Merge from hgweb
Sun, 22 May 2005 08:13:38 -0800
changeset 137 b45b1b00fc9e
parent 130 e6678a1beb6a (current diff)
parent 136 0e8d60d2bb2b (diff)
child 138 c77a679e9cfa
Merge from hgweb
--- a/	Sat May 21 17:26:44 2005 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# - 0.1 - 9 May 2005 - (c) 2005 Jake Edge <>
-#    - web interface to a mercurial repository
-# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
-# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
-# useful for debugging
-import cgitb
-import os, cgi, time, re, difflib, sys, zlib
-from mercurial import hg, mdiff
-repo_path = "."  # change as needed
-def nl2br(text):
-    return re.sub('\n', '<br />', text)
-def obfuscate(text):
-    l = []
-    for c in text:
-        l.append('&#%d;' % ord(c))
-    return ''.join(l)
-def httphdr(type):
-    print 'Content-type: %s\n' % type
-class page:
-    def __init__(self, type="text/html", title="Mercurial Web", 
-            charset="ISO-8859-1"):
-        print 'Content-type: %s; charset=%s\n' % (type, charset)
-        print '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">'
-        print '<HTML>'
-        print '<!-- created by hgweb 0.1 - -->'
-        print '<HEAD><TITLE>%s</TITLE>' % title
-        print '<style type="text/css">'
-        print 'body { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px; }'
-        print 'table { font-size: 12px; }'
-        print '.errmsg { font-size: 200%; color: red; }'
-        print '.filename { font-size: 150%; color: purple; }'
-        print '.manifest { font-size: 150%; color: purple; }'
-        print '.filehist { font-size: 150%; color: purple; }'
-        print '.plusline { color: green; }'
-        print '.minusline { color: red; }'
-        print '.atline { color: purple; }'
-        print '</style>'
-        print '</HEAD>'
-        print '<BODY>'
-    def endpage(self):
-        print '</BODY>'
-        print '</HTML>'
-    def show_diff(self, a, b, fn):
-        a = a.splitlines(1)
-        b = b.splitlines(1)
-        l = difflib.unified_diff(a, b, fn, fn)
-        print '<pre>'
-        for line in l:
-            line = cgi.escape(line[:-1])
-            if line.startswith('+'):
-                print '<span class="plusline">%s</span>' % (line, )
-            elif line.startswith('-'):
-                print '<span class="minusline">%s</span>' % (line, )
-            elif line.startswith('@'):
-                print '<span class="atline">%s</span>' % (line, )
-            else:
-                print line
-        print '</pre>'
-class errpage(page):
-    def __init__(self):
-        page.__init__(self, title="Mercurial Web Error Page")
-class change_list(page):
-    numchanges = 50   # number of changes to show
-    def __init__(self, repo, reponame):
-        page.__init__(self)
-        self.repo = repo
-        print '<h3>Changes For: %s</h3>' % reponame
-    def content(self, hi=None):
-        cl = []
-        count = self.repo.changelog.count()
-        if not hi:
-            hi = count
-        elif hi < self.numchanges:
-            hi = self.numchanges
-        start = 0
-        if hi - self.numchanges >= 0:
-            start = hi - self.numchanges
-        nav = "Displaying Revisions: %d-%d" % (start, hi-1)
-        if start != 0:
-            nav = ('<a href="?cmd=changes;hi=%d">Previous %d</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' \
-                    % (start, self.numchanges)) + nav
-        if hi != count:
-            if hi + self.numchanges <= count:
-                nav += '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="?cmd=changes;hi=%d">Next %d</a>' \
-                        % (hi + self.numchanges, self.numchanges)
-            else:
-                nav += '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="?cmd=changes">Next %d</a>' % \
-                        self.numchanges
-        print '<center>%s</center>' % nav
-        for i in xrange(start, hi):
-            n = self.repo.changelog.node(i)
-            cl.append((n,
-        cl.reverse()
