match the base
+ and both descendents. These are found by doing a two-way diff
+ of each one against the base, and then finding the
+ intersections between those regions. These "sync regions"
+ are by definition unchanged in both and easily dealt with.
+ The regions in between can be in any of three cases:
+ conflicted, or changed on only one side.
+ """
+ # section a[0:ia] has been disposed of, etc
+ iz = ia = ib = 0
+ for zmatch, zend, amatch, aend, bmatch, bend in self.find_sync_regions():
+ #print 'match base [%d:%d]' % (zmatch, zend)
+ matchlen = zend - zmatch
+ assert matchlen >= 0
+ assert matchlen == (aend - amatch)
+ assert matchlen == (bend - bmatch)
+ len_a = amatch - ia
+ len_b = bmatch - ib
+ len_base = zmatch - iz
+ assert len_a >= 0
+ assert len_b >= 0
+ assert len_base >= 0
+ #print 'unmatched a=%d, b=%d' % (len_a, len_b)
+ if len_a or len_b:
+ # try to avoid actually slicing the lists
+ equal_a = compare_range(self.a, ia, amatch,
+ self.base, iz, zmatch)
+ equal_b = compare_range(self.b, ib, bmatch,
+ self.base, iz, zmatch)
+ same = compare_range(self.a, ia, amatch,
+ self.b, ib, bmatch)
+ if same:
+ yield 'same', ia, amatch
+ elif equal_a and not equal_b:
+ yield 'b', ib, bmatch
+ elif equal_b and not equal_a:
+ yield 'a', ia, amatch
+ elif not equal_a and not equal_b:
+ yield 'conflict', iz, zmatch, ia, amatch, ib, bmatch
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError("can't handle a=b=base but unmatched")
+ ia = amatch
+ ib = bmatch
+ iz = zmatch
+ # if the same part of the base was deleted on both sides
+ # that's OK, we can just skip it.
+ if matchlen > 0:
+ assert ia == amatch
+ assert ib == bmatch
+ assert iz == zmatch
+ yield 'unchanged', zmatch, zend
+ iz = zend
+ ia = aend
+ ib = bend
+ def reprocess_merge_regions(self, merge_regions):
+ """Where there are conflict regions, remove the agreed lines.
+ Lines where both A and B have made the same changes are
+ eliminated.
+ """
+ for region in merge_regions:
+ if region[0] != "conflict":
+ yield region
+ continue
+ type, iz, zmatch, ia, amatch, ib, bmatch = region
+ a_region = self.a[ia:amatch]
+ b_region = self.b[ib:bmatch]
+ matches = mdiff.get_matching_blocks(''.join(a_region),
+ ''.join(b_region))
+ next_a = ia
+ next_b = ib
+ for region_ia, region_ib, region_len in matches[:-1]:
+ region_ia += ia
+ region_ib += ib
+ reg = self.mismatch_region(next_a, region_ia, next_b,
+ region_ib)
+ if reg is not None:
+ yield reg
+ yield 'same', region_ia, region_len+region_ia
+ next_a = region_ia + region_len
+ next_b = region_ib + region_len
+ reg = self.mismatch_region(next_a, amatch, next_b, bmatch)
+ if reg is not None:
+ yield reg
+ def mismatch_region(next_a, region_ia, next_b, region_ib):
+ if next_a < region_ia or next_b < region_ib:
+ return 'conflict', None, None, next_a, region_ia, next_b, region_ib
+ mismatch_region = staticmethod(mismatch_region)
+ def find_sync_regions(self):
+ """Return a list of sync regions, where both descendents match the base.
+ Generates a list of (base1, base2, a1, a2, b1, b2). There is
+ always a zero-length sync region at the end of all the files.
+ """
+ ia = ib = 0
+ amatches = mdiff.get_matching_blocks(self.basetext, self.atext)
+ bmatches = mdiff.get_matching_blocks(self.basetext, self.btext)
+ len_a = len(amatches)
+ len_b = len(bmatches)
+ sl = []
+ while ia < len_a and ib < len_b:
+ abase, amatch, alen = amatches[ia]
+ bbase, bmatch, blen = bmatches[ib]
+ # there is an unconflicted block at i; how long does it
+ # extend? until whichever one ends earlier.