-        print '<table summary="" width="100%" align="center">'
-        for n, ch in cl:
-            print '<tr><td>'
-            self.change_table(n, ch)
-            print '</td></tr>'
-        print '</table>'
-        print '<center>%s</center>' % nav
-    def change_table(self, nodeid, changes):
-        hn = hg.hex(nodeid)
-        i = self.repo.changelog.rev(nodeid)
-        (h1, h2) = [ hg.hex(x) for x in self.repo.changelog.parents(nodeid) ]
-        datestr = time.asctime(time.gmtime(float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])))
-        print '<table summary="" width="100%" border="1">'
-        print '\t<tr><td valign="top" width="10%">author:</td>' + \
-                '<td valign="top" width="20%%">%s</td>' % \
-                (obfuscate(changes[1]), )
-        print '\t\t<td valign="top" width="10%">description:</td>' + \
-                '<td width="60%">' + \
-                '<a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=%s">%s</a></td></tr>' % \
-                (hn, nl2br(cgi.escape(changes[4])), )
-        print '\t<tr><td>date:</td><td>%s UTC</td>' % (datestr, )
-        print '\t\t<td valign="top">files:</td><td valign="top">'
-        for f in changes[3]:
-            print '\t\t<a href="?cmd=file;cs=%s;fn=%s">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' % \
-                    (hn, f, cgi.escape(f), )
-        print '\t</td></tr>'
-        print '\t<tr><td>revision:</td><td colspan="3">%d:<a ' % (i, ) + \
-                'href="?cmd=chkin;nd=%s">%s</a></td></tr>' % (hn, hn, )
-        print '</table><br />'
-class checkin(page):
-    def __init__(self, repo, nodestr):
-        page.__init__(self)
-        self.repo = repo
-        self.node = hg.bin(nodestr)
-        self.nodestr = nodestr
-        print '<h3>Checkin: %s</h3>' % nodestr
-    def content(self):
-        changes =
-        i = self.repo.changelog.rev(self.node)
-        parents = self.repo.changelog.parents(self.node)
-        (h1, h2) = [ hg.hex(x) for x in parents ]
-        (i1, i2) = [ self.repo.changelog.rev(x) for x in parents ]
-        datestr = time.asctime(time.gmtime(float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])))
-        mf =[0])
-        print '<table summary="" width="100%" border="1">'
-        print '\t<tr><td>revision:</td><td colspan="3">%d:' % (i, ),
-        print '<a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=%s">%s</a></td></tr>' % \
-                (self.nodestr, self.nodestr, )
-        print '\t<tr><td>parent(s):</td><td colspan="3">%d:' % (i1, )
-        print '<a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=%s">%s</a>' % (h1, h1, ),
-        if i2 != -1:
-            print '&nbsp;&nbsp;%d:<a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=%s">%s</a>' % \
-                    (i2, h2, h2, ),
-        else:
-            print '&nbsp;&nbsp;%d:%s' % (i2, h2, ),
-        print '</td></tr>'
-        print '\t<tr><td>manifest:</td><td colspan="3">%d:' % \
-                (self.repo.manifest.rev(changes[0]), ),
-        print '<a href="?cmd=mf;nd=%s">%s</a></td></tr>' % \
-                (hg.hex(changes[0]), hg.hex(changes[0]), )
-        print '\t<tr><td valign="top" width="10%">author:</td>' + \
-                '<td valign="top" width="20%%">%s</td>' % \
-                (obfuscate(changes[1]), )
-        print '\t\t<td valign="top" width="10%">description:</td>' + \
-                '<td width="60%">' + \
-                '<a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=%s">%s</a></td></tr>' % \
-                (self.nodestr, nl2br(cgi.escape(changes[4])), )
-        print '\t<tr><td>date:</td><td>%s UTC</td>' % (datestr, )
-        print '\t\t<td valign="top">files:</td><td valign="top">'
-        for f in changes[3]:
-            print '\t\t<a href="?cmd=file;nd=%s&fn=%s">%s</a>' % \
-                    (hg.hex(mf[f]), f, cgi.escape(f), ),
-            print '&nbsp;&nbsp;'
-        print '\t</td></tr>'
-        print '</table><br />'
-        (c, a, d) = self.repo.diffrevs(parents[0], self.node)
-        change =[0])
-        mf2 =[0])
-        for f in c:
-            self.show_diff(self.repo.file(f).read(mf2[f]), \
-                    self.repo.file(f).read(mf[f]), f)
-        for f in a:
-            self.show_diff('', self.repo.file(f).read(mf[f]), f)
-        for f in d:
-            self.show_diff(self.repo.file(f).read(mf2[f]), '', f)
-class filepage(page):
-    def __init__(self, repo, fn, node=None, cs=None):
-        page.__init__(self)
-        self.repo = repo
-        self.fn = fn
-        if cs: 
-            chng =
-            mf =[0])
-            self.node = mf[self.fn]
-            self.nodestr = hg.hex(self.node)
-        else:
-            self.nodestr = node
-            self.node = hg.bin(node)
-        print '<div class="filename">%s (%s)</div>' % \
-                (cgi.escape(self.fn), self.nodestr, )
-        print '<a href="?cmd=hist;fn=%s">history</a><br />' % self.fn
-    def content(self):
-        print '<pre>'
-        print cgi.escape(self.repo.file(self.fn).read(self.node))
-        print '</pre>'
-class mfpage(page):
-    def __init__(self, repo, node):
-        page.__init__(self)
-        self.repo = repo
-        self.nodestr = node
-        self.node = hg.bin(node)
-    def content(self):
-        mf =
-        fns = mf.keys()
-        fns.sort()
-        print '<div class="manifest">Manifest (%s)</div>' % self.nodestr
-        for f in fns:
-            print '<a href="?cmd=file;fn=%s;nd=%s">%s</a><br />' % \
-                    (f, hg.hex(mf[f]), f)
-class histpage(page):
-    def __init__(self, repo, fn):
-        page.__init__(self)
-        self.repo = repo
-        self.fn = fn
-    def content(self):
-        print '<div class="filehist">File History: %s</div>' % self.fn
-        r = self.repo.file(self.fn)
-        print '<br />'
-        print '<table summary="" width="100%" align="center">'
-        for i in xrange(r.count()-1, -1, -1):
-            n = r.node(i)
-            (p1, p2) = r.parents(n)
-            (h, h1, h2) = map(hg.hex, (n, p1, p2))
-            (i1, i2) = map(r.rev, (p1, p2))
-            ci = r.linkrev(n)
-            cn = self.repo.changelog.node(ci)
-            cs = hg.hex(cn)
-            changes =
-            print '<tr><td>'
-            self.hist_ent(i, h, i1, h1, i2, h2, ci, cs, changes)
-            print '</tr></td>'
-        print '</table>'
-    def hist_ent(self, revi, revs, p1i, p1s, p2i, p2s, ci, cs, changes):
-        datestr = time.asctime(time.gmtime(float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])))
-        print '<table summary="" width="100%" border="1">'
-        print '\t<tr><td valign="top" width="10%">author:</td>' + \
-                '<td valign="top" width="20%%">%s</td>' % \
-                (obfuscate(changes[1]), )
-        print '\t\t<td valign="top" width="10%">description:</td>' + \
-                '<td width="60%">' + \
-                '<a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=%s">%s</a></td></tr>' % \
-                (cs, nl2br(cgi.escape(changes[4])), )
-        print '\t<tr><td>date:</td><td>%s UTC</td>' % (datestr, )
-        print '\t\t<td>revision:</td><td>%d:<a ' % (revi, ) + \
-                'href="?cmd=file;cs=%s;fn=%s">%s</a></td></tr>' % \
-                (cs, self.fn, revs )
-        print '\t<tr><td>parent(s):</td><td colspan="3">%d:' % (p1i, )
-        print '<a href="?cmd=file;nd=%s;fn=%s">%s</a>' % (p1s, self.fn, p1s, ),
-        if p2i != -1:
-            print '&nbsp;&nbsp;%d:<a href="?cmd=file;nd=%s;fn=%s">%s</a>' % \
-                    (p2i, p2s, self.fn, p2s ),
-        print '</td></tr>'
-        print '</table><br />'
-args = cgi.parse()
-ui = hg.ui()
-repo = hg.repository(ui, repo_path)
-if not args.has_key('cmd') or args['cmd'][0] == 'changes':
-    page = change_list(repo, 'Mercurial')
-    hi = args.get('hi', ( repo.changelog.count(), ))
-    page.content(hi = int(hi[0]))
-    page.endpage()
-elif args['cmd'][0] == 'chkin':
-    if not args.has_key('nd'):
-        page = errpage()
-        print '<div class="errmsg">No Node!</div>'
-    else:
-        page = checkin(repo, args['nd'][0])