+ i = intersect((abase, abase+alen), (bbase, bbase+blen))
+ if i:
+ intbase = i[0]
+ intend = i[1]
+ intlen = intend - intbase
+ # found a match of base[i[0], i[1]]; this may be less than
+ # the region that matches in either one
+ assert intlen <= alen
+ assert intlen <= blen
+ assert abase <= intbase
+ assert bbase <= intbase
+ asub = amatch + (intbase - abase)
+ bsub = bmatch + (intbase - bbase)
+ aend = asub + intlen
+ bend = bsub + intlen
+ assert self.base[intbase:intend] == self.a[asub:aend], \
+ (self.base[intbase:intend], self.a[asub:aend])
+ assert self.base[intbase:intend] == self.b[bsub:bend]
+ sl.append((intbase, intend,
+ asub, aend,
+ bsub, bend))
+ # advance whichever one ends first in the base text
+ if (abase + alen) < (bbase + blen):
+ ia += 1
+ else:
+ ib += 1
+ intbase = len(self.base)
+ abase = len(self.a)
+ bbase = len(self.b)
+ sl.append((intbase, intbase, abase, abase, bbase, bbase))
+ return sl
+ def find_unconflicted(self):
+ """Return a list of ranges in base that are not conflicted."""
+ am = mdiff.get_matching_blocks(self.basetext, self.atext)
+ bm = mdiff.get_matching_blocks(self.basetext, self.btext)
+ unc = []
+ while am and bm:
+ # there is an unconflicted block at i; how long does it
+ # extend? until whichever one ends earlier.
+ a1 = am[0][0]
+ a2 = a1 + am[0][2]
+ b1 = bm[0][0]
+ b2 = b1 + bm[0][2]
+ i = intersect((a1, a2), (b1, b2))
+ if i:
+ unc.append(i)
+ if a2 < b2:
+ del am[0]
+ else:
+ del bm[0]
+ return unc
+def simplemerge(local, base, other, **opts):
+ def readfile(filename):
+ f = open(filename, "rb")
+ text =
+ f.close()
+ if util.binary(text):
+ msg = _("%s looks like a binary file.") % filename
+ if not opts.get('text'):
+ raise util.Abort(msg)
+ elif not opts.get('quiet'):
+ warn(_('warning: %s\n') % msg)
+ return text
+ name_a = local
+ name_b = other
+ labels = opts.get('label', [])
+ if labels:
+ name_a = labels.pop(0)
+ if labels:
+ name_b = labels.pop(0)
+ if labels:
+ raise util.Abort(_("can only specify two labels."))
+ localtext = readfile(local)
+ basetext = readfile(base)
+ othertext = readfile(other)
+ orig = local
+ local = os.path.realpath(local)
+ if not opts.get('print'):
+ opener = util.opener(os.path.dirname(local))
+ out = opener(os.path.basename(local), "w", atomictemp=True)
+ else:
+ out = sys.stdout
+ reprocess = not opts.get('no_minimal')
+ m3 = Merge3Text(basetext, localtext, othertext)
+ for line in m3.merge_lines(name_a=name_a, name_b=name_b,
+ reprocess=reprocess):
+ out.write(line)
+ if not opts.get('print'):
+ out.rename()
+ if m3.conflicts:
+ if not opts.get('quiet'):
+ warn(_("warning: conflicts during merge.\n"))
+ return 1
--- a/tests/ Sun Feb 03 21:47:07 2008 -0200
+++ b/tests/ Sun Feb 03 19:29:05 2008 -0600
@@ -19,14 +19,24 @@
from unittest import TestCase
import imp
import shutil
-from mercurial import util
+from mercurial import util, simplemerge
+# bzr compatible interface, for the tests
+class Merge3(simplemerge.Merge3Text):
+ """3-way merge of texts.
-# copy simplemerge to the cwd to avoid creating a .pyc file in the source tree
-shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(os.environ['TESTDIR'], os.path.pardir,
- 'contrib', 'simplemerge'),
- '')
-simplemerge = imp.load_source('simplemerge', '')
-Merge3 = simplemerge.Merge3
+ Given BASE, OTHER, THIS, tries to produce a combined text
+ incorporating the changes from both BASE->OTHER and BASE->THIS.
+ All three will typically be sequences of lines."""
+ def __init__(self, base, a, b):
+ basetext = '\n'.join([i.strip('\n') for i in base] + [''])
+ atext = '\n'.join([i.strip('\n') for i in a] + [''])
+ btext = '\n'.join([i.strip('\n') for i in b] + [''])
+ if util.binary(basetext) or util.binary(atext) or util.binary(btext):
+ raise util.Abort("don't know how to merge binary files")
+ simplemerge.Merge3Text.__init__(self, basetext, atext, btext,
+ base, a, b)
CantReprocessAndShowBase = simplemerge.CantReprocessAndShowBase
def split_lines(t):