-        page.content()
-    page.endpage()
-elif args['cmd'][0] == 'file':
-    if not (args.has_key('nd') and args.has_key('fn')) and \
-            not (args.has_key('cs') and args.has_key('fn')):
-        page = errpage()
-        print '<div class="errmsg">Invalid Args!</div>'
-    else:
-        if args.has_key('nd'):
-            page = filepage(repo, args['fn'][0], node=args['nd'][0])
-        else:
-            page = filepage(repo, args['fn'][0], cs=args['cs'][0])
-        page.content()
-    page.endpage()
-elif args['cmd'][0] == 'mf':
-    if not args.has_key('nd'):
-        page = errpage()
-        print '<div class="errmsg">No Node!</div>'
-    else:
-        page = mfpage(repo, args['nd'][0])
-        page.content()
-    page.endpage()
-elif args['cmd'][0] == 'hist':
-    if not args.has_key('fn'):
-        page = errpage()
-        print '<div class="errmsg">No Filename!</div>'
-    else:
-        page = histpage(repo, args['fn'][0])
-        page.content()
-    page.endpage()
-elif args['cmd'][0] == 'branches':
-    httphdr("text/plain")
-    nodes = []
-    if args.has_key('nodes'):
-        nodes = map(hg.bin, args['nodes'][0].split(" "))
-    for b in repo.branches(nodes):
-        print " ".join(map(hg.hex, b))
-elif args['cmd'][0] == 'between':
-    httphdr("text/plain")
-    nodes = []
-    if args.has_key('pairs'):
-        pairs = [ map(hg.bin, p.split("-"))
-                  for p in args['pairs'][0].split(" ") ]
-    for b in repo.between(pairs):
-        print " ".join(map(hg.hex, b))
-elif args['cmd'][0] == 'changegroup':
-    httphdr("application/hg-changegroup")
-    nodes = []
-    if args.has_key('roots'):
-        nodes = map(hg.bin, args['roots'][0].split(" "))
-    z = zlib.compressobj()
-    for chunk in repo.changegroup(nodes):
-        sys.stdout.write(z.compress(chunk))
-    sys.stdout.write(z.flush())
-    page = errpage()
-    print '<div class="errmsg">unknown command: %s</div>' % \
-            cgi.escape(args['cmd'][0])
-    page.endpage()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mercurial/	Sun May 22 08:13:38 2005 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# - 0.2 - 21 May 2005 - (c) 2005 Jake Edge <>
+#    - web interface to a mercurial repository
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
+# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
+# useful for debugging
+import cgitb
+import os, cgi, time, re, difflib, sys, zlib
+from mercurial import hg, mdiff
+def nl2br(text):
+    return re.sub('\n', '<br />', text)
+def obfuscate(text):
+    l = []
+    for c in text:
+        l.append('&#%d;' % ord(c))
+    return ''.join(l)
+def httphdr(type):
+    print 'Content-type: %s\n' % type
+def write(*things):
+    for thing in things:
+        if hasattr(thing, "__iter__"):
+            for part in thing:
+                write(part)
+        else:
+            sys.stdout.write(str(thing))
+class template:
+    def __init__(self, tmpl_dir):
+        self.tmpl_dir = tmpl_dir
+    def do_page(self, tmpl_fn, **map):
+        txt = file(os.path.join(self.tmpl_dir, tmpl_fn)).read()
+        while txt:
+            m ="#([a-zA-Z0-9]+)#", txt)
+            if m:
+                yield txt[:m.start(0)]
+                v = map.get(, "")
+                if callable(v):
+                   for y in v(**map): yield y
+                else:
+                   yield v
+                txt = txt[m.end(0):]
+            else:
+                yield txt
+                txt = ''
+class page:
+    def __init__(self, tmpl_dir = "", type="text/html", title="Mercurial Web", 
+            charset="ISO-8859-1"):
+        self.tmpl = template(tmpl_dir)
+        print 'Content-type: %s; charset=%s\n' % (type, charset)
+        write(self.tmpl.do_page('htmlstart.tmpl', title = title))
+    def endpage(self):
+        print '</BODY>'
+        print '</HTML>'
+    def show_diff(self, a, b, fn):
+        a = a.splitlines(1)
+        b = b.splitlines(1)
+        l = difflib.unified_diff(a, b, fn, fn)
+        print '<pre>'
+        for line in l:
+            line = cgi.escape(line[:-1])
+            if line.startswith('+'):
+                print '<span class="plusline">%s</span>' % (line, )
+            elif line.startswith('-'):
+                print '<span class="minusline">%s</span>' % (line, )
+            elif line.startswith('@'):
+                print '<span class="atline">%s</span>' % (line, )
+            else:
+                print line
+        print '</pre>'
+class errpage(page):
+    def __init__(self, tmpl_dir):
+        page.__init__(self, tmpl_dir, title="Mercurial Web Error Page")
+class change_list(page):
+    def __init__(self, repo, tmpl_dir, reponame, numchanges = 50):
+        page.__init__(self, tmpl_dir)
+        self.repo = repo
+        self.numchanges = numchanges
+        write(self.tmpl.do_page('changestitle.tmpl', reponame=reponame))
+    def content(self, hi=None):
+        cl = []
+        count = self.repo.changelog.count()
+        if not hi:
+            hi = count
+        elif hi < self.numchanges:
+            hi = self.numchanges
+        start = 0
+        if hi - self.numchanges >= 0:
+            start = hi - self.numchanges
+        nav = "Displaying Revisions: %d-%d" % (start, hi-1)
+        if start != 0:
+            nav = ('<a href="?cmd=changes;hi=%d">Previous %d</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' \
+                    % (start, self.numchanges)) + nav
+        if hi != count:
+            if hi + self.numchanges <= count:
+                nav += '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="?cmd=changes;hi=%d">Next %d</a>' \
+                        % (hi + self.numchanges, self.numchanges)
+            else:
+                nav += '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="?cmd=changes">Next %d</a>' % \
+                        self.numchanges
+        print '<center>%s</center>' % nav
+        for i in xrange(start, hi):
+            n = self.repo.changelog.node(i)
+            cl.append((n,
+        cl.reverse()
+        print '<table summary="" width="100%" align="center">'
+        for n, ch in cl:
+            print '<tr><td>'
+            self.change_table(n, ch)
+            print '</td></tr>'
+        print '</table>'
+        print '<center>%s</center>' % nav
+    def change_table(self, nodeid, changes):
+        hn = hg.hex(nodeid)
+        i = self.repo.changelog.rev(nodeid)
+        (h1, h2) = [ hg.hex(x) for x in self.repo.changelog.parents(nodeid) ]
+        datestr = time.asctime(time.gmtime(float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])))
+        files = []
+        for f in changes[3]:
+            files.append('<a href="?cmd=file;cs=%s;fn=%s">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' \
+                % (hn, f, cgi.escape(f)))
+        write(self.tmpl.do_page('change_table.tmpl',
+                author=obfuscate(changes[1]),
+                desc=nl2br(cgi.escape(changes[4])), date=datestr, 
+                files=' '.join(files), revnum=i, revnode=hn))
+class checkin(page):
+    def __init__(self, repo, tmpl_dir, nodestr):
+        page.__init__(self, tmpl_dir)
+        self.repo = repo
+        self.node = hg.bin(nodestr)
+        self.nodestr = nodestr
+        print '<h3>Checkin: %s</h3>' % nodestr
+    def content(self):
+        changes =
+        i = self.repo.changelog.rev(self.node)
+        parents = self.repo.changelog.parents(self.node)
+        (h1, h2) = [ hg.hex(x) for x in parents ]
+        (i1, i2) = [ self.repo.changelog.rev(x) for x in parents ]
+        datestr = time.asctime(time.gmtime(float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])))
+        mf =[0])
+        files = []
+        for f in changes[3]:
+            files.append('<a href="?cmd=file;nd=%s;fn=%s">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' \
+                % (hg.hex(mf[f]), f, cgi.escape(f)))
+        p2link = h2
+        if i2 != -1:
+            p2link = '<a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=%s">%s</a>' % (h2, h2)
+        write(self.tmpl.do_page('checkin.tmpl', revnum=i, revnode=self.nodestr,
+                p1num=i1, p1node=h1, p2num=i2, p2node=h2, p2link=p2link,
+                mfnum=self.repo.manifest.rev(changes[0]), 
+                mfnode=hg.hex(changes[0]), author=obfuscate(changes[1]),
+                desc=nl2br(cgi.escape(changes[4])), date=datestr,
+                files=' '.join(files)))
+        (c, a, d) = self.repo.diffrevs(parents[0], self.node)
+        change =[0])
+        mf2 =[0])
+        for f in c:
+            self.show_diff(self.repo.file(f).read(mf2[f]), \
+                    self.repo.file(f).read(mf[f]), f)
+        for f in a:
+            self.show_diff('', self.repo.file(f).read(mf[f]), f)
+        for f in d:
+            self.show_diff(self.repo.file(f).read(mf2[f]), '', f)
+class filepage(page):
+    def __init__(self, repo, tmpl_dir, fn, node=None, cs=None):
+        page.__init__(self, tmpl_dir)
+        self.repo = repo
+        self.fn = fn
+        if cs: 
+            chng =
+            mf =[0])
+            self.node = mf[self.fn]
+            self.nodestr = hg.hex(self.node)
+        else:
+            self.nodestr = node
+            self.node = hg.bin(node)
+        print '<div class="filename">%s (%s)</div>' % \
+                (cgi.escape(self.fn), self.nodestr, )
+        print '<a href="?cmd=hist;fn=%s">history</a><br />' % self.fn
+        print '<a href="?cmd=ann;fn=%s;nd=%s">annotate</a><br />' % \
+                (self.fn, self.nodestr)
+    def content(self):
+        print '<pre>'
+        print cgi.escape(self.repo.file(self.fn).read(self.node))
+        print '</pre>'
+class annpage(page):
+    def __init__(self, repo, tmpl_dir, fn, node):
+        page.__init__(self, tmpl_dir)
+        self.repo = repo
+        self.fn = fn
+        self.nodestr = node
+        self.node = hg.bin(node)
+        print '<div class="annotation">Annotated: %s (%s)</div>' % \
+                (cgi.escape(self.fn), self.nodestr, )
+    def content(self):
+        print '<pre>'
+        for n, l in self.repo.file(self.fn).annotate(self.node):
+            cnode = self.repo.changelog.lookup(n)
+            write(self.tmpl.do_page('annline.tmpl', cnode=hg.hex(cnode),
+                    cnum='% 6s' % n, fn=self.fn, line=cgi.escape(l[:-1])))
+        print '</pre>'
+class mfpage(page):
+    def __init__(self, repo, tmpl_dir, node):
+        page.__init__(self, tmpl_dir)
+        self.repo = repo
+        self.nodestr = node
+        self.node = hg.bin(node)
+    def content(self):
+        mf =
+        fns = mf.keys()
+        fns.sort()
+        write(self.tmpl.do_page('mftitle.tmpl', node = self.nodestr))
+        for f in fns:
+            write(self.tmpl.do_page('mfentry.tmpl', fn=f, node=hg.hex(mf[f])))
+class histpage(page):
+    def __init__(self, repo, tmpl_dir, fn):
+        page.__init__(self, tmpl_dir)
+        self.repo = repo
+        self.fn = fn
+    def content(self):
+        print '<div class="filehist">File History: %s</div>' % self.fn
+        r = self.repo.file(self.fn)
+        print '<br />'
+        print '<table summary="" width="100%" align="center">'
+        for i in xrange(r.count()-1, -1, -1):
+            print '<tr><td>'
+            self.hist_ent(i, r)
+            print '</tr></td>'
+        print '</table>'
+    def hist_ent(self, i, r):
+        n = r.node(i)
+        (p1, p2) = r.parents(n)
+        (h, h1, h2) = map(hg.hex, (n, p1, p2))
+        (i1, i2) = map(r.rev, (p1, p2))
+        ci = r.linkrev(n)
+        cn = self.repo.changelog.node(ci)
+        cs = hg.hex(cn)
+        changes =
+        datestr = time.asctime(time.gmtime(float(changes[2].split(' ')[0])))
+        p2entry = ''
+        if i2 != -1:
+            p2entry = '&nbsp;&nbsp;%d:<a href="?cmd=file;nd=%s;fn=%s">%s</a>' \
+                    % (i2, h2, self.fn, h2 ),
+        write(self.tmpl.do_page('hist_ent.tmpl', author=obfuscate(changes[1]),
+                csnode=cs, desc=nl2br(cgi.escape(changes[4])), 
+                date = datestr, fn=self.fn, revnode=h, p1num = i1,
+                p1node=h1, p2entry=p2entry))
+class hgweb:
+    repo_path = "."
+    numchanges = 50
+    tmpl_dir = "templates"
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def run(self):
+        args = cgi.parse()
+        ui = hg.ui()
+        repo = hg.repository(ui, self.repo_path)
+        if not args.has_key('cmd') or args['cmd'][0] == 'changes':
+            page = change_list(repo, self.tmpl_dir, 'Mercurial', 
+                    self.numchanges)
+            hi = args.get('hi', ( repo.changelog.count(), ))
+            page.content(hi = int(hi[0]))
+            page.endpage()
+        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'chkin':
+            if not args.has_key('nd'):
+                page = errpage(self.tmpl_dir)
+                print '<div class="errmsg">No Node!</div>'
+            else:
+                page = checkin(repo, self.tmpl_dir, args['nd'][0])
+                page.content()
+            page.endpage()
+        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'file':
+            if not (args.has_key('nd') and args.has_key('fn')) and \
+                    not (args.has_key('cs') and args.has_key('fn')):
+                page = errpage(self.tmpl_dir)
+                print '<div class="errmsg">Invalid Args!</div>'
+            else:
+                if args.has_key('nd'):
+                    page = filepage(repo, self.tmpl_dir, 
+                            args['fn'][0], node=args['nd'][0])
+                else:
+                    page = filepage(repo, self.tmpl_dir,
+                            args['fn'][0], cs=args['cs'][0])
+                page.content()
+            page.endpage()
+        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'mf':
+            if not args.has_key('nd'):
+                page = errpage(self.tmpl_dir)
+                print '<div class="errmsg">No Node!</div>'
+            else:
+                page = mfpage(repo, self.tmpl_dir, args['nd'][0])
+                page.content()
+            page.endpage()
+        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'hist':
+            if not args.has_key('fn'):
+                page = errpage(self.tmpl_dir)
+                print '<div class="errmsg">No Filename!</div>'
+            else:
+                page = histpage(repo, self.tmpl_dir, args['fn'][0])
+                page.content()
+            page.endpage()
+        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'ann':
+            if not args.has_key('fn'):
+                page = errpage(self.tmpl_dir)
+                print '<div class="errmsg">No Filename!</div>'
+            elif not args.has_key('nd'):
+                page = errpage(self.tmpl_dir)
+                print '<div class="errmsg">No Node!</div>'
+            else:
+                page = annpage(repo, self.tmpl_dir, args['fn'][0], 
+                        args['nd'][0])
+                page.content()
+            page.endpage()
+        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'branches':
+            httphdr("text/plain")
+            nodes = []
+            if args.has_key('nodes'):
+                nodes = map(hg.bin, args['nodes'][0].split(" "))
+            for b in repo.branches(nodes):
+                print " ".join(map(hg.hex, b))
+        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'between':
+            httphdr("text/plain")
+            nodes = []
+            if args.has_key('pairs'):
+                pairs = [ map(hg.bin, p.split("-"))
+                          for p in args['pairs'][0].split(" ") ]
+            for b in repo.between(pairs):
+                print " ".join(map(hg.hex, b))
+        elif args['cmd'][0] == 'changegroup':
+            httphdr("application/hg-changegroup")
+            nodes = []
+            if args.has_key('roots'):
+                nodes = map(hg.bin, args['roots'][0].split(" "))
+            z = zlib.compressobj()
+            for chunk in repo.changegroup(nodes):
+                sys.stdout.write(z.compress(chunk))
+            sys.stdout.write(z.flush())
+        else:
+            page = errpage(self.tmpl_dir)
+            print '<div class="errmsg">unknown command: %s</div>' % \
+                    cgi.escape(args['cmd'][0])
+            page.endpage()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    hgweb().run()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/annline.tmpl	Sun May 22 08:13:38 2005 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<a class="revnumlink" href="?cmd=chkin;nd=#cnode#">#cnum#</a>:<a class="annlinelink" href="?cmd=file;fn=#fn#;cs=#cnode#">#line#</a>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/change_table.tmpl	Sun May 22 08:13:38 2005 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<table summary="" width="100%" border="1">
+    <tr>
+        <td valign="top" width="10%">author:</td>
+        <td valign="top" width="20%%">#author#</td>
+        <td valign="top" width="10%">description:</td>
+        <td width="60%">
+            <a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=#revnode#">#desc#</a>
+        </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>date:</td>
+        <td>#date# UTC</td>
+        <td valign="top">files:</td>
+        <td valign="top">#files#</td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>revision:</td>
+        <td colspan="3">
+            #revnum#:<a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=#revnode#">#revnode#</a>
+        </td>
+    </tr>
+<br />
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/changestitle.tmpl	Sun May 22 08:13:38 2005 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<h3>Changes For: #reponame#</h3>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/checkin.tmpl	Sun May 22 08:13:38 2005 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<table summary="" width="100%" border="1">
+    <tr>
+        <td>revision:</td>
+        <td colspan="3">
+            #revnum#: <a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=#revnode#">#revnode#</a>
+        </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>parent(s):</td>
+        <td colspan="3">
+            #p1num#:
+            <a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=#p1node#">#p1node#</a>
+            &nbsp;&nbsp;#p2num#:#p2link#
+        </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>manifest:</td>
+        <td colspan="3">
+            #mfnum#: <a href="?cmd=mf;nd=#mfnode#">#mfnode#</a>
+        </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td valign="top" width="10%">author:</td>
+        <td valign="top" width="20%%">#author#</td>
+        <td valign="top" width="10%">description:</td>
+        <td width="60%"><a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=#revnode#">#desc#</a></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td valign="top">date:</td>
+        <td valign="top">#date# UTC</td>
+        <td valign="top">files:</td>
+        <td valign="top">#files#</td>
+    </tr>
+<br />
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/hist_ent.tmpl	Sun May 22 08:13:38 2005 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<table summary="" width="100%" border="1">
+    <tr>
+        <td valign="top" width="10%">author:</td>
+        <td valign="top" width="20%%">#author#</td>
+        <td valign="top" width="10%">description:</td>
+        <td width="60%"><a href="?cmd=chkin;nd=#csnode#">#desc#</a></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>date:</td>
+        <td>#date# UTC</td>
+        <td>revision:</td>
+        <td><a href="?cmd=file;cs=#csnode#;fn=#fn#">#revnode#</a></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+        <td>parent(s):</td>
+        <td colspan="3">
+            #p1num#: <a href="?cmd=file;nd=#p1node#;fn=#fn#">#p1node#</a>
+            #p2entry#
+        </td>
+    </tr>
+<br />
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/htmlstart.tmpl	Sun May 22 08:13:38 2005 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<!-- created by hgweb 0.1 - -->
+<style type="text/css">
+body { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px; }
+table { font-size: 12px; }
+.errmsg { font-size: 200%; color: red; }
+.filename { font-size: 150%; color: purple; }
+.manifest { font-size: 150%; color: purple; }
+.filehist { font-size: 150%; color: purple; }
+.annotation { font-size: 150%; color: purple; }
+.plusline { color: green; }
+.minusline { color: red; }
+.atline { color: purple; }
+a.annlinelink { text-decoration: none; color: black; }
+a.revnumlink { text-decoration: none; color: black; }
+a.annlinelink:hover { text-decoration: none; color: blue; }
+a.revnumlink:hover { text-decoration: none; color: blue; }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/mfentry.tmpl	Sun May 22 08:13:38 2005 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<a href="?cmd=file;fn=#fn#;nd=#node#">#fn#</a><br />
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/mftitle.tmpl	Sun May 22 08:13:38 2005 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<div class="manifest">Manifest (#node#)</div>